
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


  [The lord has the right to receive the support of his subjects, but at the same time, he must bear the responsibility of protecting his subjects from all evildoers.]

In this dangerous world, although humans occupied the most fertile land in the center of the continent, they also had to bear the covetous gazes of the surrounding foreign races.

Therefore, when the Empire of Light was founded, they established a [Lord's Law], clarifying the rights and obligations of the lord.

According to this law, a noble who lost his territory would be stripped of his title.

Knight Carter was a victim of this law.

His family's title was stripped precisely because his territory was invaded by the trolls.

Thus, Carter also became a wandering knight.

Without the support of his territory, this knight's life was very miserable. He could not even take out the money to maintain his armor and weapons.

Fortunately, Baron Angele took him in.

Carter also offered his loyalty to the Angele family.

But obviously, this loyalty did not stand up to the test.

Because just now, Knight Carter had personally stabbed a dagger into the chest of Baron Angele's son.

He had even stabbed him twice.

Carter looked at Colin's corpse, guilt flashing in his eyes, but soon he became determined again.

Thinking of that person's promise to him, Carter felt that his dream of reviving his family was just around the corner.

However, just as Carter stood up from the bed and was about to leave quietly, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Turning around abruptly, Carter only saw a cold light coming toward him!

* Chi! *

A sharp pain came from Carter's chest, causing him to roar in a low voice uncontrollably.

But the physical pain completely could not cover the fear in his heart — that Colin, who was supposed to be dead, was actually alive again!

Was he a devil?

In his anger and fear, Carter subconsciously picked up the dagger in his hand that he had not put away and stabbed forward.


A muffled groan came from the other side, followed by Colin's laughter. "It hurts, doesn't it? You bastard, you stabbed me twice! Oh, no, it's three times! "

"You … You …" Carter only felt that the strength in his body was rapidly draining away, and his consciousness was starting to blur.

"Speak! Who sent you? "

But before Colin could ask anything, Carter's body gradually went limp, and blood flowed out from his mouth uncontrollably.

Colin moved closer and heard the man's dying voice. "Mon … Monster …"

He died just like that?

He was too weak to take a stab!

Colin looked at Carter, who had completely lost all signs of life, and suddenly felt a little regretful — he should have avoided the opponent's vitals.

Now, their only clue had been cut off.

Looking at the bloody corpse in front of him, Colin panted slightly, but he did not panic.

First of all, he was just defending himself, so he didn't have any psychological burden.

Secondly, this was not the first time he had killed someone.

Of course, the "he" here referred to the previous owner of the body that Colin was currently occupying.

In his previous life, Colin was a law-abiding citizen. Not to mention killing people, he had never been in a fight. However, the owner of this body had been on the battlefield. In his memory, there were many scenes that were a hundred times more bloody and horrifying than what was in front of him.

Therefore, after the memories were fused, this was just a small scene for Colin.

Poof. The candle on the desk was lit.

Colin spread out the parchment again and wrote:

[Attacks on the heart and throat are no longer fatal.]

Thinking of the legend that vampires seemed to be afraid of silver weapons, he added:

[Normal weapons only. Silver weapons to be tested …]

At this point, Colin was a little worried — how was he going to test it?

He could not possibly stab himself with a silver weapon, right?

What if he really died from the stab?

However, Colin immediately realized — who in their right mind would use a metal like silver to make weapons?

Therefore, unless he deliberately exposed this weakness of his, no one would specially make a silver weapon to deal with him.

Therefore, he did not dwell on this point.

Putting down the quill, Colin picked up the wine glass on the table and went back to Knight Carter's corpse.


The dagger in the corpse's chest was pulled out, and fresh blood flowed out.

Colin's expression was calm as he placed the wine glass under the wound.

The flickering candlelight shone on Colin's pale face. Coupled with the smell of blood in the air, it was especially eerie and terrifying in the dark night.

"Gulp, gulp …"

He tasted it lightly.

It was very sweet.

Colin smacked his lips, somewhat unsatisfied.

Then, he closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body — it seemed to be no different from the reaction after drinking deer blood.

Apart from the slight signs of heat in his body.

Colin thought that this was the aftereffect of the intense fight just now, so he did not pay much attention to it.

I'll drink animal blood in the future.

Colin still had some psychological barriers to drinking human blood. Since there were no additional benefits, there was no need for him to make himself uncomfortable.

Putting down the blood-stained wine glass, Colin looked at the corpse in front of him and began to worry.

Although he had already gotten rid of the murderer who tried to assassinate him, Colin also knew that Knight Carter was just a pawn. The real person who wanted his life was definitely someone else.

The reason was simple: if Carter killed him, other than being chased to the ends of the earth by the Angele family, he would not gain any benefits.

Moreover, there was no personal grudge between him and Carter.

Therefore, someone must have paid a large sum of money to buy Carter to assassinate him.

Who could this person be?

Colin searched his memory, but did not find any suspicious person.

There was no other way, there were too few clues.

This feeling of the enemy in the dark and him in the light made Colin feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, since this person could buy Carter, he could probably buy others.

Was the butler Eamon involved in this matter?

What about the others?

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly felt that the current Graycastle was very dangerous.

Especially when Baron Angele was out on an expedition.

He didn't want to deal with rounds and rounds of assassinations. After all, he wasn't sure if he was truly unkillable.

Although his current body didn't seem to have any fatal spots, if someone were to chop off his head, he doubted that he would be able to grow a new head ….

Moreover, even if he did not die, if this secret was leaked, he was afraid that he would be in a very bad situation.

Therefore, looking at the row of swaying candles on the desk, Colin gradually made up his mind …

— — —

The two or three hours before sunrise was the best time to sleep.

Even the guards on duty couldn't help but doze off at this moment.

However, they were soon awakened by a scream: "Fire! Fire! "

The dark Graycastle suddenly became lively. The servants and guards rushed to Colin's bedroom with buckets of water, trying to put out the raging fire.

At the same time, Colin quietly jumped out of the window on the other side of the Graycastle, rolled on the ground, and then hurriedly ran away under the cover of the night.

Suddenly, Colin suddenly stopped, his right hand holding the hilt of the sword at his waist.

With a rustling sound, a kitten came out of the bushes in front of Colin.

"Meow —" The kitten seemed to recognize the stupid human that it had just defeated during the day, and suddenly became arrogant.

Colin sighed in relief, grabbed the kitten by t

he back of its neck and pulled it in front of him, smiled and said: "Oh, since you found out, then you can come with me."

"Meow —"

"Well, you can be a mobile blood bag."
