
The Blood Celestial Legacy

In a realm where cultivation is the route to eternal life, a young orphan named Liang, the scion of the Cheng family, endures a dreary existence after being abandoned by his family and sold to the unorthodox Blood Tethering Sect. Unbeknownst to him, he has been replaced by a transmigrator from another world ,

Masfiq · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Cruel and Wonderful World

It was late in the evening, and the sun started to deplete, giving way to the arrival of night.

In this state, Fang Chen was on his way back to his cave, where he resided.

"Ah! At this time, I used to come back from my classes at the University on Earth, and then I would start playing games or reading novels. But who would have thought that almost half a month ago, I would be reincarnated? Life often plays a good joke on people."

With a sigh, Fang Chen began to move, contemplating how he would navigate and survive in this simultaneously cruel and wonderful world. In his previous life, there was one thing he cherished above all else – the pursuit of immortality, which led him to undertake a double major in Computer Science and Bioengineering.Little did he know that life would present him with a great opportunity to achieve his dream.However, he couldn't escape the fear of setting lofty goals and then shattering them due to his own shortcomings. Hence, he always pushed himself to his limits and could be quite cruel to himself.

After all, giving your all to achieve your dream is the most fulfilling and heartfelt thing a human being can do. Even if Fang Chen were to perish while chasing his dream, he wouldn't feel the slightest regret.

Shaking off his thoughts, Fang Chen looked ahead of himself. In the late evening, with the sky full of white clouds, he could see several disciples walking toward their cave abodes along the empty streets. Some of them were accompanied by their partners, while others were vigilant and alert.

Among the scarce crowd, a lady with a straight nose and a moon-like beautiful face, along with an alluring body, could be seen walking opposite to the crowd. Many of the disciples were vigilant of her, while others sneered and walked away. It was evident from her clothing what she was up to.

As the woman noticed Fang Chen looking at her with all of his focus, she immediately walked towards him. However, he instinctively planned to avoid her.

"Senior Brother, please wait," the woman suddenly called out.

Fang Chen stopped in his tracks and looked at her with some surprise.

She was wearing a transparent dress that barely covered her private parts. On Earth, it wasn't difficult to find explicit content about women, but seeing someone dressed like this in real life was uncommon for Fang Chen. He had lived and died as a virgin and had never experienced any romantic or physical intimacy with a girl, and he didn't really want to. He was content with his solitary and lonely life. After all, he believed that life was driven by self-interest and benefits. If you followed someone without expecting anything in return, you would likely end up being taken advantage of. So, he saw no point in helping others or getting into a romantic relationship. Having a girlfriend would only disrupt his free time for reading novels and playing games. He couldn't enjoy his life outside of studying, and that's why he instantly avoided the girl when she came in front of him.

However, despite his avoidance, the girl didn't seem disappointed and immediately tried to talk to him.

She was a female disciple at the third level of Qi cultivation, with a pretty face and meticulously dressed appearance. The white flowers on her chest were intentionally or unintentionally faintly visible, adding to her allure.

Fang Chen, who had seen various aspects of the world, remained composed and asked with doubt, "What can I do for you, Junior Sister?"

Looking at his dominating and almost angry eyes, she blushed.

"Senior Brother, your gaze is so beautiful. I fell for you just by seeing your previous gazes," the lady confessed.

Fang Chen quickly realized what she was hinting at and inwardly cursed himself for not being more careful while walking.

Before he could respond, she continued, "As long as you give me a bowl of blood essence, I can accompany you for a night. I can fulfill any desires Senior Brother may have!" The woman even threw a seductive wink at Fang Chen after saying it.

Looking at her, Fang Chen immediately knew he had to act in front of her. Although he wasn't particularly skilled at it, with the precious owner's memories and his past acting experience, he quickly changed his expression."Although it's not perfect, I have to admit that it's quite good. After all, living in a Demonic sect, if one lacks acting skills, it's hard to survive and thrive in the sect."Fang chen thought

Fang Chen looked regretful as he spoke, "Junior Sister is naturally beautiful, but I just broke through, and my realm is unstable. I don't have the fortune to enjoy such a favor."

However, the woman was determined and didn't want to give up that easily. With tearful eyes, she looked at Fang Chen pitifully and said, "Senior brother, you also know that the sect assessment is coming soon. I don't want to become a blood slave. I have no choice but to resort to this. Please have mercy on me."

