
The Betrayed Monarch

In the world of Tianxia, the legend of Ling Tian, the Greatest Monarch Under Heaven, was whispered in hushed tones. He was revered as the most powerful cultivator to ever walk the land after the ear of the Ancients, and his name struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. But few knew the truth about his mysterious downfall. 8000 years ago, the Central Tianxia Continent was ruled by the Divine Emperor, a powerful cultivator who had reached the pinnacle of the cultivation world at that time* His two most promising disciples were Ling Tian and his fellow brother Feng Lei, whom Ling Tian had taken under his wing and cared for like a younger sibling after the mysterious death of their master. Ling Tian had been on the cusp of breaking through to the realm of the Great Sovereign, a feat that no one had accomplished in millennia. He had pushed himself to the limits of his cultivation, enduring countless trials and battles, but now he was so close he could almost taste it. However, his fellow brother, Feng Lei, launched a sudden surprise attack, leaving Ling Tian gravely wounded. Despite his injuries, Ling Tian remained determined, ready to confront his betrayer, who brought alongside him a horde of enemies and four Monarchs. Outnumbered and outmatched, Ling Tian fought relentlessly, unleashing powerful techniques and lightning-fast strikes. But the battle was slipping from his grasp. Weakened and aware of his impending defeat, Ling Tian summoned his last reserves and unleashed a devastating attack, ignorant of Feng Lei's hidden plan. To Ling Tian's dismay, Feng Lei revealed a pagoda emitting a suppressive and ancient aura, nullifying Ling Tian's attack and redirecting its force toward his already injured body. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily onto the ground. Broken ribs pierced through his flesh, twisted limbs throbbed with agonizing pain, and his seven orifices bled profusely, marking the precarious state of his fading existence. Ling Tian knew that his life was ebbing away, his body ravaged beyond recovery. A sinister smile crept across Feng Lei's face as he taunted, "Did you really believe I would confront you without countermeasures? This pagoda possesses the power of an ancient artifact. Your efforts are in vain." As his vision began to fade, Ling Tian felt a surge of rage and hatred. He had been betrayed by the one person he had treated like a little brother, and now he was paying the ultimate price. Ling Tian's laughter echoed through the desolate valley, a chilling sound that made the birds scatter and the leaves rustle in fear. "Hahaha...HAHAHAHA!" he cackled, his eyes blazing with ferociousness and unwillingness as he looked at the sapphire sky. "Betrayal only reveals the true colors of a person, and now I see yours. But don't celebrate too soon, for I will return stronger and more determined than ever, even if it takes me 8000 years. The madness and hatred inside me burn like a raging fire, fueling my every step toward vengeance. You may have broken my trust, but you will never break my spirit. I will rise from the ashes of this betrayal, I shall emerge as a Demon, and you will rue the day you ever crossed me." As Ling Tian spoke, his body trembled with the intensity of his emotions. He could feel the energy of Heaven and Earth and his life force seeping away. But as his final words left his lips, a sudden pain pierced his chest, His vision began to blur, and the world around him faded into darkness. "I...will...return..." he whispered before everything went black. As his spirit drifted away, Ling Tian had no idea that his words would hold true for him in the distant future as He was reborn 8000 years, with memories of his past life still intact. But as he explored this new world, he realized that the truth behind his betrayal was shrouded in mystery and secrets that went deeper than he ever imagined. Add to Library 4-6 Chaps/week

TheTurtleHermit · Eastern
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The Snow Lynx

A Few Hours Later

As night enveloped the moonlit forest, it became a realm of breathtaking beauty and primal chaos.

The interplay of light and darkness, of life and death, created a tapestry of enchantment that captivated the senses.

It was a place where brave souls could find glory or meet their demise.


The moonlit forest is a dangerous place at night. The laws of nature are rewritten, and danger lurks in the shadows.

Stealth is an art form as creatures adapt to this unique environment.

