
The Betrayed Monarch

In the world of Tianxia, the legend of Ling Tian, the Greatest Monarch Under Heaven, was whispered in hushed tones. He was revered as the most powerful cultivator to ever walk the land after the ear of the Ancients, and his name struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. But few knew the truth about his mysterious downfall. 8000 years ago, the Central Tianxia Continent was ruled by the Divine Emperor, a powerful cultivator who had reached the pinnacle of the cultivation world at that time* His two most promising disciples were Ling Tian and his fellow brother Feng Lei, whom Ling Tian had taken under his wing and cared for like a younger sibling after the mysterious death of their master. Ling Tian had been on the cusp of breaking through to the realm of the Great Sovereign, a feat that no one had accomplished in millennia. He had pushed himself to the limits of his cultivation, enduring countless trials and battles, but now he was so close he could almost taste it. However, his fellow brother, Feng Lei, launched a sudden surprise attack, leaving Ling Tian gravely wounded. Despite his injuries, Ling Tian remained determined, ready to confront his betrayer, who brought alongside him a horde of enemies and four Monarchs. Outnumbered and outmatched, Ling Tian fought relentlessly, unleashing powerful techniques and lightning-fast strikes. But the battle was slipping from his grasp. Weakened and aware of his impending defeat, Ling Tian summoned his last reserves and unleashed a devastating attack, ignorant of Feng Lei's hidden plan. To Ling Tian's dismay, Feng Lei revealed a pagoda emitting a suppressive and ancient aura, nullifying Ling Tian's attack and redirecting its force toward his already injured body. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily onto the ground. Broken ribs pierced through his flesh, twisted limbs throbbed with agonizing pain, and his seven orifices bled profusely, marking the precarious state of his fading existence. Ling Tian knew that his life was ebbing away, his body ravaged beyond recovery. A sinister smile crept across Feng Lei's face as he taunted, "Did you really believe I would confront you without countermeasures? This pagoda possesses the power of an ancient artifact. Your efforts are in vain." As his vision began to fade, Ling Tian felt a surge of rage and hatred. He had been betrayed by the one person he had treated like a little brother, and now he was paying the ultimate price. Ling Tian's laughter echoed through the desolate valley, a chilling sound that made the birds scatter and the leaves rustle in fear. "Hahaha...HAHAHAHA!" he cackled, his eyes blazing with ferociousness and unwillingness as he looked at the sapphire sky. "Betrayal only reveals the true colors of a person, and now I see yours. But don't celebrate too soon, for I will return stronger and more determined than ever, even if it takes me 8000 years. The madness and hatred inside me burn like a raging fire, fueling my every step toward vengeance. You may have broken my trust, but you will never break my spirit. I will rise from the ashes of this betrayal, I shall emerge as a Demon, and you will rue the day you ever crossed me." As Ling Tian spoke, his body trembled with the intensity of his emotions. He could feel the energy of Heaven and Earth and his life force seeping away. But as his final words left his lips, a sudden pain pierced his chest, His vision began to blur, and the world around him faded into darkness. "I...will...return..." he whispered before everything went black. As his spirit drifted away, Ling Tian had no idea that his words would hold true for him in the distant future as He was reborn 8000 years, with memories of his past life still intact. But as he explored this new world, he realized that the truth behind his betrayal was shrouded in mystery and secrets that went deeper than he ever imagined. Add to Library 4-6 Chaps/week

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Mo Xuan's Sinister Plan

Ling Tian turned around and began to walk away, but then he heard a noise.

It was a soft sound like the snap of a wooden stick underfoot, but it made him stop in his tracks.

He listened carefully, but this time there was nothing to hear.

"Maybe I just imagined it," he thought.

He resumed walking, but an unsettling feeling lingered. Ling Tian couldn't shake off the sensation that someone was watching him.

He kept glancing behind him, but there was nothing to see.

It sent a chill down his spine, and he looked over his shoulder, desperately searching for any signs of the mysterious observer.

Yet there was nothing but the vast expanse of the forest, serene and undisturbed.

Despite his unease, Ling Tian tried to push aside his worries and resolve to continue his journey.

Ling Tian tried to ignore the feeling and continued on his way. He knew he couldn't waste any time.

He needed to rest and treat his wounds, and then he would keep hunting. He was determined to be the first.

As he left the area and disappeared into the forest, a mysterious figure hid behind a tree and let out a relieved sigh.

The figure approached the spot where Ling Tian had just fought the snow lynx.

The snow was now stained with blood, a deep crimson that contrasted sharply with the pristine white of the landscape.

The blood was everywhere, splattered across the ground, soaking into the snow.

The head of the snow lynx was severed from its body and lay a few meters away, its eyes still open and its fur matted with blood.

