
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The 8 Events

With my feet stepping up to the starting line, I could feel the crowd staring at me intently, presuming it has something to do with me not being present during the assessment and this would be the class of students judging my abilities.

Even Aizawa was looking at me with great interest, I wasn't planning on hiding my abilities, after all, I was already hiding so many and if I hid any more it would just feel weird.

Looking over at the finish line, I didn't want to rely on my super-speed, instead, I wanted to see how quickly I was able to do it by using only raw strength to get me across the line. I watched as the light changed from red to amber and once it turned green.

Pressing my foot into the ground, caused it to give way, shooting cracks throughout the ground, lifting dust and throwing sand everywhere.

The next thing I saw was myself flying past the white chequered finish line, lifting my arm I grabbed the floor below me, cutting out a deep groove as I tried to slow down my body.

The class watched Dylan with bated breath, some even scoffed, thinking he wouldn't even be as good as them. However, they all couldn't help but watch as the light slowly changed to green, only to see him disappear from his spot, and in the wake, a massive eruption of noise that deafened them, not before dust covered their sight.

Soon after, the dust cleared, with their ears ringing, and all of them looked away into the distance to see a line that had been carved into the ground and Dylan walking back towards them with the line right next to him that wasn't there a second ago.

Making it back, I joined the crowd that looked at me with dumbfounded expressions, and noticing Aizawa was also amongst the crowd of people looking at me, I couldn't be asked to come up with an explanation, so I shrugged like I wasn't expecting that to happen.

Out of all of them, I saw one green-haired kid with a strange twinkle in his eyes that for sure was very off-putting, as even before I joined the crowd he never took his eyes off me.

Although, when the results of the 50-meter dash came out everyone looked at me again, this time with more astonishment in their eyes that was starting to give me a headache.

With the results coming out it stated that I had done it in 0.04 seconds to cross a 50-meter gap and if I was to spitball the maths that would mean, that I just went below mach4, and as noticed who was in second place with 3.04 seconds was Ida.

With everyone looking at me again, I just shrugged it off, allowing Aizawa to begin the next test which was grip strength, I didn't pay much attention to everyone's grip strength.

However, I did run into a small problem, the dial on the machine only went up to a maximum of 1ton. So I walked over to Aizawa showing him, how when I gripped it, it would spin around past the 1 kg mark multiple times.

So he said he would start counting and that I could grip it hard and after a while, the metal holding the device together started to warp under the strength that I exerted using my hand until it broke, and the needle wouldn't continue to budge.

He noted down that the needle spun around 17 times, until it stopped at 526 kg before it broke. Which was when he told me I managed to squeeze out 17.5tons of force.

Of course, all of these results were mostly private, so most of them won't find out, but only if they asked for it, I just hope they don't ask for it or it would be too much of a hassle to try and explain.

With Aizawa jotting down the tally of everyone's grip strength and with me coming first by a landslide, I found it interesting that the person who came in second was Mezo with a grip strength of 540 kg.

Next up came the sandpit, where your goal was to see how far you could jump, I looked over to Momo seeing that she was still watching Izuku and Aizawa, and giving her an applauding nod, to then start, stepping over to her, I asked, "How is it going?"

She spun around so fast I felt her ponytail flick me in the shoulder, to see that her face was looking at me with astonishment, "How did you know?"

I looked at her with a smile, "What do you mean?" I asked as I gazed into her eyes.

Blinking her eyes whilst looking side to side as she said, "W..well how did you know that, Aizawa thought that way?"

Breaking eye contact with her, I looked over at Izuku, who was getting ready to jump the sandpit, and said, "How long do you think someone can take coming in last before they've had enough?"

Momo followed my eyes, seeing that Midoriya jump forward, barely making it halfway into the sandpit, and that's also when I said "That's when he will surprise the teacher" I could see she didn't quite understand be she still nodded.

The standing long jump was easy as I simply used some force to make it over the sandpit, the only thing that counts as a passing mark for this is to be able to make it over the pit as they don't record your distance past that.