"I am just lucky to have a breakthrough. How can I pity you? Junior Sister, you should find someone else," Fang Chen replied, shaking his head, unmoved.

"Then I won't bother you anymore, Senior Brother." Seeing that it was hopeless, the woman could only leave disappointed and look for her next target.

Looking at the woman's back as she left, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This was the cruel world of the demonic sect! In such a place, everyone sought to survive and cherish their own lives.

Although he felt a twinge of sympathy and wanted to help, Fang Chen knew he couldn't do anything at the moment. After all, he had just breakthrough to his previous Cultivation and needed to make another significant advancement to qualify for the sect assessment. "Wouldn't she just make a fool out of me in pursuit of her own goals? He knew this world revolves around benefits. How could he afford to live with kindness? Wouldn't he invite trouble and be taken advantage of if he acted with goodwill?"

"This is a dog-eat-dog world. People are only moved by fear of strength or driven by greed for benefits. If I had a lower cultivation level than her, would she still ask anything from me like that? Obviously not. She knows that I would almost deplete my blood essence if I do so. She would risk being caught by the discipline committee and face severe punishment, but it would still be a lesser consequence compared to becoming a blood slave. But it seems like this is her last resort. Fang Chen guessed."

Female disciples could also use their bodies as leverage to seek a chance of survival.

But for male disciples, their options were limited, to devouring a large amount of demon blood, engaging in illegal Arena battles, or using the Lifespan Burning Technique to enhance their aptitude. In the end, they could only look up to the heavens or their goals and, after a few years, peacefully embrace death.

"In my old world, my mindset and thoughts almost broke the laws and rules, but I restrained myself. It was like I was in a room within a building, still safe from human cruelty. Although I didn't have as much freedom, I could do my own thing and live a happy life. But now, it's a free will world. In the demonic sect, there are only rules to become strong. Snakes that were once held in cages are now in a big room, moving freely. They fight with each other for smaller profits.

"But still! I am free, free at least."

"Haha," Fang Chen chuckled as he thought that, arriving in front of his Cave abode.

Two hours later...

Back at his residence, Fang Chen diligently practiced and familiarized himself with controlling his blood spiritual power.

The encounter with the tiger demon had made him realize a crucial problem. When facing unexpected situations, he didn't know how to effectively use his blood-based abilities for attack or defense. In essence, he lacked combat experience, and his reaction time was inadequate.

"What if I encounter a sneak attack in the future?" Fang Chen pondered this question, aware that he needed to improve his combat skills to survive in the dangerous world of the demonic sect.

He must make controlling blood attacks or defense his instinctive response!

In times of peace, he had to be vigilant. Being in the Demon Sect, he had to prepare for a rainy and bloody day.

The blood surged and constantly changed around Fang Chen. Occasionally, it transformed into various weapons, shields, attacks, and defenses. He even attempted to create a pistol from his old world, but quickly realized it wouldn't be of much help without gunpowder. "I fear people won't even be hurt by a small bullet," Fang Chen thought, realizing the limitations of his previous world's weaponry knowledge.

After more practice, he focused on cultivating using demon blood, he know that he was racing against time.

The next day, on the way to the beast garden, Fang Chen encountered many female disciples pestering male disciples seductively. Some even wore much more revealing outfits, trying to lure the male disciples.

These female disciples were incredibly competitive, and Fang Chen tried his best to avoid them. He understood that the members of the Demonic Blood sect didn't have a clear mental state, and he didn't want to get involved in any trouble or be used by them.

First of all, these are Demonic Blood sect members, and they don't have a clear mental state. Moreover, they are like snakes, only using others when they need them. Fang Chen couldn't help but think that if any of them were promoted to the Inner Sect, Wouldn't they seek revenge or wanted to kill a trouble that could hurt their reputation. Even though its quite hard to to be an inner sect member but it's not impossible. Although most disciples didn't consider this, Fang Chen, being an regular novel reader, he didn't want to make trouble for himself.

Those female disciples who saw Fang Chen avoiding them as if they were snakes and scorpions did not come forward to be rebuffed.

Back in the Beast Garden, Fang Chen and the guard exchanged some words to collect his mission.

"Your mission today is to go to Cave 35 to collect blood."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Fang Chen responded politely, ready to undertake his next task.