
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Innate Abilities

Gazing at the woman that had a strange mask that only covered the right side of her face, who also seemed to be the one who asked me if I was alright. I saw that she went to speak again, presumably because I didn't reply the first time, "You're bleeding, do you what me to get you a doctor?"

Brushing her hand from my shoulder, I picked myself off the ground to stand a good foot and a half taller than her and uttered one simple word "No" That might have come across harsher than I had planned, but right now I was more excited, because I wanted to test out my new abilities.

Turning my body away and as I was about to walk, the next thing I felt was a hand gentle press onto my shoulder and as I was turning around, she spoke "Don't be like that I was only offering you help"

Gazing at her, I replied, "I understand, but I don't like needless conversations" with my body now facing her I could see she was surprised as she looked at me, so I asked, "What are you looking at?"

She looked on a little longer before her mouth opened to utter, "You... You've healed. So you must have a healing ability, right?" She seemed quite amazed, but stared on with great anticipation.

Going along with what she said, I moved my hand toward my face, running my fingers along where the cuts used to be, just to feel the bumps of the dry blood that had rolled away from the wound. Glancing back down to her, I spoke, "Yes"

She released a sigh of relief, as she put her hand against her chest saying, "I am so glad, well, seeing as you are dressed as a hero I shouldn't have worried, to begin with" as she glanced at my black Kryptonian suit.

Gazing back up to me, she went along and continued with a soft smile, "Although I have never seen you before, so you must be one of those international heroes if I am right?"

Scratching off the dried blood from the side of my head as I thought about lying in some extravagant way, but I needed to somehow get into their system and sometimes the simplest way I find is the easiest way, "No I am not"

With a bit of surprise in her voice, she said "Oh, then you must have just passed your exam because I haven't heard of someone like you before" as she finished off her sentence with a smile.

Again she continued to talk to me, I just wanted to leave, so I could view my system status. I just responded with my best word, "No" as I watched to see how she would react to what I just said.

I watched, as her face stiffened after hearing, what I said, I wasn't able to read her expressions hear after she changed. That's when she questioned, "How old are you?"

I stared back into her eyes that seemed to try and read my mind, but nonetheless, I answered her, "I am 15"

Hearing my answer, she thought for a little bit "What High school do you attend?"

High school, I haven't attended one in a long time "I don't attend a high school right now" I answered only because I was starting to wonder what she was getting at.

"You know the assessment period is over, right?" she looked at me and when I didn't give her a reply, she continued, "After all, missing the assessment means you will miss your chance to be a hero"

I tried really hard to look interested in what she was talking about, and thankfully it paid off when she continued. "I am close to the principal and I might be able to pull some strings, to get you a sub trial," she said with a smile,

I was glad that she would do such a thing, but honestly, I didn't understand why, no person in their right mind would just put someone into a school for the sack of it. "Why are you doing this, I mean what do you gain"

She started walking off, waving for me to follow her, and in doing so she started talking "I will gain nothing, and besides, no child should go without at least some hero training when their ability is as good as yours and looking at you, you definitely want to be a hero" as she pointed to my suit.

Whilst we started walking I had nothing else to do, I thought that following her, for now, would alleviate my boredom, but I was wrong, so I decided to look at the system.


[Unlocked Innate]-Solar energy has activated dormant cells

[Unlocked level 1]-Solar energy was sufficient

[NAME-Jake, Dylan, Kieran, Mark, Blake, Ryan, Sauron] Current = Zook-To

[Times Reincarnated - 8]

[Age- 15 Years]

[Cosmic Power - 2412]

[Current Biology- Kryptonian + ?????]

[Current Power]

-Photonucleic Effect- active- Under Yellow Sun [Updated]

-States boosted permanently by 200% every minute

[Unlocked]-[Innate]-(Super strength)-(Invulnerability)-(Super Endurance)-(Healing factor)-(Eidetic memory)

[Unlocked-[Level 1]-(X-ray)-(Telescopic)-(Microscopic vision)-(Super speed)-(Super hearing)




[Main Objective]

[Conquer this planet]

Stopping as I looked at the system, being dumbfounded by seeing, the many different kinds of powers that I had suddenly unlocked with just being out in the sunlight for the first time.

Gazing off into the sky, I heard the woman call out to me, bringing me back to earth. Shaking away my expression and putting on a neutral look as I followed behind her.

We walked for about half an hour before we reached a concrete wall that at its centre had a blue arch. The path between the arch led all the way up to two twin buildings that were connected via a walkway at its centre.

Walking me through the building, we reached the principal's office, where the lady went forward and knocked against the door where she and I heard a soft, almost cute voice coming from behind the door saying, "Come In"

As both of us enter, I was quite amazed seeing such a large room, but when my eyes moved over to the dog sitting behind the desk, I couldn't help but think that he was compensating for something.

That's when the dog peeked over at me and spoke, "Ryuko, is he the reason you called me?" as he finished with his eyes landing on Ryuko.

I saw in the corner of my eye that she answered his question with a nod, and she then went to speak almost as if she was selling me "As you can see he has a structure is similar to that of All Might's, and he also has an incredible healing ability"

That's when I interrupted them, just so when they see it, they wouldn't be too surprised "I also have super strength as well as invulnerability" well, right now they need to get stronger under sunlight some more before it becomes true super strength and invulnerability.

That's when they looked at me with astonished expressions, I just shrugged like it was the most natural thing to say out loud. Then Ryuko looked back at the dog "See Nezu he would be a brilliant hero, but unfortunately, he missed the assessment" looking on in pleading eyes whilst keeping her stoic frame.

Nezu rubbed his round head as he thought of a solution as he went through multiple scenarios, after all the kid in front of him had three quirks and maybe the only person he could fight him would be Toshinori, but he has already handed over One For All.

He thought that maybe if he asked Toshinori, might say yes and whilst he waits, he would go to class 1-A, for now, yes, sounds like a good plan "Ok, so what is your name" as he pulled out a pen and paper.

I had to quickly think on the spot and blurted out, "My name is Dylan... Aoi, but please just call me Dylan" Great, how many different names do I need to have.

Nezu started writing down on that piece of paper and whilst he did that he peeked up at Ryuko "Can you explain, why he is wearing a superhero suit?" there was no malice behind his words which did sound like a small jab.

Ryuko stood there and thought for a little bit only to say "I don't actually know why he's wearing that Nezu" as she and Nezu looked my way.

Catching their gaze, I answered their questioning looks "This is my family's dress wear" as I moved my head from both the woman and dog looking at them like this was a normal thing to say.

Nezu and Ryuko listed intently before Nezu spoke "Here's the plan Dylan will put you in Class-1A as there is an empty space for now, but your assessment will be to fight a teacher, so we can see your skill if you are even strong enough to stay in UA Highschool" pausing to take a breath he continued

"And if you fail, you will be kicked out, now we can give you our uniform and a dorm for you to stay in if you please" I looked at him and just nodded, as having a place to stay would be brilliant.

He spoke again "Now classes start tomorrow and, oh look at that it's going to be the quirk apprehension test. Have fun," he said, waving us out of the room.

I felt Ryuko pull me by the shoulder out of the room. She took me all the way to the dorms, leaving me standing in front of my room holding my key, not before she told me that classes start at 8:40 am.