
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding ¡ Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Little Time Skip

Gazing back at the carnage I had caused and gave an approving nod, however, something struck my mind leading me to look at something that I should have probably paid much attention to since the beginning.

[NAME-Jake, Dylan, Kieran, Mark, Blake, Ryan, Sauron] Current = Zook-To

[Times Reincarnated - 8]

[Age- 15 Years]

[Cosmic Power - 2507]


[Unlocked]-[Innat]-(Super strength)-(Invulnerability)-(Stamina)-(Healing factor)-(Eidetic memory)

[Unlocked-[Level 1]-(X-ray)-(Telescopic)-(Microscopic vision)-(Super speed)-(Super hearing)




[Main Objective]

[Conquer this planet]

There it was, and I have to say, that I differently didn't pay much attention to the 'Cosmic Power' stat in my system very must.

Great, I now have more things to consider for the future, and it is still so early into the night for me to care because I would first like to finish my hunting of villains and get more energy.

This late at night, I definitely didn't expect to find that many villains to be out and about, but I looked around anyway whilst making sure to do it in the most time effective way possible and that was by activating my super-speed.

Walking throughout the city, I happened upon another group preparing themselves with weapons and decided to pierce their chests with my hand, watching the blood pop out the other side even before the body realized what had happened before it started to move.

With the notification of cosmic energy added after killing these five guys, I moved on to search around some more.

The next thing I found was a guy trying to rape a woman, and as I walked up to him, I saw how he was trying to pin her arms down and how he also had a joker like grin plastered on his face whilst he was trying, disgusted me to no end.

Simply raising my leg, I spartan kicked him in the side of his rib and might I add with enjoyment as I watch my boot slowly get itself encased inside his ribs.

Gradually pulling out my boot from the new flesh casket that inclosed itself around my boot, I lent over to close her eyes for her and that was when I heard the ding, I knew he was dead.

I continued for a little while searching for villains and killing them, gaining myself more Cosmic energies for what, I had no clue, but at least this gave me an incentive to at least kill and gain something out of it.

After a while, I managed to find all of them that I could and went back to where I left my UA uniform and began putting it back on, and got ready for the trip back to my dorm to close my eyes on a soft bed.

It didn't take me long at all to get back to the dorm, and if it was any normal person that was looking at my door, they would just see me appear in front of my dorm door.

Entering my room, I began getting undressed, throwing the different pieces of uniform on the floor and then took off my suit to hang that over at the end of my bed.

Sitting down on the side of the bed, I sighed, knowing that the future of this universe would be changed by me, and went to look at the pillow and went to lay down.

I know sleeping is unneeded for my Kryptonian body, but it is a luxury that I am willing to indulge in, especially for right now when I have the time to spare.

The next couple of days passing by as I listened to the boring theory work given out by Aizawa all about how to save people and how to protect them from harm if there ever was a situation that called for it.

I was able to get my Cosmic energy almost up to 3000 and have almost unlocked level 2, and honestly, I was more excited about that more than to listen to some random lesson about making sure you're being kind to the civilians.

I soon made a realization about why every time I killed, and wondered why the quirk stat would be different from each person and I think that was mostly due to how strong someone's quirk was for instance, if someone had a strong quirk that would give me more cosmic energy and if theirs was weaker, you get the point.

Subsequently, as I got closer to reaching level 2 I decided to wait outside in the sun for it as I had thought that today would be the day that I was able to see what was behind that locked sign. But alas, I was wrong, but again seeing how close I was I differently thought that at least tomorrow would be the day I see new powers.

However, over these couple of days, I really wanted to be able to fly like superman, but for whatever reason no matter how high I jumped and no matter how hard I tried to fly I would just fall to the ground, every time causing my legs to plant themselves beneath the dirt, which got annoying very quickly.

Over the coming days, I also went along with my plans, and I was set on finding a good place for my hideout and I couldn't find any place where I felt safe enough being in, so I went about finding a place that I could make my own base

After not so long I saw a mountain that was just on the outskirts of the city and by also using my x-ray I saw there were a bundle of internet cables that were close enough and decided to start digging it out.

Using my body as digging tools, I made a massive underground base and using my x-ray I dug to reveal the cables whilst I was inside of the cave I made. Next was to get all the equipment down here and the electricity, luckily I could manufacture the equipment myself, but electricity comes first.

Using my x-ray I made sure that there was a close enough electrical line that passed by the mountain, but it really wasn't a probably I just dug under the ground all the way to it until I revealed it to my underground system.

Going around stealing cables, I attached them to the electrical grid and led them all the way back into the main part of the base and laid the cables about. Now, I needed the equipment, but I would probably need to steal the parts and scavenge the parts together.

Anyway, now that I had the foundation down I still needed to figure out what Ai I should go for, and I also needed to know what personality it should have, or maybe I should just let it evolve on its own.

These aren't bad things to think about, however, I do need to be heading back though, but it differently has not been a bad day with all the things I did, and I think I did a lot.

Heading back to my dorm, I saw Toru standing outside my front door, which was when I deactivated my superspeed and continued to walk up next to her and asked "What brings you here Toru?"

Seeing that she was slightly startled by my presence, and how she kept looking back and forth from me and my door, I heard her ask "I thought you were inside your room" oh I see she has been waiting out here to knock on my door.

"I was, but I had some stuff to take care of, and now that I am done, I came back, so again, what brings you to my front door Toru?" I was looking at her intently, hoping to see if she was here because my plan was working on her.

She shivered under my gaze and quickly stuttered out, "I-I just w-wanted to a-ask you something" oh interesting "Clearly you are nervous, so why don't we go into my room to talk more privately" to which I went along and pried open the door to step into my room.

Hearing that she followed behind me, I asked her to close the door behind her, to which she listened when I heard the click and went to sit down on the bed taking off the blazer as they were my only clothes.

Which was when I patted the bed beside me, but she just stood there with her head down, so I asked again with a slight bit of irritation mixed in "Toru what are you doing here?" seeing her look up at me in shock and said, "Are you and Momo dating?"

I was trying really hard to hide my proud smile that was attempting to blossom on my face, so I looked at her with a confused look, "And why would you say that Toru, me and Momo are just friends"

Toru quickly shook her head at my answer and said "No, I have seen the way she looks at you, and i saw you two go out for a date, so you must be dating" she said that with a lot more conviction than I though.

However, this is what I had waited for "Oh, Toru that was because she lost a bet, but I can't believe she likes me" I jumped up giving her a hug and continued "You're a really good friend you know, when I see Momo I will ask her out, it was all thanks to you"