
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Pulling Focus

The room was very plain with grey walls a white carpet and a single bed with two plain pillows with a grey spotted black blanket laying smoothly over it, in addition to a little bathroom off to the side.

Stepping up to the bed that was currently being bathed in the afternoon sunlight and laid down into it. Looking up at the ceiling, enjoying the sun hitting my body, and after a while, I decided to sleep in, mostly as of right now I had nothing to do.

Strange, I don't know how to explain it, but my body doesn't feel like it has just had a long sleep, it isn't stiff, I don't need to stretch, and I don't need to rub my eyes awake. From when I first opened my eyes, I feel as if I had never even slept.

Although I am going to need to ask them for a bigger bed due to the fact that, most of the time, my legs were dangling off the end which in turn kept waking me.

Throwing the blanket to the side, I stood up, glancing at the wardrobe, noting that I was still wearing my Kryptonian suit. Making my way over to the wardrobe, I opened it too, and unexpectedly I saw nothing in it except some loose hangers hooked onto the silver rail.

Sighing, I thought the dog said he was going to get me the uniform I at least hoped it would come today, maybe I expected too much from him.

Forgetting about that for a moment, I stared, looking around the room for the bathroom as my morning piss crept up on me. Flushing the toilet I turned, hunched over in this small room, to wash my hands, in an equally small sink.

Lifting my head, my eyes landed on the Kryptonian crest through the mirror, which was embroidered in the same triangle shape as superman's on my chest, but without the big S instead, mine looked like a winding river with its little off shots here and there.

Like superman, it had a meaning behind it, and my mother always said it was supposed to represent life and death, where, no matter what happens, the universe keeps flowing. Lifting my hand to follow the trail of my crest, I heard a knock coming from the door.

Leaving the bathroom, I saw a piece of paper had been passed through the letter-box, picking it up it just told me that my uniform was outside the door. Picking the box up, I soon opened it and found two sets of uniforms with one training suit that was a plain blue, with white lines making the UA logo on the chest.

Without taking off my Kryptonian suit, I put on the white school top with a red tie, then the grey blazer with the slightly green-tinted trousers. It was quite the tight fit where any wrong move could lead me to tear holes in the stitchings.

Making my way out of the dorm I went to find the classroom and I managed to find it on the first floor, standing before this door was actually a fairly bizarre feeling because I had only ever seen this in manga and anime, so to stand before it gave me a strange feeling.

I could hear mumbling and shouting coming from behind the door I wasn't scared to enter, it was just strange my anticipation for seeing these people in the flash, who I had only ever read or seen about on TV was a surreal feeling.

Opening the door, I heard all the chatter stop and then all the tables and chairs move,I gazed across the room to see that all of them were sitting down. I was guessing that they did that instinctively, as their homeroom teacher was Aizawa.

Every one of them looked over at me curiously, and I looked back at them. For a little while, this went on, until Ida pushed his glasses up to speak, "Are you perhaps in the wrong class?" I didn't pay him any heed.

Scanning through the room, I stumbled upon a girl I could see straight through, thinking something was wrong with my X-ray vision I kept altering my vision until I pulled her into focus. Seeing quite a cute looking girl, with thick eyelashes, thin eyebrows that complemented well with her deep blue eyes and lastly her light green hair reached just beyond her shoulders.

She clearly got nervous that I was looking her dead in the eyes and broke contact first, so I went back to Ida, who was seated on the other side of the room, away from the windows.

I was going to answer him, but, instead, I was interrupted by the sound of Aizawa walking up the hallway. The footsteps, came closer to the door when I glanced at the door just before he had opened it.

Stepping in was a slim man, holding onto a clipboard, with charcoal black hair and around his neck where his trusted scarf coiled his neck an uncomfortable amount of times. He was dazed for a brief moment when he spotted me, but he soon brushed past it when someone in the class called out.

"Sir, I think he is in the wrong class" it was Ida trying to be helpful I think.

But Aizawa just continued to look at me with his dead fish eyes. "No, he is in the right place Ida" he stepped up to the podium placing the clipboard down, he looked out at the class to continue "Dylan will be your new classmate so take care of him"

I could hear the mumblings going back and forth between each of them, some of them said I must be like Momo and Todoroki, being a special case, and how I have to be a transfer from out of town or out of country.

He then looked at me saying openly "Go get yourself a seat before I continue" I just nodded, walking off and past everyone till I got to the back of the classroom. Getting in an empty seat that was as close to the window as I could get it.

Once I started to get comfortable, Aizawa spoke again "Today is your quirk apprehension test" the whole class went up in silent uproar "Everyone, go get yourselves changed, and I will see you on the field in 10 minutes"

I was a little peeved that I had just, gotten comfortable, and now I had to move again.

With everyone gone, I went back to my dorm and got dressed in the training suit. Making my way back, I saw that blue-eyed girl again, this time waiting at the entrance to the building and as I was about to walk past her, she called out to me.

Watching her as she sheepishly shuffled closer to me, I answered, "Yes" in my normal deep tone. Seeing that she got a little fright from hearing my reply, I listened as she stuttered, "C... can you see m...me?"

Looking at how her face flushed with red, I wondered why she was acting like this, "Why can't anybody else?"

Almost with a tear in her eye she replied "No... nobody else can" as she looked at me like a sad puppy.

I just rubbed my chin and said "Interesting" then gazed at her and continued, "if you don't mind can you show me to the field as we talk" observing her as I finished my sentence I noticed she gained a spring to her step as well as a smile.

"Y...yes gladly"

She stuck to my side all the way, pointing me in which direction I should go and asking me questions about the way she looks until we made it to the testing ground, where she stepped away from me.

I just continued to walk up to the group that encircled Aizawa. When Aizawa glanced around to see that everybody was accounted for, he began, "The first test will be a 50-Meter dash" and as he dropped the clipboard to his side he said "and whoever is last will be expelled"

My ears could practically hear glass being obliterated as everyone was brought back to reality, but out of all of them, a single person looked unfazed.

So strolling over to a black-haired girl and when I got next to them, and spoke, "You think he's lying don't you?"

She turned to me with a calm expression, but I could tell she was slightly shocked "Well of course he is lying, he said it, so we would use it as motivation to work at our peak" hearing her logic I simply smiled.

"Well, I can say you're wrong, at least right now" as I sighed, knowing that sounded way too cryptic.

She looked at me perplexed and asked, "Why is that?" as she glanced at me expecting answers.

"Fine, answer me this then what is a teacher's job?" I looked on at her.

She stared at me with the most deadpan face I had ever seen "To teach"

I nodded ignoring her expression "Yes, now If we say, there is a student in his class that destroys his own body when he uses his own quick, what might the teacher try and teach that said student?"

Her face completely changed to that of astonishment, but I interrupted her train of thought, "he is telling the said student to give up now"

Her face kept changing to that of more and more wonder, "Don't get me wrong, that's not all he is teaching him, he also wants to be proven wrong because as a hero you're supposed to overcome adversity. So then, what do you think would happen if that student far exceeds the teacher's expectations?"

Before I gave her any chance to talk back, I told her "I want you to watch the way Aizawa looks at Izuku" with me pointing that out she glanced at Izuku running the 50 meters and the almost disgust you could make out on Aizawa's face gave her all the information she needed.

In addition to her finding that out, her name was called to take the 50-meter dash next "Momo you're next"

And after that, I was called next.