

I couldn't help but want to stab myself for having to act like a kid again, but for the plan and the outcome that I would like, I could only hope that this was enough to bring her over to my side.

Pulling her away from the hug we were still in, so I could get a better look at her, and to see a face full of anger, which caused some confusion because the expression I was looking for, was more akin to jealousy, but anger, now that was interesting.

So I asked "Toru what is wrong?" as both my hands were resting on both her shoulders as I looked at her. She looked my way with a tear in her eye, "Why can't you look at me the way you look at Momo, is it because I'm, invisible" as she tried to come in closer for another hug.

Well, that was an unexpected welcome, but I mean this was, what I was looking for, but it was rather sooner than I expected. For sure, I can't push her too hard, or the plan will fall apart, and I would lose a valuable asset, so I think I will take it slow from now on. "Toru, I am glad you asked, and with your permission, I will look at you the same way as Momo, but just give me some time, ok"

She simply snuffed her tears and answered "No, you are only allowed to look at me not, Momo" hmm, interesting, that was kind of unexpected, but I can't have her thinking she owns me, she needs to know her place is either behind me or below my foot, fuck my plans if she thinks that she can tell me what to do.

Grabbing the tip of her jaw with my thumb and index finger, I moved her head so that she could look me in my cold eyes. "I hope you didn't just give me an order, Toru"I could see in her eyes how shocked she was to hear what I said.

However, she quickly started to shake her head and said "No, no I just want you to look at me, not Momo" as I kept my cold hard stare towards her and replied "For not even asking me nicely to look at you, I think I will keep looking at Momo as much as I like now and there's nothing you are going to do about it" as I flicked her chin away.

Great, I did not expect my plan just to be thrown out the window like that, now all I had to do was wait and see what she does next.

God, I hope the plan wasn't wasted, and after a while, it took her so long that I had to sit down on my bed, so I could wait for Toru to make a sound because it took her so long to reply, that I even got bored of that.

Whilst I waited, I even had time to look through my system and sighed, knowing just how close I was to my next level, but Toru was here disturbing the fact that I can't go to bed and reach the next day.

I finally got fed up at the fact that she hadn't made a sound, instead, she just kept standing there, so I uttered in annoyance "Listen Toru if you're not going to say anything can you please leave and maybe when you have decided on what to say you may come back, and talk to me again" as I slowly stepped up to the door.

Pushing the door handle down and pulling the door open to then glance at Toru and said "Please come back when you are ready to actually talk to me and not throw demands around" Seeing her slowly waddled out of the room whilst sniffling, and closed the door behind her once I knew the door wouldn't hit her in the back.

Finally, now that the door was closed my eyes immediately went to the bed, kicking off my boots, and unbuckling the belt that held my trousers up to let them fall down and to then practically throwing my clothes off and then dived into the bed.

Slowly, letting the soft bed take me to my dreams.

I woke up the next morning, knowing that today was the day that I would be unlocking my second stage, however, I just quickly wanted to look at the progress over at the base, and not wanting to be spotted going there I activated super speed.

Without getting changed, but still wearing my suit, I opened the door and felt the warmth of the sun blast against the front of my body and just in the far distance I could see the mountain peeking out from the horizon.

Proceeding to jump over the ledge, it was only after I made it over the edge did I remember that jumping in slow-mo mode doesn't mean that gravity speeds up with me, leaving me just hanging in the air as I speed up time allowing me to fall rather than stay there forever.

Arriving just outside the hole I dug, I went along and entered to see a sparse opening that still needed a lot of refining, but I would get to that at some point, but right now I think it could use little touch-ups here and there making sure rooms wider and other taller... and some that even needed both.

Although I existed out through the hole and went along to find an empty spot on this open grass field that was big enough to not be obscured by plants or trees and I went along to lay down, in the sun and I used this time to think of a few things.

Closing my eyes to enjoy the surrounding noises and after a couple of minutes I heard the ding that I had been waiting, about for quite a while, but before I could go the chance to check the system notification I could feel that something was very off.

Sitting up out of surprise, I could feel my mind racing through different scenarios and no matter where I looked my mind would race to give me an answer to everything, and whatever I looked at I somehow instinctively knew what it was and what I could use it for.

Quickly pulling up my system's display to have a look at it to see what was going on with me.

[Level 2 Unlocked]

[Well Done Host For collecting A Sufficient Amount Of Solar Energy]

[Reward Given Is]

[Level 2]-(Super breath)-(Genius-level intelligence)-(Tactile Telekinesis)

Oh, that explains why my mind suddenly felt like it became a supercomputer, I seem to be able to take in all and any kind of information and store it somewhere within my mind, I might need to expand my mind palace because of all the new information that's coming in.

However, tactile telekinesis stumped me for a bit, but if I remember correctly is where my body would now be covered in a thin layer, also known as a bioelectrical shield which protects my clothes as well as my body from a strong hit but of course it has its limits.

Subsequently, it can also expand to anything I stay in contact with, and I can also choose whether I allow it to expand. Nevertheless, I need to do tests to see how I can control it so I went and crouched down to pick up a blade of grass, feeling my body shield immediately wrap itself around the grass.

Strange was the only word I could think about when I held this blade of grass because as of right now it feels like this little piece of grass is an extension of my finger, with how I could feel each of its individual lumps and bumps like I was running my finger all over the grass at once.

I let go of the grass from in between my finger just to see it drop, which was when I had a little epiphany when I thought of the way the shield worked and what I came up with was if I instinctively wanted to let go of an object the shield will go but, of course, if I don't, it won't go.

Following that, I think super-breath is probably the easiest because all I needed was to pretend that I was blowing on hot food and if I decided to blew harder, the thinner the line of frost breath would be and that it would go farther.

Finishing off with freezing the grass and some trees that were a ways away that hung out on the edge of the field, looking at that I was wondering if I could now use heat vision as I thought why not.

I began to focus on sending my energy into my eyes, to start seeing a red glow on the top of my cheeks and on my nose to move my hand in front of my eyes to also see the glow reach onto them as well.

However, regardless of my efforts to send the energy forward and create a beam, nothing happened, but it would just sit in the back of my eyes just giving it an eerie glow. Yet that's when I thought that could have fun scaring people with it for sure, but that had to come at a later time, right now I am just going to continue to bathe in the sun.

After bathing in the sun for about five hours, I decided to get up and started renovating the base because I had come up with an idea that I quite liked to see come to light, in where I would put the Ai counsel dead in the middle of the base. Making it resemble a TARDIS's interior.

That's when I went about carving out the floors and the walls, getting them ready to fill them in with stuff, I don't know with what yet, but I will look around for things I like.

Nonetheless, when I was done, I made my way out to head into town as I was starting to get fed up that my only pair of clothes were given to me by UA.

Next chapter