
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Time Skip?!

-Two months later-

"...Are here at the center of town, only a mile away from the mysterious structure that has destroyed over half of the city. No one know how, or when it got there, but the newly founded US Adventurers Association is now about to take action against this supposed threat.

Our new team has not gotten any confirmation about what they are going to do, but we can only hope to get rid of this thing before it spreads again. Alright, next up we…" With a deafening bout of silence, the news was turned off, as the important news was over. I have been waiting to hear about the outside world for months, and due to our great progress, we have achieved some recognition.

The only thing that worries me is the supposed 'action' the Adventurers Association will take against us, as I have no clue as to how powerful they may be. Even during the past two months, no news has been leaked about this mysterious foundation, making all of us nervous.

"~Mmm…Good morning, master. What are you doing so early?" Someone asked from beside me. I slept on a king sized bed, so it had a bunch of room for two. Next to me was Crimson, who I managed to earn the trust and loyalty of. Though I may have had to do it in, ahem, unconventional ways, I still made it work.

Pulling the sheets up over her naked body, she waited for me to get off the bed and put on the new clothes that were made for me by Erin, who is the spider seamstress. The clothes in question were indeed very well made, both combining leather and cloth, as no armor could be more protective than my scales. The top was a vest of brown leather with straps on the front to connect it together.

It fanned out near my midsection, revealing my chiseled abs. My chest also peaked through the top of the vest, so it was basically barely passable as wearing a shirt. For the pants, I went with some long shorts, as they were more breathable and flexible. That is about it for my fit. No shoes, as my claws would just tear them up.

Leaving Crimson alone so she can change and get out of bed, I headed through my chamber door and went to the mess hall, which was on the first floor, and my chambers were on the third. The way to travel in this castle, which the mansion has now transformed into due to its expansion, was by teleportation runes.

In each hallway, their was a curve in the wall that had a slightly raised platform, barely discernible from the ground. Upon stepping on the platform, it either transports you up or down. Their are always two side by side, as they can only go one way. The left goes down and the right goes up.

Walking through the bright hallway, I reached one of the teleportation stations, as I like to call them. Choosing the left one, I hopped in it and rode it to the first floor. The way you can choose what floor to go to is just by staying in the teleporter long enough. It stops on one floor, and if you want to go further, just wait a little and it will transport you to the next instantaneously.

After itching floor one, I took a right, walked for a few minutes, and went through some wooden double doors, reaching a large dining hall. Many creatures were already situated in separate tables. The hall was split into four parts. One part is for the maids and such, one is for the army and combat forces, another is for the beings that keep the castle running, which is a surprising amount, and one is for the top officials, sort of like a separate meeting of sorts.

Their was a long line of creatures waiting to be served their food, which was being given out in a niche in the wall, well, several niches, all 10 of them teleporting food onto the trays that the inhabitants stuck through the holes. A very efficient system, especially with all the monsters we have to feed in this place.

Of course, since I was the master of this place, I got my own separate food, which is slightly better than the others. but I don't really mind the special treatment. Anyways, after getting my food, I went to the head of the Officials table, and waited for everyone to be situated. While I am waiting, I should probably check my status, which I have not done in a while.

Status 1.0

<Name: Colin Graves>

<LV: 50 {XP: Max/Max}>

<Species: Godly Dragon(Evolution: Requires Trancendiance)>

<Titles: [Undead Berserker][Birth of a God]>

Stats (Allocatable Points:0)


<Strength: 69(20)>

<Agility: 70(30)>

<Defense: 237>

<Mana: 70(15)>


Skills: 5 (Allocatable Points:7)

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Evolution|Mythical|Passive],

[Skill Steal|Mythical|Active], [Sharpest Rage|Mythical|Active],

[Anatomical Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Hells incineration|Mythical|Active], [God(Restricted)|???|Passive], [Dragon Wings|Trait|Passive],

[Adamantite Skin|Mythical|Passive], [Spatial Slice|Mythical|Active]

Manipulated Counter:

{Species Manipulated:}



My eyes felt like they were popping out of my skull. WHAT?! I got a total of 3 new skills, which I automatically upgraded to mythical level. That I know. Dragon wings are, well, dragon wings, so I don't know why they show up on the skills list. Adamantite Skin is a skill that hardens your skin to that of Adamantite, the world's strongest substance, recently discovered from trading with alien species.

And my favorite, Spatial Slice. This skill basically allows you to cut reality. You can make a cut anywhere, store anything in it, and be able to access it at any time. Sort of like a subspace, but unlimited capacity, at least, I think it is unlimited.

What I did not know is that I had reached max level. Hours and hours of training, down the drain. Speaking of training, I trained with the seven generals, who were named the seven deadly sins by the public, and got a lot of knowledge about combat, war, strategy, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I learned hand to hand combat and mastered the way, or tried to master the way of the sword with chozen, who was the skeleton samurai.

The other deadly sins taught me more of the strategies needed in combat and war, which helped a lot with the planning that needed to go into conquering the world. I have really gotten close with everyone here, and they have all put their trust into me completely, I can tell by their interactions. Even the big brute when I first met him. However, I cannot escape the feeling that something terrible is going to happen very soon.