
The birth of god of magic

Disclaimer: This story contains detailed scenes of sex, bloody and brutal combat, torture, and other crazy stuff. Read at your own risk. - You have two choices when the universe decides to push you to the limit. Fight and survive. Or. Give up and die. In a world inhabited by gods and monsters. A man will be given a third option. Be reborn and become something else, something better. And may the gods have mercy on those who will stand in his way.

badhuman · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Calm before the storm

[Washington, USA]

Frustration and anger are the emotions swirling in Cathleen Bate's body and mind as she watches the inaction of her government.

The day the United States received the news of the Hundred Demons march, Cathleen was ready to take off for Japan within a second, unfortunately, the White House held her back, as they knew that action like that would only give dangerous ideas to the many criminals in the country.

She knew they were right, but she also knew that as long as the dark wizard would not attack the United States directly, the American government would not send a powerful hero to stop Izuna, and certainly not its strongest hero.

And that frustrated her to no end because as much as she would want to take off for Japan to break Izuna's bones, she couldn't leave her country with criminals whose blood is starting to heat up because of the wizard's actions.

So, she would wait....for now at least.


Unbeknownst to her, the object of her anger and frustration is closer to her than she thinks, 13 miles away to be exact.

He is in a darkened space, the only light that can be seen comes from a magic circle drawn on the ground, it is filled with purple runes that seem to glow and emits a strange sensation, for anyone who comes close to it, this person will feel danger from this circle, but for the man who created this circle, it is different.


'It's almost ready, I can feel my magic being drained by the circle that shares it with the different circles I've created on each continent of the world, which means it's working.

'However, it makes my powers a little weaker every time I add a soul to one of the circles, which will soon leave me without magic, fortunately, I have learned other ways to defend myself and....'

Oh, there you are, good morning.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about, right?

Well, let's just say that the plan is going well, the brats are leaving tomorrow with the broken arms that serve as their teachers for their training in the forest, my pawns are moving and preparing for the future war and.....Ho, you're talking about the magical and esoteric circle that glows, as well as the fact that I'm losing my magic.

Well, you should have said that right away, you idiots.

Well, as you all know, I have a big project that will allow me to evolve and if you've been following along, this project requires souls, lots of souls, which is why I'd wanted for mass murders, serial rapes, and more recently terrorism.

What you don't know is that in order to achieve this evolution, I have to offer a pretty big sacrifice, the one being my magic, because the enchantment I created requires a sacrifice of something important for whoever wants to use it, why?

Because magic is much more complex than one might think, a lot of factors vary the power of my magic, my state whether physical or psychological, my emotions, my imagination, or most necessary now, my determination.

Besides, it was either that or my penis.

But don't worry, because, I may be giving up my current magic, but it is only to complete the first phase of my plan.

As my circles absorb more souls, I am slowly losing my magic, but I am not worried, on the contrary, even if my powers leave me, I will not be defenseless, I can still rely on my quirk, well his quirk and my other fighting skills.

'I can feel it, something powerful is waiting for me as if all this is a test for me...I should sleep more.'

Anyway, let's get ready, so much is coming, so much death, destruction, and despair*sigh*so much work, I want fuck Mitsuki now.

I focus my alteration magic to open a portal around me that takes me back to another country containing one of my circles, France.

In just a few days, Japan will experience its darkest days and I will rise.