
The Best Lover

After the death of her parents, Andrea Borges takes care of her little sister Camila, who years later becomes seriously ill with Leukemia, Andrea who without thinking twice tries to do everything possible so that her sister receives the treatment remains in debt to the bone Their lives have been very difficult, but even more so for Andrea who has tried to prevent her sister from suffering the harsh reality of life. By chance or fate, she meets a good friend, Darlene Bustamante. Who recommends her to one of her best friends, Alexandro Doskas, a famous Greek YouTuber who currently resides in Spain. Despite knowing Alexandro very well and knowing that he has not had it easy either, she recommends Andrea thinking that maybe she can melt his cold heart. Alexandro, seeing Andrea's innocence, is trapped with a desire for her, he has very clear ideas about women and his desire for money and fame and he thinks that Andrea is also one of them, and tries to sleep with her at all costs it costs, while he puts different types of tests, poor Andrea is caught in a world of lust and sex. Andrea thinks that Alexandro is a good person, but, she discovers that what she paints behind a screen is nothing more than a sham, but even so, she could not help feeling attracted to him who always looked for the necessary means to provoke him. And even though She doesn't want to admit it, she likes that. Alexandro makes her sign a contract and she, not knowing much about the law, falls into her trap, signing without hesitation, remaining prey in the hands of him, who will not miss the opportunity to make her his. Innocent enough to admit that he attracts her until he makes her want him, leading her to live hell with him, they both hurt each other but cannot be apart until the worst happens. Both suffering hearts who only hurt each other, can they both find healing? Can that relationship transcend or just be a simple desire? Will Andrea be able to submit it to Alexandro?

LunaKink · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 11


-This is not the way Alexandro, if you are angry with me please this is not the way.

-I love how you say my name, you don't know how it makes me every time I hear it from your mouth - She was going to say something, but I put a finger in his mouth- I've wanted you since that day you came, you can't imagine every time that I have imagined fucking your mouth. So shut up and do what I tell you for your good. - I took one of her soft hands and pressed it against my erection. -Take it out. -I ordered him with a deep voice of desire-With trembling hands he opened my fly, and put his hand inside, then turned his face to not see what he was doing -No honey, I want you to see, I know you are going to love it. -Then he continued and took it out, I smiled when I saw her face looked like a scared virgin.

-Touch him- I told her, she ignored my command, then I tightened her fingers around her, then she relented and began to massage my hardness. Her hands felt so good as they went up and down

-Mmm, if like this, stronger .... Yes, that continues. -I was already out of myself and I needed to touch her, so I reached out my hands to touch her breasts, but she instantly moved away, that gave me a lot of courage and I took her by the hair bringing her closer to me- No, don't you dare to move, you do what I say and that's it. Now put your shirt off, I want to see your boobs-She stood there without making a single movement, with her gaze to the ground- come on! What are you waiting for?

Then something happened that surprised me, she took the edge of her shirt and pulled it up and then took it off, then she did the same with the horrible bra that she was wearing. An involuntary gasp escaped my mouth, as soon as I saw her beautiful breasts, not very big, but not at all small, small pink nipples adorned the center of her.

I licked my lips, eager to taste them, but first I wanted to know what it would feel like to fuck her beautiful tits.

-As I imagined them. Beautiful-She turned her face away. -Look at me - I ordered- I want you to see how I fuck your breasts.

I ran my hands over each one, and lightly squeezed her nipples until they were hard, she tried to push me away, but I removed her hands. I took my cock and put it between her breasts and moaned instantly at the warmth of her. I took them and pressed them, to squeeze my hard member and thus begin to move between them.

-Mm You don't know how many times I imagine being like this ... Fucking your breasts-I took hers two nipples of hers with my fingers and I pressed them stretching them.

-Aah .... Don't h-so - She complained.

- Why? ... Does it excite you? - I said doing again then she moaned. -Yes, I was right- I continued rubbing my cock until I got tired, I wanted to feel her mouth around me, and cum inside her.

-Hold your breasts and press. -I told her and she didn't pay any attention. - Do it! -I exclaimed angrily, then she agreed- Okay so now move them up and down, jerk me off with your tits Andy, ... Fuck. -What a great pleasure I was taking, but I didn't want to cum, I still wanted her mouth.

