
The Billionaire’s Hoax Affair

To erase his mess from the limelight and save his inheritance from being given to his younger brother, Alexander Santons is thrown in a tight corner because he needed a significant other to achieve that, which he doesn’t have. It leads him into downloading a dating app, where he comes across Jennifer. Jennifer Scott, a final year college student’s life tumbled down the hills after losing her father and her only means of survival. Her attempts at hustling for her college fees and rent were pointless, and somehow, she finds herself getting a mobile app, in hopes of finding a sugar daddy, and that’s when she comes across Alexander. It was purely professional at first, then exciting, and heated, and finally, sexual as fuck. Whereby both individuals try hard to ignore the pull they felt for each other, to no avail– because love sometimes chooses to germinate in the least expected situations. When secrets get revealed, confessions get outed, and an overzealous past fling that won’t ever receive defeat emerges from nowhere, chaos ended up occurring, and everything got messy. Is their love strong enough to survive the conflicts, drama, assumptions, and lies? Find out.

Josiexoxo · Urban
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13 Chs


"How about we get you a job?" Olivia suggested whilst brewing coffee in the kitchen.

"I can ask my boss whether there is vacancy at the restaurant. He doesn't have any problem." Elena chirped in with her mouth filled with pancake.

"Bad manners, El." Jennifer chided and continued chewing her food slowly while thinking about what she's just said right now.

Maybe she should try looking for a job around here to help her with the upcoming disasters awaiting her. First there is rent that is due in just a few days and then comes the tuition fee that's due in just few weeks. How are things going to be now without her father and her lack of experience to any working place? What sort of fate is this? Had she known something close to this would come and bite her, she would've done something way before.

If she is to work in a restaurant now with Elena, how can she cope with stuff there? She knows nothing about how to serve food or even smile at strangers while telling them what is in the menu for today. Or being kind to small children when they pour things down. She is patient, that isn't questionable but what about those snobby teenagers that makes you want to remove each single strand of hair from your head? Can she take their snobbiness?

"Don't worry about anything, you can do it. There is no need to doubt yourself even a little. If I could put up with people out there with my lack of patience, you'll do an excellent job!" Elena place a hand on her shoulder in a supportive way that really lifted some shit off her chest.

"I hope so, I really do. Should we go today or wait till?" She trailed off, drinking down the last drop of her coffee with her eyes closed and determination seeping through her like vine.

Olivia cleared the table while thinking quietly to herself because there is something in her mind she isn't telling anyone. That's how she's always been since the day they met her. She wouldn't tell you what is bothering her till things get out of hand and all you can do is console her with good words. Jennifer hated that attitude of hers but cannot do anything to change someone that doesn't want to change.

The natural blonde girl always keep things to herself. She's more into writing to her diary and listening to music than doing any other thing. She is also pretty in her own way. Greek nose, pouty lips, doe like brown eyes and body to die for too. She is a bit fuller than Elena but not close to having the curves in Jennifer's possession. They always say they envy her curvaceous body but that's just a story, she feels like a truck between them.

She feels like they are insecure just because she is beautiful but their bodies are to die for, she always tells them that whenever she is given the opportunity to do so.

Elena also stood up after typing a quick message in her phone and getting a response by the beep the small device made. "We've got an interview for you, Jenny! Now let's go and get you ready so my boss won't be able to turn you down. People are already fighting for that one vacancy at the restaurant."

"Wait… he wants to see me now?" Jennifer asked with a small smile because good gracious, she thought the man will be creepy and won't accept her so easily but she's already scored an interview.

"Yes, let's go!" She dragged her out of her chair and straight to her room instead of Jennifer's room, muting away her protests that she can only bath in her bathroom.

"There is nothing worth it inside that drawer of yours. It's all Virgin Mary's college outfit and we cannot have that. I'm going to get you dressed up so Mr. Paul's eyes won't leave you and he will give you the job without listening to you."

Jennifer reluctantly permitted Elena to dress her because knowing the girl, she won't take no for an answer whenever she gets this enthusiastic. She bathed in her bathroom, did all her routine after bath like drying her hair, shaving her legs and so on. She sat down on Elena's twin bed and watch as her two best friends and housemates rummage through Elena's drawer for something she can wear.

She's got more curves than her so there is no way the girls outfit will sit well on her but she doesn't have a say now. She will wait until she try on all the clothes without success before pointing out the obvious differences between them. Maybe then they will listen to her and let her wear her own clothes but that didn't happen.

Elena brought out a sage Grecian shirt with only one spaghetti strap with a line straight skirt that stopped in the middle of her thighs. She cannot deny the fact that she looks hot in the outfit just not her style as it is way too revealing than the ones she'd normally go for. Her boobs look extra large in them and her booty too take all attention. The main reason she never wears clothes that are too revealing.

"Now wear these!" Olivia who's left the room to get God knows what came back with soot cone heels for Jennifer to wear.

"You girls should thank God I'm used to heels or I won't wear this just for an interview. I should dress more professionally than slutty." She kvetched whilst wearing the high heels nonetheless for the won't hear a thing she says after all.

"Then your hair." Elena grinned maliciously as she looked at her dark flowing midnight hair she's always loved to play with. Jennifer shook her head as she whispered how doomed she is.

She is not into arranging her hair, she'd rather pack it all up in a professional ponytail than any other style. Elena did a messy bun high chignon with a few tendrils here and there.

"Good to go now and hack that vacancy!"