
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Firefox Mercenary Group

When the first rays of the morning sun shone on Graycastle, the fire in Colin's bedroom had already been extinguished.

Fortunately, most of the building materials in Graycastle were non-flammable rocks, otherwise, the fire would not have only burned down this room.

In the messy room, Eamon stood with his hands behind his back, staring blankly at the charred corpse in front of him.

Dong dong dong …

With heavy footsteps, a tall figure appeared in the room.

"Eamon, I've already ordered people to seal off the castle. At the same time, all the entrances and exits of Graycastle Town have been strengthened. Humph, I don't believe that the murderer can escape this time!"

The person who came was at least three meters tall, as strong as a black bear.

His whole body was wrapped in heavy armor, but he did not wear a helmet, revealing a big round bald head. Coupled with his fierce face, fierce expression, and the huge blood-stained axe in his hand, it was enough to scare all the children in Graycastle Town to tears.

"Thank you for your hard work, Knight of Rego." Eamon did not look back, his eyes still fixed on the charred corpse, but his focus was somewhat unfocused, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Legg thought that the old butler was sad for the young master's death, so he sighed and said, "Sigh, let's tidy up the young master's body and wait for the old master to come back before burying him."

Eamon did not respond.

Legg touched his big bald head, thinking that the old butler was blaming himself, so he took a few steps closer to Eamon and whispered, "Eamon, I didn't see Knight Carter today, I suspect …"

Hearing Carter's name, Eamon's unfocused eyes instantly focused, then he turned to the servants who were still cleaning up the mess in the room and said, "Don't clean up here, you can leave."


After the servants left, Eamon slightly raised his head to look at the tall Legg and asked, "I remember, three years ago, you and Carter had a competition in the knight's tournament organized by Earl Oman?"

Legg was somewhat puzzled, he did not understand why Eamon suddenly mentioned the previous knight's tournament, but he still replied, "Was that three years ago? It seems so. Hehe, I beat him up badly that time! "

Eamon smiled, "Yes, he was stabbed off his horse by your spear, broke his arm, and lost two teeth."

"Hehe." At the mention of his glorious achievements, Legg suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time, he was also very puzzled. "Why are you talking about this now?"

Eamon did not answer. Instead, he continued to ask, "Do you still remember the two teeth that Carter lost? Were they on the left or the right?"

"How would I know!" Legg was a little anxious. Eamon's reaction made him very confused and dissatisfied.

Eamon didn't care about Legg's attitude. Instead, he revealed a mysterious smile and pointed at the charred corpse on the ground. "If you can't remember clearly, you can go take a look for yourself now."

Legg frowned and stared at Eamon with his bell-sized eyes for a long time. Seeing that Eamon didn't seem to be joking, he finally squatted down and reached out to pry open the corpse's mouth.


The corner of Eamon's mouth twitched as he watched the clumsy Legg pull off the corpse's chin.

Legg was also shocked, and then he hurriedly tried to put his jaw back in place …

"Alright, stop messing around. Take a closer look at his teeth." Eamon was speechless at the clumsy Legg.

"Oh, okay … Hey! There are indeed two gaps in his lower left gums! " Legg turned his head back with shining eyes and asked anxiously, "Did Carter lose his left tooth back then?"

Obviously, this boorish man also realized that there was something wrong with this corpse.

Unfortunately, Eamon shook his head. "I also don't know which two teeth Carter lost back then."

Legg frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Eamon say slowly, "However, I know that Young Master Colin has never lost his teeth."

"That's right!" Legg stood up abruptly and shouted excitedly.

But then, he seemed to realize that his voice was too loud and hurriedly lowered it. "So, this corpse isn't Young Master Colin at all, but that bastard Carter!"

"No." Eamon smiled and shook his head. "Young Master has already been killed by Carter. You have to bring people to capture this evil traitor now. "

"What?" Legg's eyes widened again. "Are you stupid?"

Eamon sighed and explained patiently, "Think about it. Why did Young Master set this fire? And why did he leave without saying goodbye? "

Legg touched his big, round, bald head and seemed to understand. "You're saying that Young Master deliberately burned this corpse to make others think that he's already dead?"


"Why did Young Master do this?"

"Maybe he wanted to see who was behind Carter? What was his goal? Or maybe he wanted to hide himself … Anyway, since Young Master has his own plans, then what we can do is to cooperate with him and continue with this plan. "

"Alright, I understand." Legg walked out with his head lowered. "I'll give the order to capture that bastard Carter now."

Eamon watched Legg's tall figure disappear outside the door and silently added in his heart, "Or maybe Young Master doesn't dare to trust us anymore …"

— — —

"Why wouldn't I trust you?" Colin smiled and said to the old mercenary in front of him, "What I mean is, I'll pay you half of the commission first, and the other half will be given to you after you introduce me to a caravan going to Fallen Eagle City."

"Then what if after I introduce you to a caravan, you refuse to pay the rest?" The old mercenary was obviously not satisfied with this method of paying a deposit first and then the final payment.

"Do you think I'm someone who lacks money?" Colin took out a gold coin and tossed it up and down in his hand.

The old mercenary's eyes instantly widened, and his gaze followed the gold coin up and down.

It couldn't be helped. For people at the bottom of society like him, copper coins were the most commonly used currency. Silver coins were rare, and as for gold coins, they were something that only nobles and big merchants would have.

"Then I want thirty copper coins!" The old mercenary realized that the person in front of him was a fat sheep and immediately began to raise the price.

"Twenty. Any more and I'll find someone else. "

"Deal!" The old mercenary happily caught the ten copper coins that Colin threw at him and began to lead the way.

A moment later, the two of them arrived at the western part of Graycastle Town and walked into an old tavern.

"Bearded Tavern."

After entering, Colin discovered that the name of the tavern was indeed true to its name. At a glance, the people drinking inside were all bearded men.

The old mercenary was obviously very familiar with this place. He greeted the crowd while leading Colin inside.

The two of them arrived at a long table in the corner of the tavern. The old mercenary bent over and whispered into the ear of a bearded man sitting at the head of the table.

The bearded man followed the direction of the old mercenary's finger and sized up Colin. He then waved his hand, indicating for Colin to come over.

"This is the leader of the Firefox Mercenaries — — Sir Sarroux. Sir Sarroux is a second rank warrior, and he's also heading to Fallen Eagle City. You'll definitely be safe if you follow their team! "The old mercenary first introduced the bearded man to Colin.

He then turned to the bearded man, his attitude clearly much more attentive, "Sir Sarroux, this is my nephew. Don't look at him because he doesn't look strong, his martial arts are quite good …"

"He's your nephew?" Sarroux sneered, interrupting the old mercenary's words.

"Yes … Yes!" The old mercenary was slightly stunned, a trace of panic flashing through his eyes.

He then hurriedly explained, "Don't look at how he doesn't look like me. The main thing is that this kid looks like my brother-in-law. Moreover, I've been running around outside for so many years that my old face has long since changed. You should know that when I was young, I was also handsome and confident, with an extraordinary temperament …"

Sarroux sneered, interrupting the old mercenary again, "Your nephew is a knight?"

Hearing the word 'knight', the old mercenary felt as if someone had sudd

enly grabbed him by the neck. His bragging words were immediately stuck in his throat.

Colin's pupils instantly contracted.