Every rustle of leaves, every subtle shift in the air is keenly observed with heightened perception.

The cruel and deadly beasts of the forest are most active at night. These extraordinary creatures possess keen senses, with eyes that shimmer like the moon itself.

They are finely attuned to even the faintest movements and subtlest changes in the environment.

Their remarkable precision allows them to spot prey or potential threats, making them formidable hunters and survivors.

Furthermore, these creatures have honed their agility to unmatched levels.

They can navigate through the underbrush with grace and swiftness, blending almost seamlessly into the moonlit landscape.

Their bodies are designed to move silently through the dense foliage and uneven terrain, so they can avoid detection by both prey and predators.

In addition to their sensory and physical prowess, these creatures have developed unique camouflage abilities.

Their fur, scales, or skin possess adaptations that enable them to blend flawlessly with the moonlight, rendering them nearly invisible in the dimly lit forest.

These natural camouflage mechanisms aid in evading detection and make them highly skilled ambush predators.

The Clash

The forest was silent, save for the occasional howl of a beast. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the clash of metal on metal.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, their blades flashing in the moonlight.

The first figure was a young boy, about two meters tall with a well-proportioned body and sharp features.

His eyes were dark and determined, but there was also a hint of innocence in them. He was Ling Tian.

The second figure was a snow lynx as big as a one-story house.

The snow lynx was a fearsome creature. Cloaked in a thick, pure white fur coat, it effortlessly blended with the winter landscape, embodying the very essence of its snowy domain.

Every aspect of the snow lynx exuded an air of untamed power.

The young boy, on the other hand, appeared diminutive in comparison.

His tattered clothes hung loosely on his thin frame, accentuating his vulnerability.

Despite his unassuming appearance, there was a determination in his eyes that belied his age. He stood firm, ready to face the formidable creature that stood before him.

"Ferocious beauty, you are truly strong, possessing such immense strength at such a tender age," Ling Tian remarked, his voice carrying a mixture of fear and playfulness.

A shiver ran down his spine as he contemplated the snow lynx's potential. "I can only imagine the terror you will become once you reach your full potential as a 5th or maybe even a 6th-order beast.

A truly terrifying existence." Ling Tian trembled at the mere idea.

Through their previous exchanges, Ling Tian had gained a better understanding of his opponent.

The snow lynx was undoubtedly a 5th-level common beast, but its strength surpassed that of a typical 5th-level. Its speed, reaching the pinnacle of the 6th level, and its strength even rivaled some of the weakest 7th-level common beasts.

Ling Tian pushed aside these unnecessary thoughts, as he charged toward the snow lynx.

Ling Tian was the first to break the standoff and charged at the snow lynx, his speed increasing with each step.

"But unfortunately, your life will end here, and you will not be able to reach your full potential," he declared, bravely attacking the ferocious beast.


Ling Tian's heart pounded as he prepared to meet the lynx's attack. His body moved with fluid grace, muscles tensed as he gathered his strength.

The two forces collided with a deafening crash. Ling Tian's sword met the lynx's claws, sending sparks flying. The impact numbed his arms, almost causing him to drop his sword.

"Arghh! You little shit!" he exclaimed.

"So you were just toying with me earlier!"

He felt humiliated, having been arrogant and declaring that he would kill the beast, only to be thrown back and injured.

The humiliation fueled his rage, and he lunged again, attacking furiously with all his strength, utilizing his martial art.

The snow lynx also charged again with its full strength in response. The clash of blade and claw created fiery sparks, and a booming sound reverberated as both opponents retreated.

"The snow lynx stood still, its sapphire eyes filled with confusion and shock as it observed Ling Tian standing upright.

It had anticipated sending the tiny human flying, but Ling Tian managed to stay on his feet, though he struggled to maintain his balance with shaking legs."

Ling Tian was also a bit surprised and happy and chuckled loudly. "I'm not sure how I did it," he exclaimed, "but I'm not as weak as I look!"

