
The Billionaire and his Mistress Wife

Billionaire business tycoon, Brian Donnatelli discovers he has a child with the woman he had a one night stand with. He'll do whatever it takes to keep his son even if it means surrendering his cold heart to Andrea Thorne.

Josephine_ekele · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Brian glared at his brother was trying hard not to laugh. He had dinner with his brother every once in a while at his apartment uptown unwillingly because Gwen was good at persuasion, he was almost tempted to offer her a spot in PR at his company.

"Why would anyone in their right mind get married to you?" Adam said after Brian relayed the news.

"Oh shut up Adam." Gwen hissed and smiled at Brian "More pasta Brian?"

"I'm full. " Brian answered.

"I'm sorry, but you? Engaged? Hell's going to freeze over." Adam sipped his white wine.

"It's only temporary, as much as I despise that woman."

"Does she have the medallion?" Adam asked impatiently.

"Oh, what medallion?" Gwen asked excitedly.

"It's nothing," Brian gripped his champagne flute hard. He hated to discuss family matters with Gwen, he had nothing against her but she was too inquisitive.

"What about the baby? Are you going to let her keep him and pay child support? How did you get the DNA results so fast?" Gwen dabbed her lips with a napkin.

"No offense brother, but I don't see you changing diapers or singing a lullaby for a kid." Adam said.

"It may amuse you, but I see him as an investment, not even that woman can change it. "Brian said.

"Brian he's a human being , not an investment. You sound like—" Adam paused.

"Like our father? You would have had a place in his company of you had paid attention to business school rather than architecture. Are you still holding it against me?" Brian said coldly.

Adam raised his fist but Gwen held him down. "Adam no!"

"Get. Out. " Adam gritted his teeth.

"Gladly" Brian stood up and headed for the door.

He had a feeling he wouldn't be invited anytime soon

"God, who the hell do these people think they are?" Eve said as they made dinner at Andrea's place while Chad fidgeted with Lego bricks and licking them every once in a while.

Andrea mixed salad in a bowl thoughtfully.

"What am I going to do Evelyn?"

"My cousin Wade knows a guy, picture this: Two passports to Mexico" Evelyn smirked.

"Oh and what will we live on? Garbage nachos? This guy is mega rich, he'll find us for sure. " Andrea sat at the breakfast bar and feed Chad oatmeal, his favorite, He shrieked happily

"I don't want to lose him, I don't want to go to jail again."

"You were lucky, the cops let you off last time, so where's this necklace this guy's so mad about."

"I lost it. "

"You frigging what! " Eve gasped.

Andrea's cellphone rang, the phone number was unknown. She picked it anyway. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are You?" Brian asked angrily.

"You're in a feisty mood today Mr Donnatelli" She cooed. Eve gave her an inquisitive look, Andrea shrugged.

"Don't patronize me. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm with a friend on a Saturday afternoon like a normal person, do you have friends Donnatelli?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Text me your address and I'll send a car to pick you up." Brian saipd abruptly and ended the call.

"He's so infuriating." Andrea gritted her teeth.

"Hmm, Didn't he date that model from Victoria's Secret? Tanya? I think they broke up a long time ago." Eve served a spoonful of mashed potatoes for Chad as Andrea lifted the squirming child.

"Do I look like I give a crap about his relationships?" Andrea placed Chad on her lap and began to feed him. "I have to find that stupid medal."

"We will and more importantly, this could be a good thing you don't have to do this alone you've got rich boy."

Eve smirked.

"No, no, definitely not a gold digger, I've got principles" Andrea removed Chad's curious hand from grabbing the bowl.

He squirmed.

"I mean, I had no idea it was valuable, thought it was some stupid thing he wouldn't miss. " Andrea said.

"That's in the past now, we'll figure this out."

"We will." Andrea sighed with a hint of doubt.

           * * * * * *

Brian despised Antonio Moretti, and resisted the urge to punch him in the face any time he spoke, but for business sake he maintained his dignity. Often the press compared their lives like it was a competition in business week and sometimes the most attractive CEO in some cheap tabloid. Still he couldn't see what was so attractive about Moretti.

