
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The League of Villains Massacre

[Unknown place, Japan]

"In this world, only three people besides me know my 'second' quirk." Said Izuna as he raised the top of those clothes, leaving her toned torso for all to see.

"Most people think my physical abilities come from my magic, that people think is my first 'quirk', but that has nothing to do with it."

A few seconds pass before Izuna's body emits a thin layer of steam as those muscles tense up, and a visible change is seen, he looks more beautiful, more charismatic, more dangerous, more everything and that change are clearly visible to those present here.

[Quirk, evolution: allows improving Izuna's condition at a certain stage, the more he improves his condition, the more he will feel muscular and cerebral pain, there are six levels of improvement, currently, Izuna can only reach the maximum human condition and the enhanced condition].

(I invite you to go to this site for more explanation, https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Peak_Human_Condition)

"People think I hide behind my spells, these idiots don't even know that years of training have allowed me to be able to be in maximum human condition passively and continuously."

"You should feel honored, not many people die knowing that I am in my enhanced state." The arrogance dripping in his voice only makes the league angry, but that certainly doesn't make them let their guard down, because every one of them knows that this man in front of them is powerful and very dangerous.

"I hope you are ready to face a body trained to perfection and fighting techniques perfected and mastered." Says Izuna with a savage smile before dashing with terrifying speed towards these enemies who are taken by surprise by the sudden charge.

Izuna moves quickly in front of Magne who doesn't have time to dodge the violent punch aimed at his abdomen, which cuts off his breathing, allowing Izuna to kick him in the knee which bends the wrong way, causing Magne to scream in pain.

Screams of pain seem to bring the other villains back to reality, unfortunately for them, this return to reality wasn't fast enough and left Izuna the time to walk towards an unconscious Kurogiri and destroy his metal splint with a powerful punch, killing him on the spot. (Honestly, I don't know if it really kills him, but let's say it works)

While he should continue to attack, Izuna just stands in a relaxed position looking at the villains with a nonchalant smile, as if what he just did is just a formality.

Knowing that he needs to quickly strategize if he wants to get out of this, and conceive, Shigaraki quickly takes matters into his own hands. "Twice, wake up Dabi, everyone else with me."

Without question, all the members of the league of villains moves under the amused eyes of Izuna who doesn't even bother to get into a fighting stance as Spinner and Toga arrive in front of him, both with their sharp weapons in hand, ready to slash at Izuna who just looks at them with disdain as he begins the first few blows of his blades with humiliating ease for the two villains.

While Izuna is busy playing with the two villains, Shigaraki and Mr.Compress try to take advantage of an opportunity to hit Izuna, because thanks to their Quirk, it is enough that they put one of their hands on the black sorcerer to end the fight, unfortunately for them, Izuna is perfectly aware of it and won't even let them brush against them.

Izuna's dodging game lasts for a few minutes before he gets tired and with a bewildering speed, a powerful kick comes to lodge itself in Spinner's rib cage who has difficulty breathing for a second, Himiko is slightly surprised by Izuna's sudden kick, which leaves the opportunity for Izuna to send another powerful kick directly into his jaw which is almost completely torn off, leaving only a jaw hanging in the void, simply held by a piece of flesh.

Everyone stops when they see the state of their comrade, who falls to the ground under the amused eyes of Izuna. "I believe well that she remained speechless." He says in a mocking tone before dodging Mr.Compress's hand that thinks he can surprise Izuna, unfortunately for him, all he will receive will be Izuna who grabs his arm and puts his foot on his chest and with a sharp blow, Mr.Compress sees his arm being ripped off, accompanied by his blood spurting on the ground.

Mr.Compress's cries of pain can be heard by everyone present as Shigaraki slowly begins to despair at seeing such members unable to fight in less than ten minutes of combat.

"BASTARD." A shout suddenly comes to capture everyone's attention, Twice, who had the task of waking up Dabi, is now rushing towards Izuna with about twenty clones, you can feel the anger radiating from the clones as they march towards Izuna.

Despite the number of enemies that have suddenly appeared, Izuna is not the least bit worried and nonchalantly walks towards the clone army in front of him, but while everyone expected him to fight, but instead, he dodged the clones and moved freely between them towards the real Twice, which he reached in a few seconds, and in another second he grabbed both sides of Twice's head and opened his skull like an orange. "So, he had a brain after all." Said Izuna in a mocking tone, not at all bothered by the sight of Twice's brain matter as all those clones disintegrated into a mud-like substance.

As he holds Twice's skull, Izuna turns his head to see Spinner painfully advancing toward him. "Mmm, you still alive? I'm sure my blow damaged your heart, though, the fact that you can still move is impressive."

Unfortunately for Spinner, his body finally gives out after a few steps, and he falls to the ground dead under the somewhat impressed eyes of Izuna who finally refocuses them on a motionless Shigaraki who looks at him with eyes filled with madness, accompanied by the aggressive scratching of his neck, but before either of them can make a move, a wave of blue flames surges towards Izuna who drops Twice and leaps to the side to dodge the attack.

Looking in the direction of the attack, Izuna sees a cold-looking Dabi scanning the battle scene before laying those eyes on Izuna who just looks at him with amusement.

Dabi finally his gaze towards Shigaraki and in a serious and calm voice, he says, "Are you planning to stay there for much longer?" Dabi's words cause Shigaraki to react, and he regains his composure before nodding his head and getting into a fighting stance.

"Well, it looks like I'm going to have to get a little serious, isn't it?" Said Izuna in a teasing tone before his face became calm, and he too got into a fighting stance. "Well, don't disappoint me, Tenko, Toya, and give me everything you have."