
The Blood Celestial Legacy

In a realm where cultivation is the route to eternal life, a young orphan named Liang, the scion of the Cheng family, endures a dreary existence after being abandoned by his family and sold to the unorthodox Blood Tethering Sect. Unbeknownst to him, he has been replaced by a transmigrator from another world ,

Masfiq · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Courageous Encounter

This was a wide tunnel with stone chambers on both sides, serving as prisons for captive demon beasts.

The first stone chamber held a tiger demon with a cultivation level around the fifth level of Qi cultivation.

The tiger's body was covered in thick and tough fur, and it had six sharp claws that could tear through a human. In comparison, a normal tiger's claws are only 30 to 40 centimeters long and dull. The tiger demon also had a long, thick tail, and a ferocious face with sharp fangs. It looked like an actual tiger and seemed to be ferocious enough to take on ten humans.

The tiger demon growled and slowly opened its eyes. Its eyes were completely red, and there was an indescribable intensity in its gaze, as if it was looking for someone to kill.

Suddenly, the tiger demon moved.


The tiger demon let out a deafening roar and pounced on Fang Chen. Its demonic qi swept around like a raging wind, chilling to the bone. Fang Chen, seeing a demon for the first time, was frightened by its imposing manner and was momentarily stunned.



The tiger demon slammed into the light film and cried out in pain.

Watching the tiger demon climb up again, Fang Chen finally came to his senses. His face was full of lingering fear.

"Fortunately, there's a formation blocking it. Otherwise, I would have died in the tiger's mouth just now. Otherwise, I would have died."


The tiger demon snarled at him, seemingly unable to stand this strange film blocking its path.

At this moment, Fang Chen realized his shortcomings. As a Transmigrator, he had never faced a real tiger, let alone a tiger demon.

The terrifying aura made his mind blank and his thoughts stagnant.

In addition, he had not been in this world for long, and his mind had not yet adapted. Faced with unexpected situations, even with his Extra ordinary strength, he didn't know how to use it.

He could only hope that his current physical body, along with the martial art skills he had cultivated, would be enough to match the tiger demon.


The tiger demon attempted to jump into the formation several times but couldn't breach it.

Perhaps this blood collection mission was a valuable opportunity for him to train.

If he couldn't overcome the fear in his heart, hunting demons in the future would be more dangerous than beneficial.


Fang Chen took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He looked directly into the tiger demon's eyes, facing his fear head-on.

The tiger demon felt provoked and stirred up its ferocity. It repeatedly pounced on Fang Chen, but each time, it was thwarted by the protective light film.

As he watched the tiger demon howling helplessly, Fang Chen's fear slowly dissipated, and he even felt like laughing.

However, he constantly reminded himself that his confidence was bolstered by the protection of the array formation, and he must not underestimate the demon beasts.

After calming down, Fang Chen prepared to collect the demon blood.

He infused spiritual power into the formation token, and with a thought, the light film turned into chains of blood, tightly binding and restraining the tiger demon.

"Roar! Roar!"

The tiger demon struggled with all its might, but it was futile.

Fang Chen didn't approach recklessly. He raised his hand, and blood gushed out, condensing into a whip.


The blood whip struck the tiger demon's body fiercely, causing its flesh to split open.

"Roar!" The tiger demon roared in pain, its ferocity seemingly increasing instead of decreasing.

Fang Chen had no intention of abusing the tiger demon. He took out the blood storage bottle and infused it with spiritual energy.

The blood storage bottle gleamed with a crimson light, generating a suction force that drew fresh blood continuously from the tiger demon's wounds and into the container.

As the blood flowed out, the tiger demon's breath weakened, and its cries grew quieter. Its struggles became feeble.

After a while, Fang Chen felt that he had collected enough demon blood and stopped transmitting spiritual energy to the blood storage bottle.

Without the infusion of spiritual power, the suction force of the bottle dissipated, and the tiger demon's wounds stopped bleeding.

