
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

6) The Dreaded History Class

One week has passed all of the entrance examination have been finished and classes will be starting tomorrow.

I got up early this morning and went out on a morning jog around the campus, ever since I heard the news that day about that child disappearing near the school I thought what if it actually does make its way to the school. I talked to Clarence(curly haired boy) to see what he thought about, he said to me that the school can handle a situation like that. I didn't say anything but I thought back to what happened to the students that went missing. I went on like this for another lap around the campus.

The cafeteria was a grand sized room filled with tables to eat at, this cafeteria is rated the best cafeteria in the region. You could get anything you wanted and I mean pretty much anything, the magical chef are really good at what they do. Today I got myself a poached egg and some French toast. I grabbed a table next to one of windows that overlooked the sport complex.

"hey Hesh, I talked to one of the soccer trainers they have conditioning in a few weeks, we finally get to show what we're made of" said Victor.

"thats great I hope you've been keeping in shape" I said.

"That's an affirmative H" said Victor.

"we have classes tomorrow, it looks like we have history of magic and magic Control tomorrow" I said.

This class is going to be one massive headache. Normally I love History but since Pierce will be teaching it'll be like walking on eggshells.

Not to much happened for the rest of the day.

"wake up Hesh we've got 15 minutes to get to class, if we're late Peirce will make your whole day suck" said Victor. "I can't believe that my alarm didn't go off, for that matter my phone died"

I looked at my phone, it to has died thats strange but it wasn't relevant right now time.

We rushed across campus, trying to get to class before being late. It would already be bad enough being late to class let alone Pierce's class. Luckily when we got there the teacher was not yet in the room.

"lets go grab two seats near each other" said Victor.

As soon as we sat down the teacher arrived apparently he was in a bad mood.

Why does the headmaster think that we have to keep a special eye on that scoundrel, Professor Pierce thought to himself. He gave a sour face when he sat at his desk.

"go to chapter 1 page 3 in your textbook, I want you to read all of 3-4 and describe a topic that happened in the 18th century in great detail" said Professor Peirce.

"I love the history that took place in the 18th century" said a student next to Victor.

"I could write a whole book about the 7 year magical war" said another student.

Did I know anything about the 18th century of course I did, my father and I went to an event where we reenacted the Revolutionary War 1775. There were magical cannons that shot out fake ammunition and I got to play as one of the artillery officers. I think that'll be my topic.

I quickly skimmed through the pages. The Battle of Saratoga, The British Royal Army was defeated by General Horatio Gates due to no British reinforcement therefore General Burgoyne surrendered on October 17th, this became the turning point in the war. General Gates specialized in the Earth element, so when the British arrived they were faced with great fortifications. General Burgoyne Specialized in the water element which made it so he was able to reach the Continental army quicker vs their reinforcements.

My paper was titled the Battle of Bemis Heights. Victor's paper was on the French revolution and talked mainly about bread and cake.

Once I finished I stood up and handed in my paper, Peirce greeted me with a sour face, he seemed to never smile.

20 minutes later after everyone had turned in there papers.

"one at a time come up here to retrieve your graded assignment" said Peirce.

One by one students got up to retrieve their paper, When I got up to get my paper I noticed something, the grade for my paper was a C-. I couldn't believe that I got a low C, how is that possible. I showed Victor the problem.

"I can't believe he gave you such a low grade, he didn't even write any notes on it" said Victor. "I would ask him after we're dismissed"

Not much happened in the time before we were dismissed. As people were leaving I got up to go talk to Professor Peirce about the assignment.

"Professor Peirce, I was wondering why I got a C- on my assignment is there some mistake" I said.

"indeed Mr Lang, on your assignment you wrote down that General Horatio Gates built the fortifications at the Battle of Saratoga in fact it was not him but Colonel Thaddeus Kosciusko who built the fortifications, thus your paper is granted a C" said Pierce not even looking at me.

I really hope this isn't going to be like this for the whole year, I made one mistake and he takes my grade down two letters. History was a class I did great in. Without wasting anymore time with the crabby Professor I decided to leave the classroom.