
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Fighting Team Thirteen

Next Day,

"Mom, I am leaving."

Saying so, Menma came out of the house and ran toward the training ground.

When he reached there, he saw four people standing next to each other. They were none other than Genma, Okinawa, Murasaki, and Jeme.

When Menma rushed toward them, he didn't make any sound. Instead, he used Body Flicker Jutsu and appeared behind Jeme. He raised his hand and tried to knock her down.

But, suddenly, his movement got paused.

"Hehe! You wouldn't think that you could get us this easily, did you?" Jeme giggled as she slowly turned around.

[Shadow Paralysis Jutsu- Complete]

But, suddenly, his body disappeared and it appeared several meters away from him. There was a kunai on the ground. He quickly picked it up and put it inside his bag.

"That's... Yes, that's Fourth Hokage's iconic Flying Thunder God Jutsu." Genma who was extremely familiar with Flying Thunder God Jutsu instantly realized and shouted.

There was excitement on his face.

"That bastard...Well, I can't expect anything less from him." Okinawa gritted his teeth and spoke.

"But, it won't be that easy to win against us." Murasaki also came forward and spoke.

"Humph! I will show him just how much I've grown in these two years." Jeme also stood next to them and proudly spoke.

Genma who was standing behind them felt extremely proud. This was a team that he brought together. Although they were still Genin for two years.

Their real strength was no less than Elite Chunin.

Menma immediately got closer and started making hand signs. He didn't use his iconic clap but made four-hand signs.

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

A massive storm of fire burst out of his mouth and moved toward them. It was almost ten meters wide.

"Damn! This guy's jutsu has gotten even more ridiculous."

Okinawa lip's twitched when he saw the span of Fireball Jutsu. He turned his head at Jeme and nodded his head.

[Water Style- Great Waterfall Jutsu]

[Water Style- Great Waterfall Jutsu]

Two massive bursts of water spanning over five meters came out of their mouth and rushed toward the upcoming fireball that was in the shape of a massive stream.


The Fire and Water collided creating massive waves of smoke that covered the entire ground.

When it appeared, Jeme and Okinawa quickly retreated together with Genma and Murasaki. Suddenly, a figure burst out of the smoke. It was none other than Menma.

"What the?"

Seeing him coming toward them, Okinawa turned his eyes at Murasaki and shouted.

"Use your Genjutsu!"

Murasaki nodded his head and released his Genjutsu. But, the next moment, his face turned ugly.

"Damn it! It doesn't work. His Chakra Control is too strong for my Genjutsu to work."

Hearing his words, everyone's expression turned ugly. At this moment, Jeme moved forward and moved her hands.

Both of her hands started making hand signs at the same time but they were completely different.

[Fire Style- Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu]

[Wind Style- Wind Dragon Bullet Jutsu]

When she released both of her ninjutsu, a massive fire dragon emerged out of her mouth and moved toward him.

Seeing that, Menma opened both of his hands and moved them toward the massive Fire Dragon. The next moment, his hand caught the fire dragon without making it explode.

He spun and threw the Fire Dragon back at them.

"What the hell?"

When four of them saw this, their eyes almost popped out. After all, they saw something unbelievable.

Menma caught ninjutsu that's power was equal to A-rank and threw it back at them.

"Chakra Control! Damn it! We forgot that he trained with Lady Tsunade for two years." German gritted his teeth and the next moment, he instantly released a massive wave of water through his mouth.

But even so, his water wave was barely bigger than Okinawa's. So, Okinawa also quickly reacted and released another Great Waterfall Jutsu.


When he released that, Murasaki and Jeme quickly retreated while Okinawa and Genma were focused on defusing that attack. At that moment, Menma instantly used Body Flicker Jutsu and appeared next to Okinawa.

He raised his right hand and released a Jutsu.

[Demonic Illusion- Tree Binding Death]

After he released Genjutsu, Okinawa instantly entered Genjutsu and was rendered useless.

"Such a high-level Genjutsu. It seems like it's going to be difficult." Genma couldn't help but feel strange when Menma used that Genjutsu. Even he might get caught in such Genjutsu and wouldn't be able to come out that easily.

