
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Flying Thunder God- Reverse Teleportation

Menma had a bad expression when he came out of the Hokage's office. Although Hiruzen was trying to keep his expression good, he could see the gloominess in his eyes.

He understood that Hiruzen wasn't satisfied with what he did. But soon, he changed his expression.

He almost forgot that he didn't need to care about what Hiruzen wanted to do. After all, there was an enemy that would deal with Hiruzen in the upcoming Chunin Exams. Until then, he just had to focus on getting stronger.

With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he didn't need to worry about dying. He could still run away. Instead, something that made him worried was the fact that his parents live inside the village.

'I need to come up with a Jutsu that triggers the Flying Thunder God the moment my parents are in trouble.'

'Hmm! I think I have a way to do that. For my mom, I don't need to worry since she could directly activate Flying Thunder God Jutsu- Reverse Teleportation.'

'So, I have to teach dad a little bit about Chakra. Everybody has Chakra. Everyone can refine Chakra. So, as long as he succeeds, he could also activate Flying Thunder God Jutsu- Reverse Teleportation.'

'As for my sister, as long as she remains with my mom, she doesn't need to worry about it. So, that means I need to complete Flying Thunder Jutsu- Reverse Teleportation as soon as possible.'

Menma thought to himself and went back to his home. After that, he started working on completing this Jutsu. Naturally, he had already finished it in theory.

It's just that he had never implemented it.

This Jutsu requires him to store his Chakra into the seal and whenever someone's Chakra interferes with his Chakra, it will trigger the seal and thus activate Reverse Teleportation.

But, the seal is very complex. Normally, it doesn't require time to implement the seal of Flying Thunder God Jutsu into something except for this seal.

Because the Seal itself is a complex seal, it requires him to personally spend some time to release it. Not only that, but he also requires some time to put his Chakra into the seal.

So, Menma spent the next half an hour completing two different seals. After completing these seals and putting them into small kunai, he walked out of the room and found his mother in the living room with his father and sister.

They were smiling and chatting while playing with Maria.

Seeing them together, Menma clenched his fist.

Although nothing serious has happened till now, he knows just how much chaotic this place is going to be. He can't let anything happen to his parents.

He must protect this peace.

"Ah! Menma, you finally came out. I was waiting for you." Takeru looked at him with a big smile and went near him. He opened his arms and embraced his son for a while.

"Boy, you have grown a lot." There was a bit of relief, a bit of sigh, and a bit of happiness in his tone.

"Dad! It's good to see you." Menma smiled as well.

After embracing each other for a while, they finally went back to the couch and sat down.

"Your mother told me about your training. You have clearly surpassed every generation of the Izuno Family. Your mother and I are truly proud of you." Takeru stared at him and smiled.

He was truly amazed and happy that his son managed to surpass the strength of a Chunin at such a young age. He was always guilty that because of his lack of Chakra, his son's talent would be even lower.

That was the case. After all, as a civilian, he never refined his Chakra. That means Menma didn't inherit his Chakra. He only got half of his Chakra from his mother.

But, it didn't affect Menma from getting stronger. He got so much stronger that he had clearly surpassed every member of the Izuno Family.

When Takeru mentioned it, Yuki became silent. To be fair, at first, her family didn't agree to this marriage at all. If she hadn't forcefully stayed with Takeru, Menma wouldn't be born.

So, Menma has no reason to accept the Izuno surname. It was only decided because Takeru wanted his son to become a ninja. He wanted to give his son an identity.

Her expression didn't go unnoticed.

"Mom, I never thought about respecting or forgetting the Izuno Family. This is the surname that you two decided to give me. No matter what, I will never change this surname."

Menma smiled and comforted her.

Hearing his words, Yuki thought for a moment and sighed.

"It seems like you don't need to follow the tradition of the Izuno Family. But that's okay. You have proven to be successful without it."

"Well, dad, mom, I have something that I wanted to give you."

Menma closed his eyes for a moment and released his Jutsu. He put Chakra into his finger and touched the ground. At this moment, a blue Chakra burst out of his finger and spread around in a circle like a radar.

[Observation Jutsu]

A few seconds later, the Chakra returned to his finger and then entered his brain, creating the perfect yet 2d image of the surrounding in his mind.

"This….." Yuki's eyes widened when she saw that. Although she didn't understand why he was releasing Chakra, she had some guesses. After all, that Chakra returned to his finger.

After sensing no one was around the house, Menma took out two Kunai and placed them in front of his parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Flying Thunder God Jutsu- Reverse Teleportation. Once you insert your Chakra into this, it will send you to Lady Tsunade. Dad, I will teach you how to refine Chakra as soon as possible."

"From now on, even when you are bathing or sleeping, keep this with you. Of course, you don't have to wait long. For the next few months, please don't put these away."

Hearing his serious tone, Takeru and Yuki looked at each other. They weren't idiots. A person who could create a successful business and a person who was already a Chunin, how could they be foolish?

Their son clearly showed amazing talent and, there would be people who covet such talent. Unfortunately, they might not have the strength to do so. So, they use tricks.

And, the best trick would be to kidnap their target's closest people. In no time, they have become Menma's weakness.

Seeing the psychological burden on his parents, he calmly smiled and said.

"Mom, Dad, I will definitely create a world where talents can be flourished without any threats. But to do so, I need to clean up the rotten parts. After all, I can't simply destroy this world and create a new one."

"But doing so will definitely create more enemies. So, I need to keep you guys safe. As for me, you don't need to worry. With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I can escape any kind of situation."

"Unless I want to die, I won't die."

Although there were some conditions that could restrict the usage of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he still had some other methods.

Hearing the confidence in his tone, Takeru and Yuki looked at each other and finally nodded their heads.

"You must survive."

"And, even if someone wants to threaten you with me, or says that I am captured or killed, don't believe it." Menma spoke.

Hearing his worries, they smiled and Yuki spoke.

"If we can't even have faith in our child, how can we call ourselves parents? Don't worry, you can do whatever you want. We will always support you."

Menma smiled and stood up.

"Then, let's go out for a barbecue."

"Yes, yes, I am also hungry. Let's go." Takeru laughed as he stood up.