
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

New Arc

Making my way into town, I happened to find a couple stores that were selling good quality, and even quite cheap clothes, but one of the problems I didn't expect to find was that the clothes were just too small to fit on me.

Finally, after moving past some stores that gave me a similar problem, but I moved on and stumbled around finding a store that finally had clothes that could easily fit me or if I wanted to they could even show off my physique, but now I ran into another problem and that was I had no money.

Finding the store that I liked and the clothes I wanted, I stepped out of the store, heading for an alley and activated my super speed. Walking back into the store and headed for the clothes that I liked and plucked them off their respective hangers.

Just taking each of them off the hangers made me feel icky as I was basically reduced myself to a homeless person who has to resort to stealing to survive, but when I thought about the fact I always where the UA uniform sort of numbed the fact I really didn't care all that much at the end.

Getting myself some nice plain clothes from the store, and getting myself, in the end, a couple of black tops with nice stretchy jeans ranging from light blue to grey and black. Leaving the store, with the clothes folded over my arm, I made my way back to the dorm so that I could hang the clothes up in my cupboard.

After closing my cupboard I then looked over at that god dame bed again, deciding whether I should sleep, so that I could just skip today and just wake up and get ready for high school, but I also knew that my base wasn't at all that ready, for me to start getting my Ai ready so begrudgingly I went over to the base.

Reaching with the mountain I felt deject only because I had been working on this for the past two days, and it was still nowhere near being finished, but I went forth anyway and did some touch-ups moving around the cables for easier use and chiselled away at more rock, so I could lay down a solid foundation for the future.

Subsequently, with all the prep work done, I gradually looked around giving myself approving nods when I looked at my work and began to think of things that I would decorate the interior with and slowly began to make a list filled with the things I liked and saved it somewhere in my mind to then move on to thinking of ways to start building my Ai.

With most of my thoughts racing for different ways that I could possibly build an Ai and that's when I looked at the easier option that came to mind to do right now, which was to acquire a laptop and write the code for the Ai on it, to then infiltrate a server farm or upload it to directly to a supercomputer.

Later after all the pondering on what I should do, I noticed that the sun had started to set, telling me that it was time to head back to the dorm to rest, and the only reason that I was able to get through so much progress was all due to the fact it was a Sunday.

Unfortunately for me, it means that I am going to have to wait it out and do little bits here and there whilst it is a weekday, however that doesn't mean that I can't work on other projects like gaining faver from the girls or slowly working out the way this world works.

For example, I have Momo a delicate, smart girl who is rich and has the ability that can create any inanimate objects at will but the only benefit she would give coming under my wing would be her money especially whilst I live on this planet however very soon that might become obsolete when I implement, the Ai.

Maybe one of Momo's only redeeming feature is her features, where most girls fail she far outranks them with her voluptuous figure that could tame any man's eyes.

Furthermore, I have Toru to deal with and who clearly has a very clingy personality problem that I honestly wouldn't mind if she did not think that because she likes someone, she suddenly owns all rights to tell them what they can and can't do.

When I arrived, at the complex I could spot the moon rising over the horizon, as I began making my way to the dorm to then enter and undressing myself by throwing the clothes onto the floor and then leaping onto the cold smooth blanket that felt great to be on after a long day of work.

The next day came as I heard the birds outside, chirping, which unfortunately signalled me awake, as I then moved to get myself ready into the other pair UA uniform whilst I picked up the other one from the floor and threw them into a basket to wash at a later date.

Walking out of my dorm, I turned on my heel to pull out my keys and lock the door as I continued down the balcony and made it to the stairs that took me all the way to the ground floor.

Heading towards class, I happened to find Momo and after passing each other little greetings she went along and began walking with me to class, but I could also see she was trying to break the ice with some small talk.

Obliging in her small talk and answered one of the questions with a calm face, "Yes, I found myself doing a lot over this weekend, but how was yours?" I asked such a simple question at the time, it only felt like small talk, but it turned out she had way more to say to my little question that I had thought.

It turned out, over the weekend, her parents who had seen me waiting with her and asked almost all the questions about our little date going with how at first it was a bet then how I turned it into a date, and she explained how much she enjoyed it and how she would love to do it again.

I just simply told her how I would like to do that too, and I said to her that next time we should o it over the weekend as we would have more time together if there was a next time. Despite that, we made it to the classroom with plenty of time to spare.

Walking in I saw Toru looking at me walk in with Momo at my side and I simply waved to her with a smile and went to go sit down, letting Momo go and interact with the group of girls that were surrounding Ochaco.

After I found my seat, I put my arm out on the desk to where the only ray of sunlight was touching, just to help me along a little bit. As the minutes passed on, more of the class began to get themselves seated, as it was about the time that Aizawa would be walking in.

There he is walking in, with his dead eyes, I watched as he walked up to the podium looking like he was ready to announce something and of course, I knew what it was going to be about after all super hearing is really useful.

Once the whole class had their eyes on him, he announced "Ok I have something to say, you all will be participating in a battle trial so don't forget to collect your hero costumes and arrive at the designated area"

The entire class just looked on in confusion, most not knowing what he was talking about and some not even caring to try and understand and see that Aizawa saw this, he went ahead and explained vaguely.

Sigh as he continued, "You will partake in a hero vs villain scenario where the teams have already been picked out and the scenario will be told to you tomorrow when you get there" with him finishing off his sentence he was about to officially start the class when Tanya stood up.

As he propped his glasses up his nose, "Sir where is the meeting spot going to be?" Aizawa turned to face him and answered with his dead eyes "We will meet at the front of the school and a bus will take us and that all no more questions"

After he said that, I just leaned back into my chair keeping my arm in the ray of light as I relaxed, thinking about whether they put me down for a team of heroes or villains but either way I would have to wait till tomorrow from them to spill the beans about it.