
The Billionaire and his Mistress Wife

Billionaire business tycoon, Brian Donnatelli discovers he has a child with the woman he had a one night stand with. He'll do whatever it takes to keep his son even if it means surrendering his cold heart to Andrea Thorne.

Josephine_ekele · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Andrea ate pizza for dinner by 6 pm while watching the Notebook on TV. Eve's mother was watching her grandkids and Chad tonight, it warmed her heart that someone would see Chad as their own, other than Lorena.

She heard the door bell ring. She groaned, she wasn't expecting visitors this evening, not like she had visitors other than the landlord and Eve.

She opened the door and saw a short woman with flaming red hair, leather jacket and pants, her UGGs looked expensive and her make up was perfect. She held a clothing coat, a shopping bag, and a make up kit.

"Um, this is the wrong address." Andrea said and was about to close the door.

"No, no, this is 13B." She held the door. She narrowed her eyes. "Andrea right?"


"Awesome," She strolled into Andrea's place like she owned it.

"Hey who the hell do you think you are to barge into my apartment?" Andrea snapped.

"Uh, Monique Devereaux?" Monique placed her stuff on the couch.

"This place is fucking hot, don't you have air conditioning?"

Andrea scoffed. "Listen Monique, you're violating my privacy."

"It's the other way around, do you think it's easy to fly down here all the way from New York for a makeover. I had to ask for directions like a normal person."

Monique brought out her compact powder from her Gucci bag and checked out her hair.

"New York? Monique Devereaux? As in Devereaux Cosmetics and Spa?"

"Well duh. Yes I'm that Devereaux. You seem like the type that can't afford my lipstick. The knockoffs,maybe."

"Oh, you've got some nerve." Andrea glared at her.

"Yes darling. Brian sent me down here, unfortunately I owe him a favour at my own discretion."

"I should have known, he can't keep intruding in my life." Andrea was furious.

"Anyway there's a charity event by eight and I have to doll you up before then. Let's make this snappy, I have to be there too. "

Just then Andrea's cellphone chimed a text, she looked at it.


Do what Monique says, George will pick you up by 9:30.

That son of a gun was ruining her life, and what charity event could she possibly go to, she can barely pay her bills.

"Fine let's get this over with." she sighed.

"Darling I'm going to transform you into a swan." Monique drawled.

After an hour and a few minutes later of body waxing,hair shampooing, conditioning and make up, Andrea could barely recognize herself in her bedroom mirror. Monique dramatically did a pirouette with a long red strapless gown, with a price tag on it.

"I have dresses you know. " Andrea said.

Monique rolled her eyes, "This is my latest design, do you know how many women would kill to have this in their wardrobe?"

"They wouldn't if you sold it a little below fifty thousand." Andrea said sarcastically.

Monique cackled like it was the most expensive joke she had ever heard.

"That's not how it works, art is priceless, my work has to be appreciated. " Monique sat close to Andrea on her bed. "I never expected Donnatelli to settle for less, no offense. He's the most dedicated man I've ever met."

Andrea thought, Monique and Brian probably had a history, she was beautiful and talented.

"Let me guess, you two were passionate lovers?"

"No, of course not. I "The only reason he was doing this was because of Chad. Their child.

After much persuasion, she put on the dress and black strapped heels and hurried outside the building where George, a man in his early fifties smiled at her as he opened the door to the black BMW.

Monique equally hurried low key to a limo waiting in front before anyone could recognize her.

"Good evening Miss."

"Hey George. " She was glad Brian hadn't fired him. "How are you?"

"Quite well and you? " He turned the key at the ignition and drove.

"Violated. Listen I'm sorry about the other day..." She said apologetically.

George's eyes met hers through the rearview mirror. "Not a problem, miss, I got quite the lecture from Mr Donnatelli but he's forgiving sometimes."

Andrea sighed with relief. "So um, where are we going?"

            ★ ★ ★

Brian discussed with his business associates concerning the hippies and environmental activists. They were gathered at a five star uptown restaurant was a live jazz band played in the corner as all the business partners and so called 'friends' were laughing and dancing, either way this was all a publicity stunt to fund a children's hospital in the Philippines. Waiters walked around serving pastries and wine before the main event. Adam was no where around, Belinda in her black dress and her hair up in a ponytail was smiling at a young man her age, he would have to find out what was going on. The CEO of Paradise resort Emilia Kent rolled her eyes in disbelief, she stood with her husband Dean, and of course Moretti and some air head blondie he had spotted on the cover of a tabloid magazine, he hadn't thought the man would stoop so low, but then again, he had an illegitimate son.

"Honestly, I saw those guys on the news it was quite unnerving considering all you've done for that town." Emilia sipped from her glass of wine.

Brian could have sworn she discreetly winked at him.

"I know how to deal with these people believe me." Brian said.

Then Moretti began to yap on about his new addition to his car collection. Brian looked around and spotted Andrea, she lightly bumped into a waiter and apologized, her cheeks were red with embarrassment, like she didn't belong, which was true.

"Excuse me." he told them and strolled casually towards her.

Andrea tried not to fall, she was no expert in heels, she mostly wore sneakers and flats, and she was way out of her league with this people... Where was Brian?

"Looking for someone?"

She looked up and saw Brian. He leaned in and kissed both her cheeks. She glared in surprise.

"No, no." He held her jaw up to him. "You will smile and act like you're hopelessly in love with me, or else." He whispered.

She felt disgusted and at the same time, a chill rose in her stomach.

He led her to a group of people, she remembered the guy from Brian's office, he held a blond haired woman wearing a short black dress, her sapphire necklace was stunning, she suddenly realized that Brian didn't give her jewelry, for obvious reasons.

"I thought I recognize you." The dark man eyed her as if assessing her body.

"Um,"  was the only intelligent response she could give.

"This is my girlfriend Andrea Thorne." Brian said dryly. "Andrea meet Antonio Moretti, and his date Claudia Reneé."

Antonio blinked.

"Oh, I love your dress, is it Victoria's Secret?" Claudia grinned.

"It's actually Devereaux." Andrea smiled.

"Girlfriend? Since when do you—"  Antonio started.

"We've been going steady for a few months Moretti." Brian interrupted.

"No wonder you threw me out yesterday, never thought you had it in you since Ana Marie."

Antonio downed his drink unaware of the glare Brian gave him. Andrea wondered who Ana Marie was, because Brian clenched her hand tightly.

The music stopped and a man walked on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, while we sit down, the dinner commences, CEO Donnatelli will address us shortly."