
The Best Lover

After the death of her parents, Andrea Borges takes care of her little sister Camila, who years later becomes seriously ill with Leukemia, Andrea who without thinking twice tries to do everything possible so that her sister receives the treatment remains in debt to the bone Their lives have been very difficult, but even more so for Andrea who has tried to prevent her sister from suffering the harsh reality of life. By chance or fate, she meets a good friend, Darlene Bustamante. Who recommends her to one of her best friends, Alexandro Doskas, a famous Greek YouTuber who currently resides in Spain. Despite knowing Alexandro very well and knowing that he has not had it easy either, she recommends Andrea thinking that maybe she can melt his cold heart. Alexandro, seeing Andrea's innocence, is trapped with a desire for her, he has very clear ideas about women and his desire for money and fame and he thinks that Andrea is also one of them, and tries to sleep with her at all costs it costs, while he puts different types of tests, poor Andrea is caught in a world of lust and sex. Andrea thinks that Alexandro is a good person, but, she discovers that what she paints behind a screen is nothing more than a sham, but even so, she could not help feeling attracted to him who always looked for the necessary means to provoke him. And even though She doesn't want to admit it, she likes that. Alexandro makes her sign a contract and she, not knowing much about the law, falls into her trap, signing without hesitation, remaining prey in the hands of him, who will not miss the opportunity to make her his. Innocent enough to admit that he attracts her until he makes her want him, leading her to live hell with him, they both hurt each other but cannot be apart until the worst happens. Both suffering hearts who only hurt each other, can they both find healing? Can that relationship transcend or just be a simple desire? Will Andrea be able to submit it to Alexandro?

LunaKink · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 9


I loved Barcelona! The more I looked at its streets and buildings, the more I was amazed, we were walking along the Rambla, a very famous street in Barcelona, ​​as beautiful as it was noisy, but it was pleasant. Alexandro was describing the whole place to me, the truth he was not that bad as a tourist guide. Although he still did not believe me that he had brought me to know the city a little.

- Are you hungry? - He asked me after a while of walking.

-The truth is, I'm very hungry.

I saw him look for something with his eyes - Come, follow me. -He told me.

He was heavily covered with glasses and a cap so as not to be discovered, he was a public figure and there would be quite a stir if everyone started following him asking for photos and autographs.

- Where are we going? - I wanted to know.

-Now you'll see.

He didn't say anything else as we walked until he stopped in front of a very fancy restaurant, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I was not used to these luxuries and I was afraid to screw up.

-Come -He said taking my hand.

My cheeks flushed and I almost fell from the shock, but he held me tightly, we entered the place and the rich aroma of food flooded my nostrils and my stomach growled, but all my spirits and appetite fell when I saw the Same blonde who had been with Alex last night beckoning us from a table in the distance.

- How have you been? -Asked the girl as soon as we arrived.

-Excellent- Alex replied, greeting the girl with a kiss on the lips, I already wanted to get out of there. -I introduce you to Andrea.

She was so upset that my teeth were grinding -A pleasure Andrea, my brother has told me a lot about you.

Wait? Brother?

-Hahaha, from your face I imagine that this heavy has not talked about me.

-I, this. -What a shame, so ugly that he had looked at her.

-Well that doesn't matter, I introduce myself. I am Alisa Doskas, Alexandro's sister.

She was as surprised as she was sorry, the words did not come out of my mouth- Nice to meet you, Alisa, I'm Andrea, Alexandro's assistant- I finally said.

-Yes, yes ... It was already good, let's eat. - Alex said suddenly taking a seat and taking off his cap and glasses.

-Don't pay attention to this grumpy one, it's always like that, but he's all a love, just don't tell him- his sister whispered to me- By the way, sorry if we woke you up last night it wasn't my intention, but I hadn't seen my brother for a long time.

-No, not at all, I sleep like a log- I lie.

She smiled kindly and we got ready to order something to eat, Alexandro ordered some entrances and a bottle of wine, and I ordered a coke, they both looked at me in surprise - What? -I wanted to know the reason for his surprise.

-Nothing, my dear, enjoy. -Alisa said taking a sip from her glass.

The food was very tasty. Alexandro ordered paella for the three of us and some octopus tapas that were to die for, they also brought some ham croquettes courtesy of the house. I was bursting, I had had a great time with Alisa, she was a very funny girl and not at all similar to Alexandro's black humor, we talked about different things such as work, studies and some other things about her country, Greece.

-It was a pleasure to meet you, Andrea, I hope to see you again soon- Alisa said goodbye to both of them because it was time to go back to the hotel, according to Alexandro he had a meeting at night.

We left the restaurant and one street further up there were a lot of people, as soon as they saw us they came running to us. Alexandro took me by the hand and ran with me.

-σκατά-I heard him growl What the heck was that?

We ran through the alleys trying to escape the crowd, luckily I had a van and it was not difficult for me to run, we arrived at a building under construction and we got there, and then we left the other side where there was another one, but this one was more deteriorated, we went up to the top floor and there we stopped.

- Are you OK? He asked me, gasping for breath after running so much, I nodded I was so starved of oxygen that I couldn't speak.


Damn, surely people who worked in the restaurant spread the word that I was there, I looked at Andy and she was fine, just a little suffocated, her mouth was half open looking for air and her chest rose and fell rapidly, I looked back at her mouth and I couldn't help but take her and kiss her, her mouth was screaming at me to be taken and I did.

She did not reciprocate until my tongue touched hers and both began to join in a sensual dance, I stick her to me taking her by the waist and by the head, she put her hands on my chest tightening my shirt. She felt so good, I don't know if because of the adrenaline of the moment or because of the desire that she had to do this for a long time.

I wanted to undress her and make her mine right there, but as soon as my hand touched her thigh to lift her dress from her she moved away from me as if she burned her, that bothered me a lot Who did she think was?

-Sorry, I.

-Come on - Damn, I was so excited and was furious too, if I continued another minute there I didn't know what I would be able to do.

She followed me in silence and did not say anything all the way to the hotel, as soon as we arrived I went into my room and took a cold shower, I needed to come to myself and stop thinking about Andrea, later I would charge me for her rejection, I smiled, nobody rejected me and she would not be the first, I take her out for a walk and that was how she paid me.


Also, surely all that pretending to be a saint was a plan to make me lose my mind, but it was not going to be given.

I dressed in a fine black suit, I had a very important meeting tonight I planned to take her, but I already changed my mind, she did not deserve it.

-You are forbidden to leave here, understood? - I ordered

-Alexander, I'd like to talk to you.

-You and I have nothing to talk about, just do your job and obey me and that's it.

She lowered her gaze and her cheeks flushed as if she was going to cry. "Okay," she murmured.

-Well goodbye. -I said goodbye and left.

As always the same story, always pretending to be innocent and holy, but that girl will know me, I'll take her off that puritanical mask that she wears.

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