The snow lynx noticed Ling Tian's shaking legs and smirked. Ling Tian, feeling annoyed, saw the smirk and replied mockingly...

"I may be shaking, but it's not from fear! It's from laughter! I'm laughing at how pathetic you are! You thought you could defeat me with your little claws and teeth?"

The snow lynx roared and charged, its claws outstretched. Ling Tian swung his sword, but the snow lynx was too quick.

It dodged the attack and raked its claws across Ling Tian's chest. Ling Tian cried out in pain, but he didn't back down.

He swung his sword again, this time landing a blow on the snow lynx's shoulder. The snow lynx staggered back, but it managed to stay on its feet.

The two combatants circled each other, looking for an opening.

The snow lynx was faster and more agile, but Ling Tian had the reach advantage with his sword. They traded blows, but neither one was able to gain an advantage.

Ling Tian was starting to tire, while the snow lynx seemed to be getting stronger. The snow lynx charged again, this time with even more ferocity.

Ling Tian tried to defend himself, but the snow lynx was too much for him. It knocked the sword out of his hand and pinned him to the ground with its claws.

The snow lynx was about to deliver the killing blow, but Ling Tian seized the opportunity.

He twisted the snow lynx's paw with all his might, causing the beast to roar in pain and release him. Ling Tian scrambled to his feet and picked up his sword.

As the snow lynx found itself on the defensive, Ling Tian seized the opportunity to launch a relentless offensive.

With renewed vigor, he swung his sword, landing blows that the snow lynx struggled to evade. Blood trickled from the snow lynx's multiple wounds, weakening it considerably.

Finally, Ling Tian landed a blow that knocked the snow lynx to the ground. The snow lynx tried to get up, but it was too weak.

Ling Tian raised his sword and brought it down, severing the snow lynx's head from its body.

Ling Tian sheathed his sword and collapsed to the ground, exhausted. He had survived, but he had been through a lot. He knew that he would never forget this battle.

Ling Tian lay there for a few minutes, catching his breath.

As he reflected on the events that had transpired, he contemplated his victory over a fifth-level common beast even though he was only in the third layer of body tempering.

He knew that this was a feat that no one else in the clan had ever accomplished.

However, despite his immense strength, people still mocked him because of his poor cultivation level.

At first, they were shocked by his inhuman strength.

They could not believe that someone in the third layer of body tempering could be so powerful. They called him a freak and a monster.

But as time went on, their shock turned to mockery.

Because, In the past six months, Ling Tian had made no progress in his cultivation, which led them to mock his poor cultivation level.

They said he was a waste of space and that he would never amount to anything. They dismissed his previous feats as a fluke.

They believed that he had reached his limit and would never have a bright future.

Ling Tian felt a wave of anger wash over him as he thought about those people. He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He knew that he could not let these people get to him. He had to focus on his training and ignore the naysayers.

The snow was starting to fall again, and he did not want to get caught in a blizzard.

He got to his feet and looked around, taking in his surroundings.

The snow was stained with blood from the battle. He could see the snow lynx's head lying a few feet away, its fur matted with blood.

The snow was also littered with the lynx's claws and teeth, which had been knocked out during the fight.

Ling Tian's own clothes were torn and bloody, and he could feel the pain of his wounds starting to set in.

He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He had been through a lot in the past few hours, and he was just starting to realize how close he had come to death.

He took a tooth of the snow lynx as proof of his kill, turned, and started to walk away.

But then he heard a faint sound, and it was enough to make him stop in his tracks.

He listened carefully, but he did not hear anything this time.

"Maybe it was just my imagination," he thought.

He started to walk again, but he could not shake the feeling that he was being watched. He kept looking over his shoulder, but he could not see anything.

Ling Tian ignored the feeling and continued on his way. He knew that he could not afford to waste any time. He had to rest and treat his wounds, but then he would continue hunting.

He was determined to be the first Place.