
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs


"It's okay. You should return to your home first and then visit the Hokage's Office." Kakashi understood his mood and immediately asked him to return.

"Yes" Menma turned around and walked away.

"Hey Menma, let's fight after you finish everything," Naruto shouted from afar while Menma simply shook his hand and continued.

Although he wanted to fight against Naruto, he was also going to wait for Chunin Exams. If he was lucky, he would face them in the true battle.

Menma walked up to his house and seeing that nothing has truly changed, he was surprised. He smiled and walked in front of the door.

He took out a key and opened the door.

"Mom, I'm back!"

He missed saying this.

Suddenly, a figure came out from a room. This person was none other than his mother. She holding a baby covered in a piece of cloth hanging around her neck.

"Mom, you….."

Menma was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. He was staring at the baby hidden inside the cloth. He didn't believe that in the two years that he left, his mother gave birth to a child.

"Hehe! How do you like the surprise? You are a big brother now." Yuki chuckled as she fondled the baby's head.

As for Menma's change, she didn't care about it. After all, her son was in a growing phase so it was normal to change. Instead, she was pleased that her son has gotten more handsome.

This way she didn't need to worry about her daughter-in-law.

"Big brother?"

On the other hand, Menma was so shocked that he didn't know how to respond. He rushed toward his mother and finally peeked through that piece of cloth. Seeing a small baby sleeping inside it, he didn't know how to respond.

He was extremely happy that he had another family member now. But, he was also nervous since he didn't know how to tackle such a situation.

"Don't feel nervous! Hold her." Yuki seeing her child so nervous chuckled and passed her baby to him.

"Her? Little sister?" Menma's hand shivered when he was holding her. Although he shivered, he didn't let her fall.

"Yes, I gave birth to her after you left. We decided to name her 'Maria'. What do you think?" Yuki smiled and asked.

"Maria!" Menma was still in a state of shock. He looked at the baby face of his sister and his eyes gleamed with happiness.

"Hehe! My sister's name is Maria."

"Alright! Take some rest for now. You can stare at your sister later. We have a lot to talk about." Yuki pulled Maria into her embrace and sternly spoke to him.

Menma who had barely recovered from the shock of having a sister also noticed some changes in his mother's tone and nodded.

He went to his room. He found that his room had been cleaned and remained completely the same. He put his bag on the shelf and went to the bathroom.

After taking a bath, he changed his clothes and finally came out of his room feeling refreshed. At this moment, Yuki was sitting on the sofa but Maria wasn't with her.

"Alright now, tell me how did you spend these two years? I am still angry at the fact that you didn't even send a letter during these two years." Yuki spoke with an angry expression.

She was truly angry at Menma. After all, he completely forgot about his family for two years.

"Hehe! Sorry about that. I was really consumed with training that I forgot about everything else." Menma scratched his head while speaking.

"Humph! That's why you didn't get to learn that you even have a sister." Yuki folded her hands in front of her chest and snorted.

"By the way, where is dad? Is he still working on the Main Shop?" Menma asked.

Hearing his words, Yuki nodded her head.

"Yes, he still working there. Your father took a whole year break during and after my pregnancy so he said that he would be working twice for a few months to recover his business."

"Well, I should go and call dad back. Let's talk about my training when all of us are present here." Menma said.

Yuki narrowed her eyes and snorted.

"Don't try to run away! You just want to meet your friends and test each other's strengths. Stay here and tell me everything about your training."

In front of his mother, Menma had nothing more to say. He calmly explained the entire journey of these two years.

He didn't go into detail about those Jutsu but still said everything she wanted to know.

After hearing about his entire journey, she couldn't blame him for not calling them. Knowing that her son spent one and half years just to perfect a single Jutsu, she understood just how important that Jutsu was to him.

So, she didn't want to make it difficult for him. She was also happy that her son has grown a lot stronger in two years.

Now, the only restriction that he had before was gone. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but tear up.

Seeing his mother crying, Menma quickly came to her side.

"Mom, you can't cry on a happy occasion. You should feel happy about my achievement."

Yuki shook her head and wiped her tears.

"No, I just hate that we couldn't give you what you need to fulfill your dream."

"Don't think like that, mom. Didn't Lord Fourth achieve what he did despite being born as a commoner? At least, I have an edge over him in identity."

"But, he was born with a lot of Chakra despite being a commoner. You had to go through so much just to get this much Chakra."

Menma sighed and said.

"Mom, don't talk about it anymore. If I was born with a lot of Chakra, I would never try to increase my Chakra through this method. In the end, the highest I could achieve would be the strength even less than Third Hokage."

"So, you should feel sad about my Chakra. Let's take Maria and go out for dinner with dad."

Only after hearing his words, Yuki calmed down a little.

"Ohh! And, about that girl Sakura, I believe her talent in Medical Ninjutsu surpasses even yours. If you can help her become Lady Tsunade's student, she will definitely learn all of Jutsu."

Menma was surprised that his mother suddenly talked about Sakura. But, he still nodded his head. He had no reason to change this. After all, Sakura being the head of the medical department in the future would be beneficial for Konoha.

After all, her future achievement in Medical Ninjutsu would only be lower than Tsunade. And, that's only because of her lack of knowledge and lack of Chakra.

"Okay, don't worry about that." Menma nodded his head and they continued to talk for a while. Suddenly, an Anbu appeared in front of their door. Although Anbu could enter his house, he still only appeared outside.

After he rang the bell, Yuki came out, and seeing the Anbu, she was surprised.

"Lord Hokage has called Menma to his house"

Saying so, the Anbu instantly disappeared. Yuki came inside the house and said.

"Lord Hokage called you. You should leave."

Menma wasn't surprised at all. He simply walked back to his room, took out a scroll, and put it in his bag as he walked out of the house.

On the road, he didn't find anyone that he was familiar with. He quietly walked up to the Hokage building.

The guards didn't stop him as he quickly reached the Hokage's office.

"Oh, Menma! You have finally arrived. Congratulation on your successful training! And, it seems like you have changed a lot." When Hiruzen saw Menma, he kindly smiled and spoke.

He was truly surprised by Menma's change. Not only he has grown bigger than most twelve years old but also has gotten a lot more handsome.


Hiruzen heavily smiled. There was a time when he was also in a growing phase, a time when he was also handsome.

"Thank you for your praise, Lord Hokage!" Menma kindly smiled and thanked him while taking out a scroll.

"Lord Hokage, this is the scroll that stores that Jar. I have already written all the instructions in the scroll so you can check it out later. But, there is something that I would like you to remind."

"Although this Jutsu works on people, you either need to kill them or weaken their spiritual power for it to work. Unlike my Jar, it doesn't have a Chakra Signature restriction. So, anyone could use it."

Hearing his words, Hiruzen took the scroll in his hand with a serious expression. Although this Jutsu couldn't be used in the battle directly, it was still an amazing Jutsu if used carefully.

"Thank you for your hard work, Menma! Do you know anything about your team's current situation?"

Menma solemnly nodded his head.

"Then, I don't need to explain it to you. From now on, you will return to your team. And, instead of being a three-man team, your team will be a four-man team temporarily."

"Soon, there will be a Chunin Exam and I believe this time everyone will participate in Chunin Exams, right?" Hiruzen had a gloomy expression on his face when he mentioned the Chunin Exam.

Despite being a Hokage, Menma's classmate would listen to Menma instead of him. It was infuriating to him.