-Lick the tip…. Now! -I yelled at her. She opened her mouth a little and stuck out her tongue - Open a little more mouth and use your tongue -She slid her tongue over my dick tip, it felt so good. But I wanted more, I wanted it-Now, suck it- I ordered.

-No, I do not want to. -She said the very stupid one. I took her by the head and pressed her cheeks, opening her mouth forcibly.

-I don't give a shit what you want or not ... You do what I tell you ... Now open that little mouth and watch out for biting if you know what's good for you.

She opened her mouth and I inserted my entire erection to the bottom ... She opened her eyes and began to gag, I allowed her to move away from a little for her to take

-What ... are you .. are you doing.. ..- He tried to complain while he couldn't stop coughing.

-I don't want any more drama, continue - I opened her mouth and I put it inside her, but not all. I took her by the head with force making her suck deeper and faster.

-Mm shit if so ... You know, when I jerked off I imagined your mouth sucking and licking my balls, and this is nothing like I imagined…. It's better-I said without letting go, I moved over her mouth, pumping from the outside to the inside until I increased, the speed at more than I could.

-Shit - I said running into her mouth while holding her head tightly, putting my cock all the way ... She was pushing me, but I still didn't let go ...- You swallow it, and without spilling a single drop - I ordered her and she did so-Very good, good girl - I said releasing her from the grip. She looked so beautiful with flushed cheeks and tear-filled eyes, while she looked at me with contempt as if that mattered to me.

- I can't believe the person- she stopped herself for a breath, then continued. -That I looked once behind the screen, is so different from the one I'm looking at now - she murmured sarcastically without taking her eyes off me.

-Hahaha -I laughed in his face -I don't give a fuck what you think, you just dedicate yourself to please me and that's it ... Now if it doesn't seem right, you know what you have to do, but -I stopped for a moment while I was fixing my pants -I remind you that you signed a contract, where you could not refer to anyone about what happened here or about my things, in addition to pleasing me in everything.

I approached her holding her hair tightly -You are mine Andy ... You belong to me, when you signed the contract you practically sold me your body- I looked her up and down then I smiled, then released her, I left the room leaving her still with her mouth stained by my essence.


- I don't understand why all bad things happen to me- I whimpered, getting up from the floor. I hurriedly walked to the living room to collect my things, I did not want to see them and prayed not to find them. Quickly I took my bag and went to the bathroom, where I locked myself by putting the lock, to prevent him from appearing and taking away those minutes I had to vent ... I had to release a little this deep pain, I felt dirty. I never imagined going through something like this.

I washed my mouth and face vigorously, trying to remove that taste from my mouth, but I knew very well that I could never erase it since it would remain forever in my memory, I took off my shirt so I could clean my breasts that still smelled of he. When I finished I looked at my pathetic state and I could not suppress the crying, I slid over the edge of the sink to the cold floor where I cried in despair. And the pain in my chest was choking me.

With my vision clouded by crying, I took my bag where I had my cure, and from there I took my faithful companion and friend. A small semi-rectangular razor with a fine beak, she could never miss ... I lowered my pants a little and made a small line with it, but I still needed a little more, so I traced lower and a little deeper, instantly I felt my agony diminish as if I had taken some drug.

The blood ran slowly down my thigh, while with it what I was feeling a moment ago, until I reminded myself, that unfortunately, this was the crap of life that had touched me, and I had to continue just for my sister.

And of course, it crossed my mind to give up this damn job, but I couldn't be selfish and think only of myself, if my sister was also having a bad time, I had to sacrifice myself for her and nothing and no one would stop me.

-I didn't imagine it was like that- I said in a low voice. And the worst of all is that now I can't give up no matter how much I want to. Today my sister had another relapse, that is why I was late, now she had to find more money for her new treatment since she needed it as soon as possible. I wiped away all traces of blood and settled in before he finished what he was doing in there. I went out to the room with the little strength I had and continued working with the website.

He came out and looked at me while laughing cynically-Very good…. It is good that you adapt, and know how to manage your emotions outside of work -he said approaching. I looked at him with contempt-If you continue like this, maybe I'll reward you and not be so rude next time-he whispered and then walked away.

-What the fuck he say? - I thought as I watched him walk away to the recording room again. He couldn't believe what he had heard. Did he plan to do it again?

No, please.

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