
The Billionaire’s Hoax Affair

To erase his mess from the limelight and save his inheritance from being given to his younger brother, Alexander Santons is thrown in a tight corner because he needed a significant other to achieve that, which he doesn’t have. It leads him into downloading a dating app, where he comes across Jennifer. Jennifer Scott, a final year college student’s life tumbled down the hills after losing her father and her only means of survival. Her attempts at hustling for her college fees and rent were pointless, and somehow, she finds herself getting a mobile app, in hopes of finding a sugar daddy, and that’s when she comes across Alexander. It was purely professional at first, then exciting, and heated, and finally, sexual as fuck. Whereby both individuals try hard to ignore the pull they felt for each other, to no avail– because love sometimes chooses to germinate in the least expected situations. When secrets get revealed, confessions get outed, and an overzealous past fling that won’t ever receive defeat emerges from nowhere, chaos ended up occurring, and everything got messy. Is their love strong enough to survive the conflicts, drama, assumptions, and lies? Find out.

Josiexoxo · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Alexander went back home feeling dejected. He couldn't even make it to the empire that day because he cannot do shit but fire employees that have no fault in all these mess. It's all his fault but if he dares steps into the company, he will end up firing innocent souls for his own mistake so he is going back home to wallow up all alone with a decanter of alcohol in his arms.

He shrugged off his suit and drape it atop the couch then made his way to the bar by the other end of the penthouse. He heard susurrus from behind and yawed around to see the cause of the cacophony. He beheld the sight of his friend Peter just waking up from his own slumber with an ugly hangover which makes the two of them. Alex sent him a quick nod of acknowledgment and continued his journey to the bar for beer.

Deep into his bottle, he heard Peter's quiet footsteps from behind him approaching the bar with a cup of lemon juice to nurse his hangover. He's forgotten about anything related to that when he awoke to his fathers missed calls decorating his phone. But there is no headache now seeing as the worst has happened, nothing is there to shock him anymore. Being cancelled out of the inheritance is the only thing that could ever galvanize Alexander Santos.

"What's up? Why were you up so early and not at the office?" Peter sat down in front of him, placed his glass cup of lemon juice in front of him while looking longingly at the alcohol Alex is quaffing down his throat.

Alex took his time before replying his one and only best friend. He's known Peter since diapers through his father's best friend John Hudson. They've been friends since forever and never allow anyone into their straight circle only friends here and there. Peter knew all about his deepest and darkest secrets and vice versa.

Peter Hudson is the CEO of the renowned Hudson and sons technology company. His father had no problem passing down the company to him few months ago because Peter is way more responsible than him. Peter always manage to evade the paparazzi because he is conscious of his image unlike Alex who doesn't give a damn about what the hell they think of him. He should've followed Peter's footsteps, he wouldn't have been in this deep shit.

And besides, Peter is the first son of John Hudson too with his two other younger brothers and a sister. That title has been his since the day he was born but not Alexander. Well, he was the one who ruined everything for himself now. His brother doesn't even like the empire because he is studying something entirely different from the company's business. He wants to become a veterinarian. His father should consider this too.

"Dad wants to remove my name from his will…" he was caught off by Peter's widened eyes and choke resulting to series of coughs.

After he regained his breath, he slowly sipped his lemon juice while looking far away. "Why would uncle do that? It makes no sense to me. He knows Ivan doesn't want the empire. Why would he force it?"

"He is talking about the scandals. You know they've been proliferating these past few days since we couldn't keep things on the low. Now he wants me out because I can clearly take care of myself." Alex scoffed drunkenly at the end of his words.

"Well if he is talking from that point of view then I can't blame him. We've been with more women than we could count this week only. What do you think people are saying about the oldest son of the Santos? Ivan always keeps a low profile so he is definitely going to be the good child even to the media." Peter nodded his head as though his notion is the truest.

Alex's bloodshot eyes shoot his best friend with daggers. "Why do you always support my father? The man clearly hates me now because I'm living my life."

"He doesn't hate you, he loves you so much. It is that love that is making him do things he doesn't want to do. Just keep in mind that you need to make him proud now before it's too late."

"I'm making him proud by working in the empire and helping it grow. I've been working my ass off for that place more than my own." Alex argued, quaffing down more beer right from the decanter to his mouth.

"I know you are trying with the company but that isn't all he wants. He wants you to become responsible like other heirs! At least do it for the media if not in real life. That is what he wants." Peter advised again like the best friend he is. Always with crazy ideas and also amazing ones all the damn time.

"Those paparazzi won't leave me the fuck alone no matter how many times I try to keep them away. What else could I do?" He lie down on the table looking tired and pitiful.

"You can keep it low by asking the women to come to your place or something like that. Maybe you can go to them too or something."

With a harsh glare sent to Peter, he mumbled drunkenly. "I never bring women to my place so I can sleep with them. If that ever happens then it's an accident."

"I know, I know. The arrange something with a hotel where they can go and meet you? Just do something, okay? It needs to be done because we can't have your name removed from that will. That will mean you are really the bad child and Ivan the good one. That's the truth but we can't let it happen. Try! Try harder!"

"You know it's not easy right? Things are going to get messy with all those girls out there. It won't be my fault, you know. Some of them won't just let things go."

"I'll deal with that. Focus on building a new image for the media so they can be more intrigued in you. Don't give them anything to feed on for a few weeks. You can do that for you dad, right?"

● "Yepppp."