
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A raid that ends badly

[Kamino, Japan]


A small cold breeze comes to caress me as I stroke the beak of the raven on my shoulder, a mocking smile appears in spite of myself as I see Tomura trying to recruit the budding terrorist with the name Katsuki Bakugo.

It's funny because he clearly doesn't know how to do it, and it's obvious that these words are All for One's, even if I can see that he's gradually gaining confidence. '*Sigh* What a pity that his adventure ends here, mmm?' My eyes roam the streets around the bar to see the heroes and the special forces "discreetly" surrounding the hideout. 'Ha, good, they're here.'

'Well, it's time to go, because, after all, this is not where the interesting part of the evening will take place.' A purple portal surrounds me for a few seconds before disappearing, this time giving way to a warehouse that the average person would think to abandon, but for those in the know, it's a warehouse containing creatures, which in the right hands, could ravage the country.

I have to say I felt some satisfaction in telling All for One to go fuck himself when he wanted me to tell him how I created my nomu from the Hundred Demon march, but I digress, a story for another time.

Using my alteration magic, I use a spell I created which consists in transporting my body in a kind of pocket dimension, which makes that nothing can spot me, it's a bit like Obito's Kamui but to hide me.

Now invisible, I sit on the edge of a building to see


Izuna didn't have to wait long before the warehouse and much of the neighborhood were destroyed by a devastating shockwave, as a figure dressed in a dark suit over a white shirt with rises into the air.

'~Always scary~' Thinks Izuna mockingly as the symbol of evil stands proudly above the rubble he created while ruminating on how the heroes have hindered the evolution of his successor who is beginning to make those decisions of his own.

As the smoke clears, All for One isn't even surprised to see only a professional hero on the ground, knowing full well that Best Jeanist is protecting the other heroes.

Thinking he can take him by surprise, Best Jeanist tries to attack All for One with his Quirk, but is quickly shot down by him with another shockwave before the members of the League of Villains and Katsuki appear in front of him, but before any of them even make a move, a purple portal appears a few meters in front of him, the portal stays a few seconds before disappearing and let the symbol of justice appear with a face filled with confusion which is quickly replaced by anger when he sees his nemesis and without wasting any more time, he rushes with power to fight the man who killed his mentor.


Unfortunately for All Might, it's an air cannon blast that meets him and sends him flying away, destroying some buildings in the process.

Suddenly, everyone's attention is focused on several purple portals appearing and engulfing the six U.A. students before the eyes of the League of Villains members.

All for One stands still for a few seconds before finally opening his mouth to speak in a freezing voice. "What is the meaning of this, Izuna?" He says as he turns his head towards the dark wizard, who has deactivated his dimensional invisibility spell.

Izuna stands nonchalantly, floating in the air as well with a teasing, mocking face, and in an equally mocking voice, he says:

"Let's just say your usefulness is coming to an end and...." Izuna is forced to shorten his sentence to dodge the overpowering punch of All Might, who looks at him with unconcealed anger in his eyes.

At this precise moment, a helicopter of a journalist appears to film the event and captures an image of what seems to be the beginning of the fight between the three most powerful men in Japan, even in the world.

The three men continue to stare at each other for a few seconds before black tendrils with prominent red cracked lines extend from All for One's fingers and head towards Kurogiri's unconscious body, unfortunately, unbeknownst to anyone else, Izuna had already foreseen this and with a snap of her fingers, an enchantment placed on Kurogiri's metal brace activates, so when All for One forces Kurogiri to activate his quirk in order to allow the league of villains to escape, he sends them straight into Izuna's trap.

And the second Shigaraki and company escaped, Izuna's hands are covered with white light, and with a clap of his hands, four white pillars rise in the sky and the next moment, all of them are locked in a giant cube.

The first thing All for One notices is that many of these quirks seem to be sealed, it only takes him a few seconds to discover that all these quirks related to teleportation are blocked, but before he understands what is going on, Izuna's smile widens, and he looks at the symbol of evil with mockery.

"~Thanks for serving them to me on a platter, scarface.~" And the next second, Izuna fires a red ball in the direction of All Might by surprise, who has no time to dodge.

And with another snap of the fingers, a purple portal engulfs Izuna, and he disappears, leaving a furious All for One, who has just realized that he has just sent his successor to an assured death.

As well, is an All Might fueled by the hatred of seeing his nemesis, but also even angrier because of a spell of the school of illusion.



As the teleportation portal disappears, I lean my body to the left to avoid a stab from Toga before jumping back, in front of me stand the league members, minus Dabi and Kurogiri who are unconscious.

All of them are in a fighting position, and the seriousness is read on their faces. 'At least they don't make the mistake of underestimating me, it would be a good point for them if they had any chance.

"Well, kids, how about a dance." I say with a wild face in my eyes as I feel in a good mood, enough to kill them with my quirk.