
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Ending?!

With doubt and criticism flowing throughout the table, more and more beings thought that I was unfit to lead. However, one person didn't. Crimson. On the contrary, she had wide eyes, and if there was an anime, she would have sparkles around them as well. I could not begin to guess what she is thinking, but I assume it is along the lines of 'Wow, he is so cool and brave! Wanting to take over the world as weak as he is.' something like that.

"Of course, I can't do this alone, which is why I need all of your help. Not as servants, but as members of a cabinet, serving all the inhabitants of this manor. This will not only raise the morale and the inhabitants' inclusion, but also make it easier to express plans of attack, construction, and other critical improvements.

"I know this might sound ambitious for someone as weak as I am, but I hope to change that. I hope, in the future, you will all accept me as your leader. Does anyone still have any problems with this?" I said, hoping no hands raised. And, to my surprise, no hands did.

"Great. Now, time to assign positions of leadership. As we have a large number of soldiers, I will need three great warriors to lead them. Are any of you proficient in war and battle?" Seven hands went up. One hand was made out of slender bones, which was attached to a body with a similar slim structure, only it exuded more power than most in this room.

Speaking of the room, when I looked up at the hands, I noticed that the scenery around us had changed. This is what I get for having poor senses. We are in a sort of library-like room, only much smaller, just enough to fit all of us spaciously. This was indeed surprising, but I managed to not let it show.

The skeleton wore a Japanese robe of sorts, only it looked like it was for combat. As for his weapon, he carried a single katana on him, which the sheath seemed infused with his hip bone. It might just be the dim light, but for a second I could have sworn I saw something in the hilt movie.

The second hand I noticed belonged to a human-looking beast, which I could tell was a monster by its fangs and unnaturally beautiful features. With its blood-red eyes, I can only assume it is a vampire. He certainly was dressed to impress, putting all those stories and myths about vampires to shame.

The third hand that I saw belonged to a woman this time, and I can certainly say she was a human. The reason I say she is not currently human is the many holes through her chest cavity, and the rotting flesh coming off her legs and arms. I would not be surprised if her greatest weapon was making her victims vomit to death with her stench. Thank god for my dulled senses.

The other hands stayed up, and all of the owners of those hands wore smug smiles on their faces, at least, if they had the muscle to do so. Anyways, we have our generals. "Excellent. You seven will be leading the army as Generals. With my knowledge, I have come to know that this planet's military force has many destructive weapons in its arsenal. If we are not careful, we can be wiped out before we even begin to conquer.

"We absolutely cannot let this happen. I trust you, so will you put your trust in me?" I said, raising an eyebrow. The more knowledgeable one, the skeleton samurai monster, noted my sincerity, despite me smiling oddly. This was the first time in centuries he felt freedom, and now he was being ordered around by a child. He could only sigh and bow, accepting his new master's trust.

It would seem that the skeleton was the old leader of their army, as the rest looked at him and followed suit. This made me extremely happy. "Now, with the army forces settled…oh, you can take your seat now…anyway, with the army forces settled, we will now move onto the defensive. Does anyone here know how to make traps or concoct magic?" I asked tentatively. I do not know jack shit about magic, so I can only hope they do.

Not long after I asked, more than 20 hands went up. Amongst the scales, bones, fur, and flesh, I noticed one thing in common. They all had normal clothes on! This must mean that whoever was the master of the Domain of Lucifer had real power, enough to empower hundreds of normal races to be able to use high-level magic!

"Great, Those who have their hands raised, I would like to speak with you after the meeting." This narrows it down to 23 people left. "For those of you that are left, I would like to know what you were tasked to do with your previous master. Starting from my right to left" I said, hoping that I would not have to do everything myself.

A four-armed brute with a human appearance stood up, which was the first person on my right who had not been assigned anything. "I was the cook. I am good at what I do, so I would suggest you assign me to be the head chef." I got some nods and licking of lips from all around the table, which made my decision easier.

"Yes, you are allowed that position," I said although I feel like that just annoyed the chef even more. Anyways, there was a lot to go through.

To sum the rest of the meeting up, the other 22 instructors, which I now call them, all had specific jobs. There was a massive library of knowledge that needed a librarian, a custodial team of three, and a security team of eight to patrol the castle-like mansion. The other ten were all supposed to be an advanced medical team, which was used for the injured soldiers in the old wars.

As I promised, I spoke with the trap makers and magic users, asked them to booby trap the outer perimeter with all sorts of traps, and asked the magic users to put a barrier and magic-cancelation spell on all of the inhabitants in the mansion, so they can move in and out of the mansion freely.

Speaking of the outside, there was no wall, which was confusing at first because I remember going through a weird door. This might have just been a precaution to block others from entering while I absorbed the Domain of Lucifer, sort of like an I-frame, or invincible frame in video games.

But this change did not go unnoticed, and a force to be reckoned with gathered its strength, aiming to take down this new threat, which is now known as Colin Graves, The Calamity.