
The Blood Celestial Legacy

In a realm where cultivation is the route to eternal life, a young orphan named Liang, the scion of the Cheng family, endures a dreary existence after being abandoned by his family and sold to the unorthodox Blood Tethering Sect. Unbeknownst to him, he has been replaced by a transmigrator from another world ,

Masfiq · Fantasy
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Cave 29 Adventure

Back in his cave, Fang Chen carefully read the 'Lifespan Burning Technique'.

When he finished reading it, He Immediately Put the Book and Rewrite some Pointer

After modifying the Blood Nerve technique, he wholeheartedly researched it. He found that although the cultivation technique's breathing and core principles were the same, there were significant changes in some minor aspects.

Overall, the modified version had a much more refined rhythm in breathing and slight differences in posture compared to the original version

As Fang Chen delved deeper into the Lifespan Burning Technique, his knowledge of cultivation techniques expanded, and he started to understand the mysterious spiritual Qi present in this world.

When Fang Chen read the Lifespan Burning Technique, he wholeheartedly immersed himself in its study, eager to make deductions and create a new and improved version.But improved version required the help of Modifier System and it isn't free.

Deducing the perfect modified technique using the Modifier system would required the use of spiritual stones or his blood essence, resources Fang Chen couldn't afford to risk using. As a 4th level middle Qi Cultivator, using his blood essence recklessly could lead to a decrease in his cultivation, eventually resulting in him becoming a blood slave. This was an outcome he wanted to avoid at all costs.

To overcome this dilemma, Fang Chen quickly replaced some sections of the Lifespan Burning Technique with modified spiritual techniques from the Blood Nerve, aiming to reduce the consumption of spiritual stones required for the technique.

After making these modifications, he asked the Modifier system to deduce the original version and his edited version to see if his plan had worked in reducing the spiritual Qi consumption.

[Detected technique, Lifespan Burning Technique, can improve cultivation aptitude.]

[Side effects: Overdraft body potential, burn lifespan, lifespan greatly reduced.]

Cost: 50 spiritual stones.

[Detected technique, Lifespan Burning Technique (Modified), can improve cultivation aptitude.]

[Side effects: Burn lifespan, Burn Blood essence. Thickness of Blood essence would greatly reduce.]

Cost: 45 spiritual stones.

"Great!" A successful experiment. Seeing the reduction in cost, Fang Chen immediately brightened with joy. It's as if the Modifier system is like a second brain, which he can use in exchange for spiritual energy.

Although Fang Chen had already guessed it, he could not help but cheer when he saw the modifier results.

With enough time and dedication, he could elevate his spiritual root to the highest level, and his cultivation speed would increase several times over, making it almost certain that he could reach the Foundation Establishment stage.

But how to find Spiritual Crystals?

Fang Chen is not a fool to use his Blood essence to deduce again with the modifier system. He refers to it as "deduce" because that's practically how the Modifier system is used. The last time he used the Modifier System, his brain was storming with thoughts, mainly about the Blood Nerve Cultivation Technique. The problem is that he can't control this thinking, as if his brain becomes a CPU without his conscious knowing.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Using the Lifespan Burning Technique required seclusion and money to activate the modifier. But now that he had an assigned sect mission, Fang Chen planned to complete the mission first and earn the Spiritual stones needed before using the technique. He always prioritized his safety and didn't want to risk his cultivation or lifespan recklessly.

The beast garden, despite being called a garden, was actually a mountain that had been hollowed out and used to house and imprison countless demon beasts. If he were on Earth, it would definitely be called a breeding house. seeing the amount of beasts.

Although In the sect, demon beasts are sterilized to avoid dealing with their mating periods, where they become almost uncontrollable with their desires. However, this didn't stop Fang Chen from likening it to a breeding house, not for the beasts themselves, but for their blood and a special type of animal worm that was bred with most of these animals.

Sighing, Fang Chen looked at the beast garden. It was constantly emitting the roars of demon beasts. He took a deep breath and walked to the entrance at the foot of the mountain.

There were a dozen or so disciples guarding the entrance, and all of them were at the sixth level of Qi cultivation. Occasionally, other disciples would come and go, most likely having accepted the mission to collect demon blood or feeding them.

It was said that there was a Foundation Establishment stage elder in the beast garden, but Fang Chen didn't see anyone at the moment. Perhaps they were somewhere deep in the garden.

"Senior Brother, I've accepted a mission to collect demon blood and have come to report."

Fang Chen took out his identity token and handed it to the guard in charge of registration.

The guard took the token and after confirming it, he took out a token and a bottle and explained.

"Your identity token allows you to enter and leave the beast garden once every day.

"This is the array formation token. After inputting spiritual power, you can control the beast garden's array formation, which will turn into chains to restrain the demon beasts. This bottle is a blood storage bottle. Injecting spiritual power can activate it to absorb demon blood.Your mission today is to go to Cave 29 to collect blood and fill the blood storage bottle. Be careful not to let the demon beasts die."

After explaining everything, he passed the token and bottle to Fang Chen.

At this point, the guard's tone became fierce.

"If you pocket the demon blood, you will replace the demon beast."

"Thank you for the reminder, Senior Brother. I understand." Fang Chen took the token and bottle and bowed before walking towards the beast garden.

Excessive politeness wouldn't offend anyone, especially in the demonic sect where everyone was influenced by their cultivation techniques and their mental state might not be normal. It was very likely that they would hold a grudge over a small matter.

There were caves at intervals on the mountain in the beast garden, and each cave was labeled with a number, making it easy to identify.

His mission was to go to Cave 29 and collect blood, so all he had to do was find the cave with the corresponding number.

 Cave 29 is not far from the entrance of the beast garden, so Fang Chen quickly arrived there.

There was an opening in the wall to see into the cave, and a wooden ladder had been placed there.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

There were constant angry roars and hisses of demon beasts coming from inside the cave, accompanied by a strong stench that assaulted the senses.

The huge cave was like a giant mouth waiting to devour anyone who entered, making people feel afraid.