
The Best Lover

After the death of her parents, Andrea Borges takes care of her little sister Camila, who years later becomes seriously ill with Leukemia, Andrea who without thinking twice tries to do everything possible so that her sister receives the treatment remains in debt to the bone Their lives have been very difficult, but even more so for Andrea who has tried to prevent her sister from suffering the harsh reality of life. By chance or fate, she meets a good friend, Darlene Bustamante. Who recommends her to one of her best friends, Alexandro Doskas, a famous Greek YouTuber who currently resides in Spain. Despite knowing Alexandro very well and knowing that he has not had it easy either, she recommends Andrea thinking that maybe she can melt his cold heart. Alexandro, seeing Andrea's innocence, is trapped with a desire for her, he has very clear ideas about women and his desire for money and fame and he thinks that Andrea is also one of them, and tries to sleep with her at all costs it costs, while he puts different types of tests, poor Andrea is caught in a world of lust and sex. Andrea thinks that Alexandro is a good person, but, she discovers that what she paints behind a screen is nothing more than a sham, but even so, she could not help feeling attracted to him who always looked for the necessary means to provoke him. And even though She doesn't want to admit it, she likes that. Alexandro makes her sign a contract and she, not knowing much about the law, falls into her trap, signing without hesitation, remaining prey in the hands of him, who will not miss the opportunity to make her his. Innocent enough to admit that he attracts her until he makes her want him, leading her to live hell with him, they both hurt each other but cannot be apart until the worst happens. Both suffering hearts who only hurt each other, can they both find healing? Can that relationship transcend or just be a simple desire? Will Andrea be able to submit it to Alexandro?

LunaKink · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 10


Since we returned from Barcelona, Alexandro has been very distant, he hardly speaks to me, I know that what happened between us was only caused by the excitement of the moment after escaping from the crowd, surely he condemned himself every day for having fallen so low With me, he was used to beautiful, fine women with a good body and I was the complete opposite of that.

I didn't understand why that affected me so much if I didn't feel anything for him, or that's what I want to think.

"I'm a mess," I said to myself looking in the mirror.

Today he would go on a trip with his friends to Paris according to which, for business reasons, but I think that is not the case.

-I hope I find everything as it is- She said walking towards the door with his suitcase, he was dressed in black, something very normal for him, with his leather jacket that made him look so attractive and wild.

"Damn it stop thinking about it" I mentally cursed myself.

-Yes do not worry.

And he left without even saying goodbye, but for my mental health, it was the best thing, I needed this space both to rest from him and to go to be with my little sister, who had already started with the new stem cell treatment that according to the doctor with this she would improve.

I sighed -Finally a bit of peace.


-Hey! - Gabriel called me while he moved one of his hands to get my attention. -Are you here? Come on man, don't be with that thoughtful face all the time - He leaned closer to me as he whispered to me - The boys find it strange that you are so calm-I frowned trying to understand what he was referring to -You know, don't pretend silly, whenever we go out the first to have female company is you - He pointed to me.

I made a face of discomfort - I have no wishes right now- I lied because of course, I had wished but only for a girl with long legs, round rear jet black hair, and infarct hips. When I realized that I was looking like a fool at nothing, I gave a quick glance to Gabriel who was watching me seriously.

-I'm already understanding what the matter is about- he said for sure.

-No, you don't know anything, and stop coming up with ideas - I warned him - I'm just tired we've been hanging around all day after a damn role, only so that later they won't give us permission to do the short. -I said trying to divert the conversation, Gabriel was very insightful and if he gave him a hint of Andy he would not stop until he investigated everything.

-Okay, okay- he said defeated.

On Monday when I got home she was not there. I got really mad because I had to stay out of my home waiting for her since she had my keys. I called her several times and she did not answer, I was so furious I felt that my head was going to explode with so much rage, Andrea was the only one capable of making me reach my limit, and she sure enjoyed doing it, but she will see.

The hours passed and no news of her until she finally arrived agitated as if she was running. - Didn't I tell you to wait for me here today? -I said trying to contain my anger, but it was impossible.

-Yes, I know, please excuse me, I had an urgent matter to attend to -She said. She was very pale and her eyes denoted that she had been crying. She sure thought to manipulate me believing that I would buy that story, she could not deny that she was a good actress and I was almost worried to see him like that, but I already knew her tricks, all women were the same.

Then I breathed slowly as I watched her try to open the door, his hands were shaking, he dropped the keys, but immediately he rushed to pick them up and finally opened the door, in all that process I managed to calm down a bit -I told you that when I need you You forget everything you have to do-I was upset but not angry, I entered the house quickly I needed to unload - This will not work like that.

-Alexandro, I know and, I ask you to forgive me if you were waiting for me a lot, but believe me I did not want to...

- I do not mind! If I tell you to be here, you have to be here. -I was rather angry I think and I was using this as an excuse, but I didn't care, they had to show her who's boss, I left my suitcase on the bed and called her.

-Organize everything- I ordered her as soon as she entered, she began to do it without protesting while she did it, I imagined a thousand and one ways of how to eat her in that same bed, then I thought And why not? She belonged to me so she could do whatever I wanted.

I took advantage of the fact that she leaned down, to pick up a piece of clothing, and I took her by the waist, she remained still. I started to lightly rub myself to make her feel my arousal, but then she wanted to get off her, so I held her tight and threw her on the bed.

She looked at me confused and scared as if she had never expected such a reaction, I unbuttoned my pants and approached the bed. -Come here, Andrea.

- No -She refused -What's wrong with you? -I wonder to understand my intentions, which were the best, obviously - Please, do not go do something that you can regret. - She begged, crossing her arms over her chest.

-Nothing that you don't like, so come and sit here-I pointed to the end of the bed, she wasn't moving so I pulled her by force and sat her down, then I positioned myself in front of her holding her by her hands. -Shh relax. I whispered running my finger across her lips.

-Alexandro, I beg you. Do not do something that you will later regret-she repeated trying to let go.

-No, no On the contrary little one, I'm going to enjoy it -I let go of her hands - Take out my cock Andy- I whispered to her with a slightly hoarse voice, I was damn excited. She wanted to get up, but I held her tight and told her. -Stop playing innocent, do you think she saw the times you stood at the door looking at me while I touched myself? That's right, I saw you, and I know very well how much you enjoyed it.

She widened her eyes, surprised by my words. She stopped moving then, I saw how her eyes watered. - Oh please! Stop being a puritan, because you and I know very well that you are not. It is not time to cry, better take advantage and enjoy-I said wiping her eyes. -Take it out, Andy. I know you want.

-This is not due Alexandro if you are angry with me please this is not the way.

-I love how you say my name, you don't know how it makes me every time I hear it from your mouth - I was going to say something, but I put a finger in his mouth- I've wanted you since that day you came, you can't imagine every time that I have imagined fucking your mouth. So shut up and do what I tell you for u good. -I took one of her soft hands and pressed it against my erection. -Take it out. -I ordered him in a deep voice with desire-With trembling hands he opened my fly, and put his hand inside, then turned his face to not see what he was doing -No honey I want you to see, I know you are going to love it.

Let the game begin, my little Andy.

Let the game begin...

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