Next, it was side steps that I found they this was also very easy to get to first place in, with the speed I was able to reach, especially after I got myself into a rhythm.

Following that, Aizawa said that the ball throw was next, and the objective was to throw a ball as far as you could, with being allowed to use your quirk. Whoever, that's when I walked up to Momo, but this time she saw me coming, which put a smile on my face.

"You want to play a game?" as I looked down at her, and she looked up at me and nodded with her head slightly tilted out of confusion, to which I continued, "I bet you this is when Aizawa changes his mind"

She looked at me with a sinister grin, "Oh, and what happens if you're wrong" as she was trying to stare me down.

Never breaking eye contact, I simply stated, "That's for you to decide, but if I win, you're taking me out to lunch. Deal?" as I put out my hand forward for a hand shack.

Momo looked a little perplexed by my bet and as she reached her hand out, she also asked me a question, "Is this your way of getting me on a date?"

I looked at her a bit confused, I mean she would be a lovely date, but I would also like to look around a bit, get to know the area, so I just smiled "Only if you want it to be" I let those words sink in as I watch her genuinely think about it, but in the end I continued.

"In all seriousness, I am very new to the area and this is my way of getting a guide as well as a potential friend if you're up for it" still leaving my hand out in hopes she would take the bet.

To my amazement, she took the bet saying, "Fine, but if you lose, I will... actually, let me think on that..." she finished as she shook my hand.

Nodding my head at her answer, I stood straight and looked back at where a certain individual with blonde spiked hair was holding the ball quite firmly, and as he got his stance ready, he shouted "DIEEEE....!" causing a blast of heated air to rush at everyone present.

Seeing that, next up was Izuku and since I already knew what he was going to do as well as, Aizawa was going to give him a good pep talk. I was feeling pretty bored, so since I had nothing to do, I thought I should look at the progress of my level 2.


Seeing that left me a little peeved, I even slept in the sun and right now it only went up by 20%. Sighing, as I only hoped that whatever I unlock was going to be good or at least usfull.

Subsequently, the next thing I felt was a blast of air push over my body making my clothes, dance around my body, which drew me out of my thought, to see Izuku held his hand in a fist with his broken finger and a huge grin that was clearly hiding his pain.

The next person Aizawa called up next was me. To which I grabbed a hold of one of the metal balls and set myself up in the starting border, I planted my feet and looked off into the distance, sighing because I knew that it was practically impossible for me to beat the infinity that Ochaco set.

But I was going to have fun trying. Lifting my leg off the ground, I pulled my arm behind my head twisting my body like a spring and raised it slightly behind my head and in one flawless motion dropped my leg, twisted my body, and whipping my arm forward.

I felt the metal ball squish itself in between my fingers, as I hit the sound barrier multiple times. Hearing the crackling of the wind blasting past my arm, as it hit the end of the whipping motion, I released the ball to watch as it vanished almost amediatly, and all I could see was clouds blowing open.

Looking off in the distance, I couldn't help but whistle at the fact the ball made it to orbit. Glancing over to Aizawa and seeing him hold the measuring machine with a slight shiver in his hand, made me scoff.

Anyway, after that, I looked around to find most of the sand that used to be beneath my feet had disappeared being thrown onto my classmates who were now busy brushing it off their bodies.

During that time I had joined them with their amazed looks and as well as astonishment plastered across their faces.

The last three events went pretty easily for me, with the long-distance run being easy enough to get first with Ida that I made sure to keep him right behind me.

The second event was seated toe-touches, funnily enough, I found it pretty funny how my flexibility was completely overshadowed by the girls in the class where I was able to touch my toes the girl were able to press their chests against the ground.

Lastly, being the sit-ups, where I was able to make it into 1st comfortably, after all, doing them got quite boring, so I just waited out most of it until Aizawa called that it was time to stop.

Subsequently, when all was said and done, this was the scores

Dylan Aoi 1st

Momo Yaoyorozu 2nd

Shoto Todoroki 3rd

Katsuki Bakugo 4th

Tenya Ida 5th