But, before he could do anything, Menma instantly appeared behind Murasaki with his Body Flickering Jutsu.

Murasaki was shocked as he tried to turn around and block Menma's attack. Unfortunately, Menma was quite clear of his weakness. He simply clenched his fist and threw a punch at his stomach.



He coughed some blood and fell on the ground while clutching his stomach. Of course, Menma didn't break any of his bones but his Chakra Control was so good that Murasaki was internally injured.

Finally, Menma turned his eyes at Jeme. To be frank, he was really curious about Jeme's strength.

Unlike Murasaki and Okinawa, he didn't know much about her weaknesses.

[Earth Style- Rock Shelter]

Jeme instantly released Earth Style and covered Menma within a cave made out of earth style. At this moment, his hand flickered and a kunai pierced through the cave. After that, he curiously stared at her.

Just before he saw her using Fire Style and Wind Style. Although she had already learned Fire Style before, it still requires a lot of training to learn Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu.

Now, not only she knew that but its Wind Variant. And, she also learned Earth Style. That meant she had already mastered Fire, Wind, and Earth's Natural Transformation.

[Shadow Paralysis Jutsu]

She instantly released her specific skill and immediately restricted his movement with her Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. But, more importantly, she had already separated two clones.

These two clones immediately made hand signs together.

[Water Style- Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu]

[Lightning Style- Lightning Dragon Bullet Jutsu]

Releasing two different elemental jutsu at Menma. Water Dragon combined with Lightning Dragon created quite a powerful Jutsu since it had extremely power destructive power.

And, they were inside a cave. More importantly, he was bound by her Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. That means he wouldn't be able to move. Of course, that's what she thought.

Menma already knew a simpler way to release out of her Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.


He instantly released his massive Chakra. This was so massive that it made it impossible for her to keep this Jutsu and it was retracted in an instant.

Even so, the Water-Lightning Dragon Bullet was already in front of him. He instantly threw a kunai toward her. It pierced through Water-Lightning Dragon Bullet but it didn't manage to break it. It only passed by Jeme.

The next moment, he instantly disappeared and appeared above the cave. Once again, he disappeared and appeared behind Jeme holding the Kunai that flew next to her.

He held her tightly and instantly appeared several meters away from the cave where that previous Kunai was thrown.


At this moment, the lightning and water burst out of the cave, completely breaking it apart.

"It seems like you have made a lot of progress. So much so that I am completely stunned."

Menma stared at her for a moment and gave her a thumbs up.

"Humph! I told you I can do it." Jeme proudly swung her waist and spoke. She was quite proud of herself.

Menma nodded at her. Although he expected her to learn all five Nature Transformation, he didn't expect her to do it just within two years.

As a member of the Nara clan, she should be someone with an extremely powerful IQ which makes her smart. But, normally Nara Clan members are quite lazy and they are only stuck to their Shadow Jutsu.

So, it was naturally impossible to achieve what Jeme has achieved. Because not only she was extremely motivated to learn Five Nature Transformation but also talented enough to do so.

"You kid, it seems like you don't plan to embarrass me." Genma walked toward him and spoke.

"Haha! After all, you are my Sensei. So, how could I embarrass you?" Menma shook his head and chuckled.

"Anyway, with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, there shouldn't be a lot of people who can defeat you now. But seriously, how strong have you become?" Genma asked with a serious expression.

Hearing his words, Menma felt a bit conflicted. With his perception, he could feel Anbu surrounding them. But, he didn't want to lie to his teacher as well.

Gemma immediately noticed his trouble and burst into laughter.

"Haha! You kid, don't think just because you have Thunder God Jutsu, you can defeat Jonin that easily. Don't forget that Jonin have more than one Chakra Nature which means they can easily counter your Jutsu."

"The only situation where your Thunder God Jutsu might work would be when Jonin can use any defensive Ninjutsu against you."

Hearing his words, Menma's eyes widened as he slapped his forehead.

"Shit! I almost forgot that. Even if I use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I still need some time to perform a Ninjutsu."


There might not be a lot of chapters for this but I still have three advance chapters in my Patreon so check it out.