The mysterious figure approached the head and knelt down to examine it.

The fur on the head was a beautiful shade of white, with black markings around the eyes and ears. The eyes were still open, but they were glazed over and lifeless.

The mouth was open in a silent scream, and the teeth were stained with blood.

The figure was a person dressed in black, like an assassin, with their face covered.

Only their eyes were visible, flickering with shock and amazement.

The person removed the cover from their face and muttered, "Tsk, what a strong bastard! Still, I can't believe what I just witnessed."

The person was Mo Xuan, the same middle-aged man who had been ordered by the grand elder to eliminate Ling Tian.

However, as he stood amidst the aftermath of Ling Tian's battle, doubt began to creep into Mo Xuan's mind.

Ling Tian's display of strength and resilience surpassed his expectations.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but wonder what hidden power lay dormant within Ling Tian, waiting to be unleashed in the future.

For a brief moment, he entertained the thought that Ling Tian could be a valuable asset to the clan, but he quickly dismissed it.

"What am I thinking? That useless person could never have a promising future," he scolded himself harshly.

"How could I forget that he has been stuck at the third level of body tempering for over six months? He has no talent whatsoever!"

Mo Xuan's eyes narrowed as he clenched his fists tightly. He knew what he had to do.

With a cold smile, Mo Xuan turned and vanished into the shadows.

**Divisions in zone

The moonlit forest was not only vast and immense, but its zones were equally expansive. Even the area designated for Tier 1 beasts surpassed the size of Chang'an City, one of the three major cities within the Yueming Kingdom.

To manage and protect the participants in such a massive expanse, the clan had divided each zone into numerous parts, with a dedicated supervisor guarding each one.

The Tier 1 zone was further subdivided into a staggering 70 parts, with each section carefully monitored by a Qi-gathering cultivator from the previous generation of the clan.

Likewise, the Tier 2 zone was divided into over 200 parts, a testament to the sheer magnitude of the area.

Many martial disciples and some Martial warriors were stationed along the boundary between the Tier 2 and Tier 3 beast zones, where the danger escalated significantly.

Their presence served as a line of defense against the more formidable and savage creatures that lurked deeper within the forest.

This meticulous division and allocation of guardians allowed the clan to effectively manage and safeguard the Participants, ensuring that the hunting contest and the cultivators within it could proceed under a measure of control and security.

**Protector Chilling( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)**

Mo Xuan, utilizing his skills as a martial disciple, stealthily made his way toward the protector assigned to Ling Tian's section of the Tier 1 zone.

With practiced finesse, he moved soundlessly through the dense forest, his presence concealed from the unsuspecting guard.

The protector, a Qi-gathering cultivator, remained oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.

Being a skilled martial disciple, he can easily conceal his presence from a Qi-gathering cultivator.

Mo Xuan discreetly approached the unsuspecting protector, knowing that a direct confrontation was unnecessary.

With careful precision, Mo Xuan mixed a potent sleeping drug known as "Slumberleaf Potion" into the protector's wine.

This drug was concocted using a rare herb called Slumbertwig Leaf known for its sedative properties, and was created to induce a deep slumber, rendering the protector helpless and vulnerable.

With the task accomplished, Mo Xuan silently observed as the unsuspecting protector unknowingly consumed the drugged wine.

Gradually, the effects of the sleeping drug took hold, and the protector's eyelids grew heavy.

Overwhelmed by drowsiness, he succumbed to a deep and dreamless sleep, completely unaware of the imminent danger that lay ahead.

Mo Xuan, satisfied with the success of his scheme, faded back into the shadows, his presence undetectable.

He knew that his actions had paved the way for his next move, setting in motion a chain of events that would soon unfold in the moonlit forest.

*An hour later

Mo Xuan had ventured deeper into the moonlit forest, reaching the area where second-tier beasts roamed.

This was the zone designated for the hunting contest of Qi-gathering cultivators.

He was in charge of watching over this part of the 2nd Tier zone, guarding both the body-tampering and Qi-gathering cultivators from the danger of high-tier beasts.

As he roamed, It didn't take long for him to spot a second-tier wild beast—a Moonshadow wolf with piercing green eyes.

Its sleek black fur shimmered under the moonlight, and its sharp teeth glistened.

The wolf stood tall and formidable, exuding a sense of power and danger.

Sensing Mo Xuan's presence, the beast became alert, recognizing him as a stronger enemy.

Mo Xuan let out a hysterical laugh, his voice filled with mockery. as he spoke,

"Well, well, what do we have here? A little wolf, Anyway, you will do fine Hahahaha...

"In response to Mo Xuan's evil laugh, the beast let out a low, menacing roar,

its growl vibrating through the air, challenging Mo Xuan's arrogance

and its attempts to appear strong or courageous, betraying its underlying fear.

