
The Betrayed Monarch

In the world of Tianxia, the legend of Ling Tian, the Greatest Monarch Under Heaven, was whispered in hushed tones. He was revered as the most powerful cultivator to ever walk the land after the ear of the Ancients, and his name struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. But few knew the truth about his mysterious downfall. 8000 years ago, the Central Tianxia Continent was ruled by the Divine Emperor, a powerful cultivator who had reached the pinnacle of the cultivation world at that time* His two most promising disciples were Ling Tian and his fellow brother Feng Lei, whom Ling Tian had taken under his wing and cared for like a younger sibling after the mysterious death of their master. Ling Tian had been on the cusp of breaking through to the realm of the Great Sovereign, a feat that no one had accomplished in millennia. He had pushed himself to the limits of his cultivation, enduring countless trials and battles, but now he was so close he could almost taste it. However, his fellow brother, Feng Lei, launched a sudden surprise attack, leaving Ling Tian gravely wounded. Despite his injuries, Ling Tian remained determined, ready to confront his betrayer, who brought alongside him a horde of enemies and four Monarchs. Outnumbered and outmatched, Ling Tian fought relentlessly, unleashing powerful techniques and lightning-fast strikes. But the battle was slipping from his grasp. Weakened and aware of his impending defeat, Ling Tian summoned his last reserves and unleashed a devastating attack, ignorant of Feng Lei's hidden plan. To Ling Tian's dismay, Feng Lei revealed a pagoda emitting a suppressive and ancient aura, nullifying Ling Tian's attack and redirecting its force toward his already injured body. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily onto the ground. Broken ribs pierced through his flesh, twisted limbs throbbed with agonizing pain, and his seven orifices bled profusely, marking the precarious state of his fading existence. Ling Tian knew that his life was ebbing away, his body ravaged beyond recovery. A sinister smile crept across Feng Lei's face as he taunted, "Did you really believe I would confront you without countermeasures? This pagoda possesses the power of an ancient artifact. Your efforts are in vain." As his vision began to fade, Ling Tian felt a surge of rage and hatred. He had been betrayed by the one person he had treated like a little brother, and now he was paying the ultimate price. Ling Tian's laughter echoed through the desolate valley, a chilling sound that made the birds scatter and the leaves rustle in fear. "Hahaha...HAHAHAHA!" he cackled, his eyes blazing with ferociousness and unwillingness as he looked at the sapphire sky. "Betrayal only reveals the true colors of a person, and now I see yours. But don't celebrate too soon, for I will return stronger and more determined than ever, even if it takes me 8000 years. The madness and hatred inside me burn like a raging fire, fueling my every step toward vengeance. You may have broken my trust, but you will never break my spirit. I will rise from the ashes of this betrayal, I shall emerge as a Demon, and you will rue the day you ever crossed me." As Ling Tian spoke, his body trembled with the intensity of his emotions. He could feel the energy of Heaven and Earth and his life force seeping away. But as his final words left his lips, a sudden pain pierced his chest, His vision began to blur, and the world around him faded into darkness. "I...will...return..." he whispered before everything went black. As his spirit drifted away, Ling Tian had no idea that his words would hold true for him in the distant future as He was reborn 8000 years, with memories of his past life still intact. But as he explored this new world, he realized that the truth behind his betrayal was shrouded in mystery and secrets that went deeper than he ever imagined. Add to Library 4-6 Chaps/week

TheTurtleHermit · Eastern
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10 Chs

Despairful End Of The (PV)


Ling Tian's heart pounded in his chest as he heard the bone-chilling roar reverberate through the moonlit forest once again.

"What was that again? It doesn't sound like an ordinary creature. Could it be a high-tier beast that has entered the Tier 1 zone?" Ling Tian wondered aloud.


The roar reverberated once more, even louder than before,

Damn! Is it coming in this direction? Ling Tian's heart raced with fear.

Without wasting any time thinking about useless things, Ling Tian quickly packed his things and got ready to run away from the hidden open space.

His gut feeling told him to escape because the danger was getting closer.

Meanwhile, Mo Xuan continued to pursue the beast, driving it towards the location where Ling Tian had intended to treat his wounds and rest.

As Mo Xuan approached the spot, he climbed up a towering tree to survey the area.

It didn't take long for his eyes to spot Ling Tian, who was already aware of the impending danger.

Ling Tian was running towards the west side of the forest, in a different direction from where the beast was approaching.

Mo Xuan noticed Ling Tian's desperate attempt to escape and let out a booming laugh as he sneered and said

"Huh! You think you can escape?"

Summoning his internal energy, Mo Xuan attacked, creating a gigantic hand that struck the ground on the right side of the beast.

The impact carved a 3-foot-deep and 6-foot-wide crater, deliberately avoiding direct contact but startling the creature and forcing it to change its course towards Ling Tian's direction of escape.

Terrified by the attack, the beast veered off in the direction Ling Tian chose, closing in on his fleeing figure.

As Ling Tian was running for his life with the thought in his mind that he had escaped the danger but then a wave of despair washed over him when he heard the terrifying roar once again.

He was left speechless, unable to comprehend how the beast had changed direction.

"What the hell? Why is it now moving in this direction? Curse my damn luck! How could I be so unlucky?"

Ling Tian mumbled to himself in frustration.

The beast continued to chase relentlessly, getting closer and closer to Ling Tian with each passing moment.

The distance between them quickly decreased from 5 kilometers to 4.5, then 4, and 3...

When it reached 1.5 kilometers, Ling Tian caught a glimpse of the creature pursuing him.

To his horror, he recognized it as a Moonshadow Wolf, a fearsome 2nd Tier predator.

