
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

5) News of Mystery

After unpacking it started getting late so we decided to order pizza from Spade's pizzeria. We got to know each other better, it turns out that Andy and Edison are brothers. The Brothers were both wrestlers (explains why they're always tackling each other). When the pizza arrived apparently they messed up the order so we got 5 pizzas, so we went down to the gameroom and found a handful of people including the RA playing pool and 4 more people watching the TV.

"We got pizza from Spades for everyone" said Andy.

"Wooooo" everyone in the room said.

I grabbed a slice pizza and decided to go see what was playing on the TV.

"what are you guys watching" I said.

"we're just watching the mystery channel, but you can change it if you want" said the curly haired one.


"yes, thats right another person has gone missing that marks the third one so far, the person was last sighted in the Star Lake Town Area" said a Reporter.

"oh gosh thats not too far from here I hope this phenomenon doesn't make its way here" said a skinny boy.

"it wont and even if it trys to it won't mess with you while I'm around" said a rather muscular boy.


"here is a latest photo of the person missing" said the Reporter.

A young boy was probably around 11 or 12 years old, with black hair and silver eyes.

"that concludes our evening news, Tomorrow we'll talk about the school shrouded in mystery" said the Reporter.

"they're obviously talking about BlueCrest, I can't believe that they haven't found out the source yet, maybe our club sponsor will have an idea" said the curly haired boy.

"what club are you apart of" I said curiously.

"we're part of the mystery club we basically just talk about the mysterys of the school and also find out who takes stuff from the cafeteria (it turned out to be someone's magical pet last time), but sometimes we talk about the news" said a boy with a hood.

"okay thats neat" I said.

I was picturing myself in one of my favorite shows mystery and magic, where the protagonist takes on commissions and solves mysterys.

"they're also a secret rooms all over the school some are guarded by magical beasts and some are blocked by allusions" said the guy in the hood.

The curly haired boy threw a piece of popcorn at him.

"yes but we're not supposed to talk about it anymore, don't you remember what the teacher said" said the curly haired boy. "I know that most of the older students know about but still stop blabbering"

"why what happened with the secret magical rooms" I said.

The curly haired boy seemed upset and the skinny boy was looking actually scared.

"a couple of students went missing, thats why we're not allowed to talk about or investigate the rooms anymore" said the hooded boy.

This school really is shrouded in mystery, I wonder how the school covered this up. Also what happened to the students that went missing.

"how does the public not get wind of this" I asked.

Surely something like this would be caught by the media.

"there is a charm on the school that keeps certain information contained inside the school, only certain people like the headmaster can work his way around the charm" said the curly haired boy.

All of this quite interested me, I thought what if I found out what was in the rooms of secrets. Also what is this thing that is taking people near the school, what if it comes here next, of course that won't happen there are many strong professors not to mention someone as powerful as the headmaster.

"by the way who is the teacher in charge of the Mystery club" I asked.

"I think you already met him during the interview process of your exam, its professor Sterling, he not only is in charge of the club but he also teaches 1st and 2nd year of Magical Creatures class" said the curly haired boy.

Wait so that means all three of the teachers that interviewed me will also be my teachers, what a coincidence.

I'm just dreading Magical history class where I'm going to be around Mr Peirce, so much for trying to stay away from him.

Curly haired boy stood up from the couch.

"its getting late it was rather nice speaking with you" said the curly haired boy. "you should really come by, we hang out in gym A2, thats the location for the magical beasts, can't have creatures running around messing up a classroom"

All the people from the mystery club left from the room. The TV was still on with the picture of the boy with the words have you seen this child, cal this number xxx xxxx.

I played a few rounds of pool with my dormates but my head wasn't in the game I was still thinking about those things that they said.

"its getting late guys we should probably turn in for the night" I said. "good night Ralph see you later"

Ralph didn't say anything he just sat on a chair with a cup of mocha and nodded his towards us.

After getting to the room I couldn't stop thinking about those secret rooms and did they have anything to do with the missing people from the news. I layed on my bed a thought like this till I fell asleep.


In the Headmaster's office there were two professors and a field instructor as well as the headmaster himself.

"I believe you all know why I called you here, the disappearances of these people in local area, I believe they are tied together with one magical beasts that lurk in one of the rooms of secrets" said the headmaster. "what do you think Professor Sterling"

"its hard to say sir but they do seem to be similar to the case of a couple of our students going missing last semester" said Professor Sterling.

"it has to be that reckless child Hesh Lang, I mean we all saw what happened in the gym today" said Professor Peirce. "Mr King you saw those flames, after all you were the closest to him"

Mr King nodded.

"while I doubt he is the source of the disappearances, I have not turned a blind eye to him, his ability over fire like that of today makes me think that he has the blood of the Phoenix, thus I don't want him disappearing. I have already spoken with his RA about keeping a special eye on him" said the headmaster. "while he is in your classes I expect you to do the same"

The Headmaster thought to himself that this Hesh Lang could be the key to unlocking a mystery that has awaited to be unlocked ever since the founding of this school.