
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

7) The Art of Controlling Magic

After I left the class I caught up with Victor and told him what happened in the classroom.

"I can't believe he took off so much just for mixing up a name, unbelievable he must've not gotten over that incident" said Victor. "well never mind that just keep doing your best, he can't do too much if you don't mess up"

"lets forget about Peirce and focus on our next class" I said. "I hope Magic Control isn't too boring"

"I actually heard from another student that for the most part we're just going to be learning how to grasp casting magic" said Victor.

"so it's not as boring as other people made it out to be, well thats a relief" I said.

"lets hurry on over to it and check to see if it actually is great or not" said Victor.

Just as they were making their way to the Magic Control classroom there were a few girls chatting away near us.

"did you hear on the news that Lilly's brother went missing recently, her parents don't even know what happened" said one girl.

"I feel so bad for Lilly, I hope that the magical police force and Star Lakes sheriff department find him" said another girl.

"maybe we can go help look for him too" said the other one.

We finally got to the Magic Control classroom which turned out to be a auditorium. There were a few people reading books, some where even practicing magic pretty well more so than others, they were probably the ones that took basics to magic casting during secondary school or were rich kids that haven't completely grasped it.

Victor and I put our bags by a couple of seats and went on stage to see the instructor who was already helping out a couple of students.

"part of the process is picturing your self doing it" said the instructor. "hold out your palm facing up"

"I'm doing it" said a student with excitement.

There seemed to be something moving around on the students hand but I couldn't really tell what it was.

"try condensing it into the center of your palm" said the instructor.

Whatever it was started moving faster and the student looked like he was having a hard time controlling it. The instructor suddenly clasps the student's hand snuffing out the magic.

"nice try William if you keep practicing it you'll be able to make use of it" said the instructor.

The student named William walked off wondering what went wrong.

"hello Mr instructor I'm Hesh and this is Victor" I said.

"hello there students you may call me Mr Reagan or instructor Reagan" said Mr Reagan. "you guys are Fire and lightning element students how fascinating"

"how did you know what elements we had" I said.

"I used my special abilities" said Mr Reagan. "I call it the ability to talk to all the instructors involved with the exams"

"oh haha, so what are we going to be doing in this class" said Victor.

"its self-explanatory, in this class you'll be casting magic, the first step is to visualize it and then to condense it that is today's lesson" said Instructor Reagan.

Right then the teacher called everyone in the room over for a demonstration.

"okay everyone gather around to look at what you are supposed to be doing today" said Instructor Reagan.

After sticking his hand out he barely closed his eyes before he summoned his magic which was also just like mine he had the fire element.

"so students you see how I have my fire element magic and how its all over the place. The point of this class is to control it like so" said Mr Reagan as he slowly condensed it into a ball of fire a little bit bigger than the size of a golf ball.

Then the Instructor turned towards a practice dummie.

"Then after you have control over it you simply use any kind of spell" said the instructor.

He said two words "Embers sphere" and he threw it like a pitcher throws a ball in baseball. Where the dummie was hit was completely burned revealing a chard core.

"that is the purpose of this class" said the instructor Reagan.

All the students observing were amazed, I was star struck, am I going to be able to do exactly what the instructor did.

"hopefully by the end of the year you'll have a great understanding of how to do this" said Mr Reagan.

After his brief demonstration, Mr Reagan resumed his discussion with us.

"I believe that answers your question" said the instructor.

"okay so how do I do it exactly, it didn't go so well the first time I did it" I said recalling the embarrassment that resulted in a bucket of water being dumped on my head.

"then let's give it another go" said Mr Reagan. "calm your mind, there are more than just one way of drawing out your magic, some work better than others for some people"

I tried to calm my mind, I thought about the ending to one of our big games of the season and remembered that in the moment of the final shot I felt serenity, the ball went swiftly into the goal to win the game.

"Excellent, Hesh your doing well, thats great well done, good looks like we won't be needing to use the fire extinguisher" said the instructor who had an fire extinguisherin hand.

I opened my eyes and I saw that there was a spiral of flame on my hand, I thought to myself wow I'm this much closer to becoming a real magician. All of the sudden the hair on everyone's head stood up as Victor was also trying to do magic.

"Victor we actually have a specialized room for the lightning element"said the instructor feeling slightly nervous.

"wait what" Victor said as sparks from his hand started to rise.

It was a shame that what happened next caused the class to end a little early, Mr Reagan wasn't too upset he said that after a electrician comes to work on the lights then we will pickup were we left off next class.