The Moonshadow Wolf had noticed Ling Tian when it was around 3 kilometers away, but it paid him no mind. It had been focused on its own desperate escape, having no time to hunt a weak and insignificant human.

However, when Mo Xuan noticed the distance between Ling Tian and the wolf significantly shorten, he decided to hide in the shadows of the trees and erase his presence.

The Moonshadow wolf, running relentlessly for hours at full speed, suddenly stopped in its tracks, bewildered.

The despicable human that had pursued it like a mad dog had vanished without a trace.

The wolf couldn't comprehend how this could happen.

It knew very well that the human was much stronger than itself, and escape seemed nearly impossible.

However, it had continued to run for its life, desperately hoping to survive. And now, that hateful human had vanished into thin air.

For a brief moment, the Moonshadow Wolf felt a surge of conceited fulfillment.

Arrogance filled its gaze as it drank in the belief that it had outsmarted and outmaneuvered its pursuer.

Yet, as the wolf's gaze shifted forward, it noticed Ling Tian and roared angrily, its green eyes bloodshot.

Its hatred for humans surged within, fueled by the memories of being chased relentlessly.

In its eyes, Ling Tian was just another hateful human, and all humans were loathsome creatures.

Driven by pent-up frustration and anger, the Moonshadow Wolf quickly closed the distance between itself and Ling Tian, eager to unleash its fury upon the human.

It knew it was much stronger than this Human.

Ling Tian, noticing the approaching beast, cursed his luck.

"Ah, my wretched luck! It appears Heaven has forsaken me entirely."

He pushed his body to the extreme limits, increasing his speed with all his might, unknowingly breaking through his body limits.

His pace quickened significantly, but still, he couldn't match the incredible speed of the Moonshadow Wolf.

As the distance between them narrowed to 500 meters, the Moonshadow Wolf abruptly stopped.

Ling Tian, who was running ahead, knew exactly why the beast had halted.

"It's over. I'm done for. No wonder that bastard stopped chasing me,"

Ling Tian muttered with despair and bitterness.

Because in front of Ling Tian is a cliff leading to an abyss-like canyon covered in Grey Fog.

The beast watched Ling Tian's expression, feeling a sense of smug satisfaction.

It reveled in Ling Tian's misfortune, appreciating the opportunity to torment the young human.

On the other hand, Ling Tian knew that it was now a do-or-die situation.

With determination in his eyes, he reached for his bow, quickly retrieving poison-coated arrows infused with the venom of the Twin Horn Serpent.

These arrows had been hidden and prepared in advance for this very moment.

"Well, not for a tier 2 beast..."

Ling Tian placed one arrow on the bowstring and took aim at the Moonshadow Wolf, channeling all his strength into the shot.

The Moonshadow Wolf was aware of the upcoming arrow but chose to ignore it.

The arrow struck the wolf's mane but was unable to penetrate its strong defense and dropped to the ground.

Ling Tian had already anticipated this outcome, yet he chose to take the shot.

As he watched the futile attempt unfold, he couldn't help but feel bitter and frustrated.

A bitter smile materialized on his face as he realized there was no escape.

He knew there was no escape from this dire situation.

How could a cultivator with the strength of 3rd layer of body tampering inflict an injury on a 2nd Tier beast with normal iron arrows?

The arrows were prepared for 7th, 8th, or 9th level Tier 1 Common Beasts that will pose him a threat in the Tier 1 zone.

The Wolf feeling smug and arrogant, roared and charged at Ling Tian, unable to wait any longer.

As the wolf approached closer and closer, Ling Tian closed his eyes, moving to the edge of the cliff.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he succumbed to a fit of crazed laughter.

"Hahaha! So, this is how my life will end.

As I look back, it has been nothing but a pitiful and hopeless existence,

Truly A Pathetic life."

Ling Tian thought, his voice tinged with bitter reflection.

The pain in his heart grew unbearable as he pondered the man he longed to bring pride and happiness to—a man constantly criticized and blamed for his flaws.

Ling Tian's voice trembled with sorrow as he realized he would never be able to make his father proud before those who criticized and blamed him.

Tears cascaded down Ling Tian's face, intermingling with his anguished words.

"Why does it have to be like this?

Why am I so weak?

Why can't I break free from this wretched destiny?"


"Damit! whyy?"


The intensity of his questions trembled in his voice, reverberating into the emptiness around him.

A heart-wrenching smile etched itself across his face, capturing the essence of a young boy's hopelessness and despair.

In that chilling moment, he descended into the depths of darkness, his eyes vacant and lifeless.

Tears continued to stream down his face, a testament to the overwhelming weight of his own regrets.

As, he plunged deeper into the abyss of despair, a soul burdened beyond measure.

The thought reverberated within his consciousness,

"Well, it doesn't matter now anyway," the final resignation in his voice.

"Because I'm already dead."

Although Ling Tian appeared physically unharmed, his eyes had already lost their spark of life.

Ling Tian turned his gaze toward the forest where his father and others were.

Tears streamed down his face as he stuttered emotionally,

"I'm sorry, Father... I'm so sorry."

In desperation, he jumped from the cliff, falling into what seemed like a bottomless pit covered in fog.

Time seemed to slow down as his life unfolded before his eyes, memories and moments racing by in a dizzying whirlwind.

His eyes regained their vitality as he spoke with burning wrath towards the heavens.

"If I were given just one more chance, I would become the strongest.

I won't let anybody look down on me, and... and I will make my father, who always believed in me the most, proud."

As he continued falling, what seemed like an eternity passed.

Finally, he hit the bottom (water's surface) his consciousness drifting away as darkness enveloped him.

His last words echoed through the void,

"Just one chance..."

[Author Note]: Please support the novel by voting it, Because Now the real story is Just starting. And I will reread the previous chapters and try to remove any mistakes and unclarity.