They sat in his office discussing their joint donation of furniture to a middle school in Iowa. His office had a lot of space, at the top floor of Andromeda industries. The glass paned windows protected his office from UV rays, scale models of furniture made by his father's own hand stood in a shelf, an apple computer sat on his desk with paper work. He had recently fired his secretary May Sullivan for 'Inappropriate misconduct' He did not feel comfortable working with her after spending the night with her in a hotel. Her reaction left a slap on his cheek.

"What's that on your face?" Antonio asked

"Fell" Was the only explanation he could come up with.

Antonio grinned.

"You fell? What?You're an idiot now?"

Brian said something offensive in Italian.

Moretti frowned.

"Fine, the workers called in, some hippies and eco activists are protesting deforestation at the site, we're behind schedule."

Brian shrugged, this was not the first time. "They'll leave after compensation, those tree huggers are human after all."

"I'm not giving a penny to them, do you think money grows on trees, pun intended? "

Brian glared at him. "That's my land I do not care if the locals eat grass, this project must go on-"

Just then Andrea walked in holding Chad, in her arms. 

Behind them was the front desk receptionist Sandra? Susan? Whatever her name was not important. She was chubby and heaved as if she had ran up thirty flights.

"What the fuck!" Antonio said.

"S-Sir I tried to stop her!" Samantha yelled in panic.

Brian stood up and glared at Andrea.

"So, I'm here." She simply said.

"Who are you?" Antonio asked standing up.

"Get out Sheila," Brian ordered with a devilish look.

The receptionist bit her lower lip and left almost in tears.

"You too Moretti." Brian said.

"Rude are we? "Antonio walked over to Andrea and shook her hand. "Antonio Moretti, it's not every day a beautiful swan barges into this moron's office.You are? "

Brian could see Andrea blush and smile. "Ah, I'm..."

"Out." Brian grabbed Moretti's arm and hurled him out, before he could exchange numbers.

"You bastard."

"Bourna Giornata" Brian said and closed the door.

"I thought I asked George to take you to the estate."

"So you can easily kill me or take Chad away I don't think so." Andrea said.

Brian glared at her.

"Please don't fire him or Susan." Andrea said.

"I make the decisions, their unemployment will be on you. " He smirked at the thought of Antonio being his employee.

She frowned. "I'm here now, let's get this over with." She placed Chad in his arms.

"What the—" Brian struggled to hold his son.

"What? Scared to hold your own son?"

Andrea grinned at his awkward moment.

He hadn't held a child in a long time. It should feel natural holding your own flesh and blood. Chad grabbed his tie and began to tug on it.

"Do you want anything to drink? Scotch? Beer? " He asked.

She gave him a look. "Coffee would be nice."  She answered.

"...He'll spend his vacation with me, and his entire wardrobe will be on me. I noticed he's wearing cheap pants from a damn thrift store." Brian flipped through the pages of the court order. They sat on opposite sides of a couch in his office.

Andrea scoffed as she flipped through her copy obviously in disbelief. "They're not from thrift stores! How did you get this so fast?"

"I have my ways." He tried to keep his file away from Chad. The judge owed him a favour, that involved a mistress. Brian was just at the right place at the right time.

"He's not going to change his name to Angelo."

"It's just his middle name, is he baptized? I can arrange a priest for that."

"I'm Catholic too, yes he has been baptized. You're taking this too seriously, this is a team effort."

"A team effort? How much is your salary? Fifty dollars an hour? " Brian scoffed.

"I worked my a—" She caught herself, no curse words near Chad.

He was making her go crazy!

"I work just as hard as any mother would to protect her child, you can't just show up and tell me that I'm not good enough."

Brian rolled his eyes, what was she expecting? Sympathy? "Might I remind you little thief that I control your destiny now? Find my medallion and all will be forgiven."

He gazed at her as she sighed. Her dark hair was in a loose ponytail, her eyes pecan brown, was that ketchup stain on her shirt?

He felt something warm on his pants and then liquid dropped on his expensive Italian made loafers. "What the hell?! " He dropped Chad on the couch harshly that he began to cry.

"Come on it was just an accident!" She carried Chad and consoled him.

"This was made by Calvin Klein specifically for me! Do you know how much it costs?" He removed a napkin from the coffee table and dabbed at the visible damp.

"You sound like a four year old. " She rolled her eyes.