
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Son of the baron

Spring always came late in the Northern Frontier of the Radiant Empire.

It was not until the beginning of April that the snow that had been raging for half a year finally retreated. The warm sunshine once again descended on the Northern Frontier, bringing with it the vitality of all living things.

But it seemed that not everyone liked this kind of bright sunshine.

For example, the man who had just walked out of Graycastle.

He was wearing a leather triangular hat with the brim pulled down very low, completely covering his eyes, but he still seemed to feel that the sunlight was too dazzling, so he raised his hand and pulled the brim down a bit.

This man looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and handsome, wearing a black shirt with red stripes, scarlet cross-patterned knight boots wrapped around his knees, which made his originally somewhat fluffy black trousers bulge. His almost knee-length burgundy coat made him look very noble.

But his face was particularly pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

"Young Master Colin!"

"Young Master Colin!"

Along the way, the servants of Graycastle all saluted and greeted the man.

However, this Young Master Colin seemed to have a lot on his mind, and his response to the servants' greetings was somewhat perfunctory.

After a moment, he finally stopped in front of a small house, as if he was hesitating whether to go in or not.

"Meow ~ ~"

In the corner, a kitten made a dissatisfied sound, as if blaming the man for blocking its sunlight.

Colin Angele came back from his contemplation, looking at the kitten at his feet, his tightly knitted eyebrows slightly relaxed, and the corner of his mouth also showed a trace of a smile.

He squatted down, reached out and held the kitten in front of him.

"Meow!" Unable to bear the humiliation, the kitten bared its fangs and brandished its claws for a while, but it was simply unable to break free from Colin's evil claws, so it accepted its fate and quieted down, only trying to open its eyes wide to stare at the stupid human in front of it.

Colin's fingers gently stroked the kitten's slender neck, as if he was hesitating about something.

"Chi —" Seeing the human in front of it slowly revealing his sharp canine teeth, the kitten was not to be outdone and bared its teeth at him.

One man and one cat confronted each other for a moment, Colin suddenly laughed, and put the kitten back on the ground.

"Meow! Meow! Meow ~ "As if it felt that it had successfully defeated the stupid human in the confrontation just now, the kitten proudly meowed a few times.

Then, it skillfully lay down, turned over, and revealed its belly, indicating that the "loser" should quickly serve its master.

Unfortunately, the stupid human did not pay any attention to it. Instead, it got up and walked into the small house.

The maids who were busy in the room were surprised when they saw Colin. They quickly stopped what they were doing and asked carefully,

"Young Master Colin, why are you here? Dinner will have to wait for a while. If you're hungry, we can prepare afternoon tea for you. "

"No need, I'm just looking around." Colin glanced around the kitchen and saw the bound reindeer in the corner. He then asked, "Is tonight's dinner venison?"

"Yes, Young Master. Venison stew with carrots, vegetable soup, bread and butter and wine. "

Colin touched his chapped lips. "I don't need wine. Prepare me a cup of deer blood."

"Okay." The maids were a little surprised, but they still nodded in response.

In their impression, among the masters of Graycastle, only the Baron liked to drink deer blood. Young Master Colin's taste had always been very light.

After Colin finished speaking, he turned around and left. But when he reached the door, he seemed to have thought of something, so he turned back and ordered,

"Also, add a portion of garlic, raw."

"Yes, Young Master." The maids hurriedly replied.

At the same time, they cursed in their hearts – Young Master Colin's taste is really getting heavier and heavier …

— — —

Night fell. The dining room on the top floor of Graycastle was illuminated by a row of candles and the flames in the fireplace. The decoration in the hall was quite luxurious, but also had a rough atmosphere.

A kite shield carved with a roaring bear's head was hung above the fireplace. The surroundings were decorated with paintings of different styles, as well as animal head specimens used to show off the master's strength.

"Young Master, the wine cellar just bought a few barrels of white wine from the Winst Manor a few days ago. Would you like to try it?"

After the maids had set up the table, Butler Eamon stood behind Colin with his hands clasped behind his back and recommended in a low voice.

"Last year, the rainy season in Winst was relatively short, and there was plenty of sunlight. The quality of this batch of wine should be very good, just right for tonight's venison."

After learning about Young Master Colin's abnormal behavior in the kitchen today, Eamon was a little worried.

In Eamon's heart, the boorish Baron Colin was already hopeless. But for Young Master Colin, this butler who wholeheartedly wanted to improve the Angele family's taste, he had high hopes.

But he did not expect that Young Master Colin would actually let the kitchen prepare deer blood and garlic today!

Eamon felt that he had to do something.

The Angele family had to be elegant!

"Okay." Moved by the butler's words, Colin nodded in agreement.

Eamon revealed a gratified smile and hurriedly poured a glass of white wine for Colin.

"Do you need anything else?"

Colin waved his hand, "No need, you can go do your work."


As the butler's footsteps disappeared outside the door, only Colin was left in the spacious dining hall.

His father, Baron Angele, was away at war, his mother had passed away many years ago, and his sister was already married. So, only Colin was sitting at the long and empty dining table.

But, he did not seem to feel lonely at all.

Quickly finishing the food in front of him, Colin drank the white wine while looking at the remaining deer blood and garlic in a daze.

After finishing the glass of wine, he finally picked up the glass of deer blood, frowned slightly, and brought it to his mouth.

There was no stench as expected, and he did not feel nauseous. Colin drank it all in one gulp.

It was a little sweet.

Colin licked the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

"Did I really transmigrate to become a vampire?" Colin muttered softly.

Then, he put down the glass, took out a scroll of parchment and spread it on the table. Using a language that did not belong to this world, he wrote:

[Normal food will not produce any taste, nor will it cause a feeling of fullness.]

[Drinking deer blood will bring a significant sense of satisfaction and can restore stamina.]

[Other blood, to be tested …]

Putting down the quill, Colin sighed.

What he wished the most now was to have a "Newbie's Guide to Transmigration" or a "Vampire's Survival Manual" for him to refer to, so that he did not have to guess blindly.

Even if there was no such thing, at least he wanted to transmigrate to an existing species in this world, so that Colin could clearly know what he was, what leveling up path there was, and even find a master or something.

But unfortunately, in this alternate world that was similar to the Western Middle Ages, there were no records of vampires.

This world had elves, orcs, trolls, nagas … and the extinct giant dragons that once ruled the world.

But there were no vampires.

Colin felt that he might have become the first vampire in this world.

This made him a little worried.

This was because in his original world, vampires were creatures that only existed in fantasy.

How strong they were, what weaknesses they had, were all imagined.

And the settings in different works were not exactly the same.

So, in order to fully understand his new body and new role, Colin could only experiment on himself …

So far, he found that he was very similar to the legendary vampir


Photophobia, bloodthirsty, undying …

Yes, undying.

Because, when he transmigrated this morning, he found that —

There was a dagger in his chest.

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