Looking at the blood-soaked bottle, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh. "This is a dangerous job."

"Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, he heard the sound of stones being crushed as the tiger demon violently struggled, attempting to escape.


Fang Chen was startled and fell onto the ground.

But how could the demon beast escape the Blood Film after breaking the chains so easily? The cracking of the walls automatically recovered, holding the demon beast captive once again within the cage.

Fang Chen's consciousness sank into the bottle, which now contained about a bucket's worth of demon blood.

"Good, next one."

Everything went smoothly. Fang Chen nodded in satisfaction as he walked towards the adjacent stone chamber.

Imprisoned inside this chamber was a deer demon with beautiful yet dangerous white jade antlers.

The deer demon lay on the ground, looking very weak. Its aura was around the third level of Qi cultivation. Its smooth fur was covered in scars, indicating that it had been frequently bled.

Fang Chen did not let down his guard because of this. He infused spiritual power into the formation token.

"Yoo, yoo, yoo…"

The deer demon, bound by the blood chains, screamed in misery, flailing its hooves and struggling with all its might, as if it was asking for help.


Fang Chen sighed. He and these demons were so alike, except for the fact that they were kept in captivity in a different way.

The only thing he could do was to become stronger, strong enough to control his own fate.

With a thought, the blood film turned into chains of blood, binding and restraining the deer demon.

After calming down, Fang Chen prepared to collect the demon blood.

He infused spiritual power into the formation token, and with a thought, the blood film turned into chains of blood, tightly binding and restraining the deer demon.

The blood storage bottle flashed with a crimson light as it hit the deer's wound, generating a suction force that caused fresh blood to continuously flow out of the deer demon's injuries and into the bottle.

As the blood flowed out, the deer demon's breath grew weaker, and its cries became fainter.

Even though,

Fang Chen's hands did not stop moving. The blood in his hands condensed into a sword, which he used to make a cut on the deer demon's hind leg.

"Ooh... ooh..."

Blood gushed out, and the deer demon's movements became even more desperate.

Fang Chen felt that it was enough and stopped transmitting spiritual energy to the blood storage bottle.

The rest of the blood collection went relatively smoothly, and with Fang Chen's carefulness, there were no dangerous situations.

Half a day later.

"The blood storage bottle is full. Senior Brother, please check it."Fang Chen respectfully handed over the blood storage bottle.

The guard took the blood storage bottle and scanned it with his consciousness. After confirming that there was no mistake, he nodded. "Return the array token to me and you can leave."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Fang Chen returned the array token.

Fang Chen bowed and returned the array token to the guard.

The guard disciple no longer paid attention to him, and Fang Chen tactfully turned around to leave.

Today's mission was completed, and he had overcome his fear of demon beasts. The only flaw was that he did not run into any inner sect disciples.

Fang Chen did not forget his other goal. He wanted to become the spokesperson for selling demon blood outside the sect as an inner sect disciple.

But he couldn't stay near the beast garden all the time, for fear of being misunderstood as a spy or having ulterior motives.

However, this was only the first day. The mission deadline was a month away. There was no need to hurry.

Half a day later...

"The blood storage bottle is full. Senior Brother, please check it," Fang Chen respectfully handed over the blood storage bottle.

The guard took the blood storage bottle and scanned it with his consciousness. After confirming that there was no mistake, he nodded. "Return the array token to me, and you can leave."

"Yes, Senior Brother." Fang Chen returned the array token.

Fang Chen bowed and handed back the array token to the guard.

The guard disciple no longer paid attention to him, and Fang Chen tactfully turned around to leave.

Today's mission was completed, and he had overcome his fear of demon beasts. The only flaw was that he did not encounter any inner sect disciples.

Fang Chen did not forget his other goal. He wanted to become the spokesperson for selling demon blood outside the sect as an inner sect disciple.

But he couldn't stay near the beast garden all the time, fearing he might be misunderstood as a spy or having ulterior motives.

However, this was only the first day. The mission deadline was a month away. There was no need to hurry.