

After being banished from his home at an infant age. little Hilliar was found by a human astrologer in space after traveling via portals to get to our universe. He gets trained in the ways of the humans and now it was time to fulfill his purpose to humanity. What purpose? Being the son of sheim and a bromite, he is destined to save the universe and the humans from the wars of the bromite beast and after discovering his Supernatural powers as an alien from another universe, he takes up a code name as PowerMan to save the universe.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 02

The king noticed the look on his face but decided to ignore it. He has always known Sheim to be a good and powerful warrior right from childhood, and that was one of the reasons he made him the Commander of his armies the moment he inherited the throne.

"And besides, my lord. There isn't anything special about me. You are the superior one here, you are the one with the alpha physiology, so all powers to you my lord. Am just lucky to be a commander of your army, my lord." Sheim quickly made his point known to the king, but it wasn't deceiving enough.

The king knew that if he was battle him, it would be a loss for him, as he has never seen anyone like him before. But yet, even with all these powers and qualifications, he remained loyal, loyal to the point that he sometimes runs errands for the royal family and it amazes everyone in the kingdom, even I am amazed.

The king tilted his head down for a short smile before saying, "You are forever loyal sheim.How I wish that more men could be like you. You are fierce, powerful, brave and intelligent. I promise, that nothing will change my thoughts towards you. Be rest assured." He finalized seriously.

"Thank you my Lord," Sheim said with a head bow.

Suddenly, Sheim's senses began to tickle as he was now beginning to sense a familiar essence advancing towards them and he was right. Flying towards them was his Winged lion pet, ''Dachi'' and Sheim instantly received the message through their mind link.

"Vira. Its Vira my lord. She has sent for me." Sheim voiced out.

"Anything wrong?" The king asked.

"Not really, my lord. if there was, Dachi would have told me."

The king sighed "You have my permission. Go and attend to her. My regards." He said with a cunning wink and sheim smiled.

"Thank you my lord." He says, then moves three steps backwards and, in a single bound, he lands on dachi and both were off into the clouds.

They pierced forward and forward, spearing through the air currents as they both flew with a mighty speed near that of light, and in no time , they arrived at his house and sheim jumped down from Dachi, phasing through the roof of his house, landing softly on the floor with no attracting sound at all, wonder how he always does that?.

He looked round the living room, then as he tried to heave for breadth, he heard some cracking sounds coming from the stairs, So he levitated slowly off the ground, using his sight to locate his wife's location, and when he found her, Voom!! he bulleted forward bursting into the room with lightning streaks all over his body.


Was the next thing he heard from the large crowd in his wife's room and he was shocked. He saw his wife standing in the midst of two women, a child in her arms, then he slowly examined her belly and It was then it dawned on him that he was no longer just a married man, but also now a father.

"Vira? Is that, is that?" Sheim tried to ask, but was cut short by his wife who seemed to understand his state at that moment.

"Don't be surprised Sheim, it's our child, he's your boy, my boy, our son. Finally am a mother." She said, and Sheim ran to her in happiness, lifting her up from the ground, hugged her and the baby spinning them twice before dropping them back on the floo. He kissed her forehead then looked at his child with a one-sided smile on his face.

" I am a father." He said finally

"okay, sheim.Its a boy I told you.Now my Bet please." Another woman said all of a sudden.

"Oh, yeah, yeah.Your bet. 200 gold pieces, right" he asked.

" Nah!!. You said 300 Son, why the reduction?" The woman said again.

Vira smiled, "Wait a minute. You guys actually made a bet on the gender of my baby? really." She asked.

"Umm, something like that Vee, but don't worry mother, I will pay you, okay, I will. I just want to have this special moment with my baby, I never believed this will happen someday." Sheim said while smiling at Vira his wife and she smiled.

Sheim placed his right thumb on the baby's head, and a red circle sign like an arcane sign, shown on the child's face, before producing a red-blue aura.

His eyes closed and suddenly an unknown force raises the baby from his hands, then blue flames of energy flowed into the child producing a Bright light in the Room that soon died. Then sheim opens his eyes with the child coming down slowly, to his hands there.

"I bless you son. You shall be a greater Leader and Warrior. More than I've ever become. The power I possess and Even more, I give to you. You shall dominate everywhere you go. That's my father's blessing unto you, my son." Sheim voiced out.

"Let the mothers love be your strength as well my son." Vira shortly said.

"Okay, people. Ready the Celebration things in place, send words to the king. Tell him his Commander is now A father." His mom said causing sheim and his wife to tilt their lips in a smile. Then other women went out leaving only sheim, his wife and son alone.

Vira smiles facing her husband, "what should we call him sheim my lord?"

Sheim smiles, "Hmm. I had a name I have been preparing for years now. Its "HILLIAR"

"Hmm, Hilliar. Sounds nice." She said after thinking for some minutes.

"it means gifted in our world. But means Power In other realms. it is really powerful to name our boy."