"You think you can stand against me? How amusing!" He sneered at the wolf.

With a burst of confidence, he launched an attack, aiming to strike the wolf.

However, his blow missed its mark, landing near a massive boulder about ten meters away. The impact shattered the boulder into countless pieces, scattering them across the forest floor.

Terrified, the wolf realized the peril it faced and immediately fled for its life.

It sprinted in the opposite direction, leading to the area inhabited by Tier One beasts, desperate to escape from Mo Xuan's relentless pursuit.

Unbeknownst to the wolf, this was the same direction where Ling Tian had taken refuge.

Meanwhile, Ling Tian, weary from his battle and wounded, had been searching for a place to spend the night and tend to his injuries.

Finally, he discovered a secluded spot tucked away in the forest. It was a small clearing surrounded by towering trees, offering a sense of safety and tranquility.

The ground was carpeted with moss, providing a soft and comfortable resting place.

Ling Tian carefully settled himself in this hidden sanctuary, taking a moment to examine his wounds.

He tore a strip of cloth from his tattered robes and skillfully bandaged his injuries.....

*Back To The Moonshadow Wolf

As the wolf entered the territory of the Tier One common beasts, a ripple of fear swept through the area.

The common beasts sensed the predator's presence and swiftly retreated into their hiding spots, their bodies quivering with trepidation.

They knew better than to challenge a creature of higher rank.

Somewhere in the same part of the zone, a young boy in his teens engaged in a fierce battle with a 9th-level common beast, a ferocious lizard known as the "Blazing Scale Lizard."

The boy displayed remarkable skill, matching the lizard blow for blow.

Their movements were agile and precise as they exchanged attacks, each struggling to gain the upper hand.

However, amidst their intense duel, a bone-chilling roar echoed through the forest.

The sound reverberated with a menacing power, causing both the lizard and the young man to freeze in their tracks.

Fear filled the lizard's eyes as it swiftly disengaged from the fight, realizing the impending danger. It darted away, its scaly body blending into the shadows.

The young man, initially taken aback, quickly understood the gravity of the situation.

A high-ranking beast had trespassed into the territory of the common beasts, which explained the lizard's hasty retreat.

Realizing the imminent threat, he too left the area, searching for a place to hide.

As he hurried away, he muttered curses towards the protectors responsible for guarding this part of the zone.

Similar scenes played out throughout this part of the Tier 1 zone, where participants of the hunting contest were embroiled in fierce battles.

In one instance, a young girl named Ling Yue found herself at the mercy of a wild boar, its menacing tusks poised to strike.

However, upon hearing the resounding roar of the approaching 2nd Tier beasts, the boar relinquished its pursuit and hastily retreated, tail tucked between its legs.

Ling Yue let out a sigh of relief, but her fair face bore, mingled with a fit of fiery anger.

Ling Yue, the daughter of Ling Tian's first uncle, possessed remarkable strength at just 15 years old. Famously known as "The Phoenix of the Clan".

Ling Yue, the "Phoenix of the Clan," was a young woman of extraordinary beauty and talent.

She possessed a slender and graceful figure, long ebony hair, and eyes like pools of liquid amber that radiated warmth and intensity.

However, there was also a hint of aloofness and arrogance in her gaze, reflecting her unwavering self-assurance and acknowledgment of her extraordinary abilities.

Already in the 8th layer of body tempering, she fought the formidable boar for a grueling half-hour, a feat that will astonish all who witnessed it.

Determined and courageous, she swiftly rose to her feet and dashed towards a hiding place, knowing the importance of concealment in the vast and expansive moonlight forest.

*On Ling Tian's side

He had just finished treating his wounds using the medicinal herbs he had brought from the clan before venturing into the forest.

Being a junior in the body tempering realm, he was allowed to carry these herbs, unlike the Qi gathering cultivators who had to rely solely on what they could find in the jungle.

Ling Clan members were trained in survival skills and the use of medicinal herbs for treating injuries.

Finding a variety of herbs in the forest, Ling Tian skillfully prepared a healing ointment and gently applied it to his wounds.

Taking a moment to relax, he settled down for a brief nap, cautious not to fall into a deep sleep as it could be perilous in the unpredictable forest.

However, his tranquility was shattered by a bone-chilling roar that reverberated through the air, startling him awake.

Ling Tian cursed under his breath, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and Dread.

"Fu*k, what the hell was that....?"


[Author Note]

Dear Readers,

I apologize for the mistakes I made in previous chapters. I will look into them and clarify them as soon as I have the time.

Tier is the major realm, and levels are used for the 9 sub-divisions in each realm for beasts.

I have also changed the word from the area of moonlit forest to the zone.

If you find any other mistakes, please mention them so I can correct them.

Thank you for your support!

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