
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs


In the dark and empty dining room, Colin carefully unbuttoned his shirt and used the candlelight to examine the wound on his chest.

The wound had not healed and was not treated in any way.

But there was no blood flowing out.

Because, he could now control the blood in his body.

Perhaps, this was one of the vampire's innate abilities.

Colin pressed on both sides of the wound and gently pulled on both sides.

"Hiss —" A tearing pain made him suck in a breath of cold air.

But, Colin was somewhat happy.

At least, it meant that his nervous system was still functioning well.

This made Colin feel that he was not much different from a normal person.

The wound was pulled open into a small hole. Through the hole, Colin could clearly see his heart.

It was no longer beating.

Well, this was a little different from a normal person.

Colin was a little sad.

"Sigh -"

With a sigh, Colin released his hands and let the wound slowly heal under the pull of his muscles.

Since it would not bleed, there was no need to bandage it.

He just needed to observe how long it would take to heal - if it could still heal.

To be honest, when Colin woke up this morning and found the dagger in his chest, he panicked for a while.

At that time, he felt that he was probably the biggest failure of a transmigrator in history - dying as soon as he arrived.

But then he found out that he could not die...

His heart was pierced, but he still could not die.

As for who was the one who stabbed him in the heart, Colin had no clue at the moment.

In this transmigration, Colin succeeded in inheriting the memories of his predecessor.

From these memories, he did not find out who wanted to kill him.

However, Colin already had some ideas on how to lure out the killer hidden in the dark.

But there was no hurry.

Now, he was more interested in the new body that he had inherited, which was suspected to be that of a vampire.

After buttoning his shirt, Colin turned his gaze to the last food on the long table - garlic.

It was said that vampires were afraid of garlic.

In the previous world, Colin did not know much about the vampires that filled novels and movies. Moreover, he did not know what settings the vampires in this world followed.

He had no choice but to experiment slowly.

Colin cut off a piece of garlic the size of an ant and carefully put it into his mouth.


Colin simply vomited all over the floor.

It seems that the vampires of this world are also afraid of garlic.

"Young Master Colin, are you alright?" The maid guarding outside the door heard the commotion and hurriedly came in to check.

"I'm fine … Blergh!"

"Young Master, I'm afraid you're sick. I'll go look for Pastor Mig … "

"No!" Hearing the word 'priest', Colin was so shocked that he almost jumped up. He quickly stopped her. "No need … I'm fine …"

"Really? But … but your face is really pale today, and you even vomited … "

"I said, no need!" Colin rubbed his stomach, suppressing the urge to vomit as he glared fiercely at the maid at the door.

The maid seemed to be frightened by Colin's stern eyes. She didn't dare to insist anymore. She could only say, "Then please take care of yourself," and left in a hurry.

"Phew —" Colin breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned back on the chair and panted.

Vampires looking for a priest?

That's crazy!

Although the priests of this world may not be able to restrain vampires, Colin didn't dare to test it with his life.

At least not now.

Maybe in the future, when he is fully prepared, he will test the churches of this world.

But, not now.

After a while, Colin finally calmed down.

He picked up the quill and continued to write on the parchment:

[Disgusted with garlic, eating it will cause vomiting.]

Carefully feeling the changes in his body, Colin added on the parchment:

[But it's not fatal.]

Staring at the words on the parchment, Colin frowned again.

That's not right.

Colin looked at the clove of garlic in front of him and suddenly realized that he had only eaten a very small piece …

Measurement problem.

Eating a small amount may not be fatal, but if he ate too much …

Colin looked at the whole garlic in front of him and his face turned green.

He didn't want to try it again.

Forget it, I'll just stay away from garlic in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Colin decided to stop this dangerous experiment.

Rolling up the parchment, Colin got up and left the dining hall.

The maid standing guard outside the hall saw Colin and quickly bowed.

"Tidy up." Colin glanced at the maid who didn't dare to look at him. "Don't tell anyone about this."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Walking through the dimly lit hallway, Colin returned to his bedroom.

It was still early, so Colin sat down in front of the desk.

On the desk, there was an open book — "Chronicles of the Radiant Empire".

Colin had read this book when he was young, but his memory was not clear.

Now that he transmigrated, in order to better understand this world and find clues about the existence of vampires, Colin decided to do some research.

But, it was all in vain.

There was no record of vampires in the book.

Fortunately, Colin wasn't left empty-handed. He had reviewed the history of this human empire.

More than 1500 years ago, the legendary paladin serving the God of Light, Garner Lorenzo, completed the unification of the human race and established the Radiant Empire, becoming the first emperor.

In order to resist the enemies of the empire, Garner conferred the title of Duke to the six paladins under his command and ordered them to guard the four directions and constantly expand the territory.

Thousands of years had passed, and only four of the original six Dukes were left.

The northern region where Colin was at was currently the territory of one of the four dukes, Duke Hilde.

The Northern Frontier was originally the territory of the trolls, but they had been driven away by the Hilde family to the Sky Ice Field, which was further north.

The trolls who were unwilling to lose wanted to regain this rich land, so they launched an expedition to the south almost every year.

This year was no exception.

And Colin's father, Baron Angele, was currently at the frontline of this war.

— — —

As the night deepened, the candlesticks on the desk were extinguished, and the bedroom was quiet.

Only the sound of Colin's steady and light breathing could be heard, as well as the hooting of an owl from far away in the Kingdom of Graycastle.

When the dark clouds covered the moonlight, a black shadow suddenly appeared at Colin's bedside.

He looked at Colin who was sleeping soundly, and a trace of doubt flashed across his face.

Because he clearly remembered that last night, he had clearly stabbed a dagger into Colin's chest.

Why is he not dead?

The black shadow was very confused.

But he did not hesitate.

He quietly pulled out the dagger and slowly placed it on top of Colin's chest.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that someone once told him:

Although most people's hearts leaned to the left, there were a few people who leaned to the right.

Thus, this time, he quietly moved the dagger in his hand to the right a certain distance.


The dagger fiercely pierced into Colin's chest.

The immense pain woke Colin from his dream. He was about to open his mouth and scream, but a pair of big hands tightly covered his mouth.

"Wu … Wu … Wu …"

Colin opened his eyes wide in fear, staring at the assassin in front of him.

He recognized him!

After a while, Colin's struggle gradually subsided.

But the black shadow did not let down

his guard.

He waited for a full ten minutes before removing the hand covering Colin's mouth.

Then, he pulled out the dagger from Colin's chest and stabbed him in the throat.

This time, you're going to die.

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