"Yeah it is. Really" vira agreed and they both smiled.

A blue large portal opens behind him and some group of Warriors dressed in Blue armours walked out. A sword of burning Lights, fixed to their in their hands as the portal closed again. Sheim couldn't understand why the blue warriors were at his house uninvited. He accepted their Greetings and Cleared his throat with a full folded arm.

"Warriors. I didn't call for a meeting. Did I?" Sheim asked with confidence.

"Sorry Commander, its the chief, he needs you at once. He told us to bring you to his Chambers. We are sorry for barging in." The captain of the armies said.

Is there any problem? Is something attacking us?" Sheim asked quickly.

"No, captain, they aren't."

Vira gave her husband a touch on his shoulder, nodding for him to go with them and Sheim Nodded in response before turning to face them.

"Let's go." He said, and the blue warriors softly pushed a button on their belts, causing a slice to cut through space and a large portal opened allowing them to walk in, but Sheim looked at Vira as he was about to walk in, and she gave a smile.

Sheim, on seeing her smile, clenched his fist before walking into the portal as it soon the shrinked to nothing.

Eastern Residence

*The Chiefs Palace*

A group of warriors dressed in blue armour standing in rows of about fifteen columns all holding a weapon of their choice. The chief was considered the third in command after the Royal Family and the Commander, so his house was so mighty and well built.

At the back of the house was a large swimming pool with two guards at both ends. In a slow motion, the chief jumped out of the pool, landing softly on the floor showcasing his big pot belly that was almost covering his thighs and revealing the short underwear he had on. His head looked like it had no neck as his head was on his shoulders. He snapped his fingers and a blue robe covered him, then he put on his slippers. He looked at his left and smiled as he noticed an army advancing towards him, but he stamped his legs on the floor, manipulating the air currents changing the attackers' direction, crashing him through a rock.

And immediately this was done, the rest of the warriors began to applaud the chief, who struggled not too smile.

"My lord. You are always prepared for battle. How do you always do that?" One of his Guards asked.

"Yeah, our lord here, is so powerful and fierce, too bad he isn't the king of our world." Another short but muscular physique said, inducing anger on the king.

The Chief stretched his hands forwards, allowing an unseen force to pull them both towards him, hanging them in the air with choking effects on their necks as they struggled to breadth in or out.

"I am the king. I am your king. That man you call your king will be out of that sit soon. I am just waiting for a perfect time to attack. But I only have one obstacle." The cheif voiced in anger.

"The commander Sheim?" One behind him asked and the cheif let go of the ones hanged in mid air.

"Don't call that name in my presence. Sheim is a nobody too me. And today marks his final day as a leader, here in Bromine." The chief said with an evil look on his face.

One of the warriors stood up, "My lord, What are your plans for the commander?"

The cheif smiles, "Wait till you find out little one. its going to be fun." He assured, before a portal opened close to us throne allowing a warrior and Commander Sheim to walk out.

"Good, to see you Sheim. " The chief said as he tried to be friendly. But sheim gat no time for that.

"I have no time for chit chat cheif, you asked to see me now am here. can we move on?" Sheim asked aloud, sending fear to them all.

"Yes of course we can. My bad." The cheif said as he stared at sheim in an unusual manner.

Southern Residence

*The Kings Palace*

The palace was beautiful, at least it should be. Decorated with golden features, a decked roof, and a pure kerbed floor that looked really clean. Sitting on the throne was the king, and standing in front of him was Sheim and the chief, some elders at the side and warriors everywhere.

All the warriors saluted the king as he waved with his staff of power, all except Sheim who was already loosing his patience.

"Like I said earlier, welcome Sheim. Its good to see you." The chief said all of a sudden.

"Its Commander sheim to you. And I am not here for pleasantries. Tell me why you called." Sheim hastened.

"Ooh, yes forgive me commander sheim. The greatest warrior of all time, how can I forget. So sorry, pls spare my life." The cheif joked.

Sheim looks at him in disgust and frowns not smiling at all.

"what's the meeting for? I don't have much time." Sheim yelled.

"Ohh, yes. Well I found out we have a traitor here in our kingdom, a well made traitor. And that's why I called.

"what! you hosted a meeting for a traitor? Why would you do that? Couldn't you just handle it? huh? As long as am concerned, this meeting is canceled!" Sheim decided but the king seem to calm him down.

"Be patient sheim. And chief you have to hurry. Well sheim, the cheif here told me that he found a traitor that's planning to overthrow me." The king said to sheim.

"A traitor? Overthrown you? That's impossible."

"Yes, I was surprised. So Chief telm us, who exactly is he, And where is he?" The king asked softly.

"Yes, my lord. The traitor is not far from us neither is he a stranger.You are looking right at him Sire." The chief said pointing to Sheim as the traitor and the whole crowd gasped in shock!

"What?" The only word Sheim could say.

"What? Sheim?" The king said as he stared at the confused sheim standing in front of him.