
The Billionaire’s Hoax Affair

To erase his mess from the limelight and save his inheritance from being given to his younger brother, Alexander Santons is thrown in a tight corner because he needed a significant other to achieve that, which he doesn’t have. It leads him into downloading a dating app, where he comes across Jennifer. Jennifer Scott, a final year college student’s life tumbled down the hills after losing her father and her only means of survival. Her attempts at hustling for her college fees and rent were pointless, and somehow, she finds herself getting a mobile app, in hopes of finding a sugar daddy, and that’s when she comes across Alexander. It was purely professional at first, then exciting, and heated, and finally, sexual as fuck. Whereby both individuals try hard to ignore the pull they felt for each other, to no avail– because love sometimes chooses to germinate in the least expected situations. When secrets get revealed, confessions get outed, and an overzealous past fling that won’t ever receive defeat emerges from nowhere, chaos ended up occurring, and everything got messy. Is their love strong enough to survive the conflicts, drama, assumptions, and lies? Find out.

Josiexoxo · Urban
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13 Chs


"Congratulations, Jennifer. You can start the work now. Elena can show you the way things are around here." Mr. Paul stood up to shake her hand while she sat there in front of him, shocked.

Is that how people get job around here or is it just here? If this is how interviews are then she will just go to some rich CEO and make him hire her because what the actual fuck? He just asked a few things about her then why he should give her the job and whether she's got any experience in this field. Wow, this man is definitely not in his right state of mind but she is not going to tell him that. She needs this job desperately.

"Thank you so much, sir. I wont disappoint you." She gave him a confident smile while looking away to act like she hadn't noticed how he's been staring at her cleavage.

He is also another disgusting pig but he isn't her uncle neither had he suggested sleeping with her so it's all good. She can avoid him whenever she is around here, that shouldn't be hard as she is good at the hide and seek game with everyone.

She left his office only to bump into Elena standing outside waiting for her patiently. She gave her two thumbs up and she started jumping off her feet like an excited little girl. With her five feet six height, she rushed to engulf Jennifer's five feet four, standing a few inches taller than her in the embrace. She didn't want to pull away but they are out in public, some of the customers there might see them which is very unprofessional.

"I knew this is the perfect place for you now. What did he say exactly?" Elena pulled away with a wide grin, her entire pearls out in the public for everyone to see.

Jennifer cleared her throat and mimicked Mr. Paul's voice. "Congratulations, Jennifer. You can start the work now. Elena can show you the way things are around here."

Elena laughed hard, slapping both her knees with her palms in process before dragging Jennifer away from Mr. Paul's office down the corridor where only staffs are allowed in. She went to the few lockers there and removed black and white pieces of clothing from there and handed them to her while bouncing on her balls like a mischievous little girl she's been.

"Get dressed and let's hit those tables now." She pointed at a bathroom inside the locker room.

Jennifer made her way inside and removed her clothes, exchanging it with the uniform Elena handed her which consist of a knee length straight skirt that stopped below her knees and white button up shirt with the first two buttons unavailable just like Elena's. He wants them to be flaunting their boobs out for their customers? Oh just wow, Mr. Paul, way to get more pigger than she's initially thought.

"Damn! Damnation. I'd tap that if I were a man but I can still do that now, huh?" Elena whooped the minute she stepped out of the bathroom then spank her round bottom that looks so snug and pretty in that straight skirt.

Jennifer only giggled and wiggle her behind before adjusting the hair that is disturbing her behind her neck. "I hope I won't get tired of those snobby little things."

"Don't worry, I will handle those ones for you. We can exchange tables whenever you like, calm down. But now, let's introduce you to the other waiters and waitresses here before they create a scene." She dragged her yet again to the kitchen through a door she hadn't noticed earlier.

"You can start by bringing us water. Common sense." A woman dressed nicely in expensive working clothes snobbishly said to Jennifer who asked what they should be served before their dish arrive.

Swallowing the bitterness of being stamped on all over because she is wearing this uniform, she made her way into the kitchen to get the said water for them. This is like the nth time these snobbish set of people are getting under her skin and it's just being two weeks. She cannot take all the nonsense, she is not that down to earth. Her pride is high up the pinnacle and if not for the little pay, she won't be there.

"I'm so sorry I can't take over your table today, Jenny. We have these visitors that are very demanding." Elena made a face seeing how Jennifer is whispering harshly beneath her breath inside the kitchen.

Jennifer forced herself to smile albeit the bitterness in her oesophagus. "I can manage it, don't worry about me. Just make sure you don't bitch on them much." Jennifer winked because only Elena knew what she is talking about, she laughed.

"I can't promise a thing if they are hot!" Jennifer shook her head at that comment then went back outside to serve the water.

"Don't you know where to stand while serving water? Is that how you were taught?" The same woman yelled at Jennifer who was pouring water down both glass cups for the businesswoman and her male companion.

Jennifer gritted her teeth and smiled forcefully at the woman, a green vein popping on her forehead. "It doesn't matter how I pour the water in the cup, does it? As long as you will be able to drink it, it shouldn't bother you."

"What nonsense? Is that how you treat customers around her?" The woman stood up yelling now at the top of her lungs, earning the attention of the entire people in the restaurant now.

Just what Jennifer wants!

"With due respect, ma'am, you are being hard on me now. We can sort things out without you getting so much attention and interrupting people's meal." Jennifer gritted out not able to stop her pride from taking over.

This is her job, she is not begging out there in the streets for people to give her a few dollars. Even the work here isn't going to pay her much money for her rent talk less of her school fees. This woman shouldn't make the mistake of making her walk out of here. But then again, is it worth it? The entire pay won't be able to pay off her rent!

"What sort of disrespectful waitress are you? Can't you apologize for your own mistake?"

"You can go fuck yourself, ma'am. I'm done with you snobbish rich fuckers and this restaurant too! I hope you die thirsty." She turned around to see Mr. Paul walking out from his office then smiled shakily at him. She's let him down. "I quit, sir."

She burst out of the restaurant with only her phone in her hand.