

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


3rd POV

'It was morning and Arthur and his family were loading the luggage in the Carriage. Last night after the fight, they all have a really good fun time'.

ALICE- "Ray, check if all the luggage is there".

RAY- "I have already checked it 2 times, every thing is there. You don't have to worry about it and you have to take care of yourself, you know that you are pregnant". He said to her with a big smile of his face to which to which she blushed.

ALICE- " Now don't you start treating me Like a child". She said with a pout on her face.

RAY- "Alright, but are you sure about not telling Arthur he would be happy". He said with to her.

ALICE- "Not now, when we reach Sapin we would tell him". She said while thinking about Arthur's reaction.


'Right now we are in the carriage, I know that there is going to be a bandit attack and I can even stop that without anyone knowing, but I want to show my parents that I can take care of myself when I leave them. And the matter about my harem well Jasmine and I have already became good friends, as for Angela and Helen they still treat me like a chuld, well it's not there fault after all I am child "AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL CHILD'.


'I don't know what is this feeling, whenever I see Arthur it's like I am seeing a man not a child. I have never felt like this before, many man has confessed their love to me but I never felt like this before. It all started during the fight last night, when Adam challenged Arthur I was worried for Arthur first but what I saw next shocked me, a 5 year old kid even stronger then most adult it was just unbelievable. While seeing him fight I started feeling this way. '

Not only Angela but Helen was also feeling same.

ANGELA- "So Arthur you are going to join Xyrus Academy, right then you are going to be popular there between girls l, just don't forget this big sister". She said with a teasing smile.

ARTHUR- "Don't worry Angela, I won't be able to forget you, you know why". He said with a big smile on his face.

ANGELE- " W-WHY". She said with a confused look while shuttering.

ARTHUR- "Because you are the first woman beside my mother who has hugged me". He said with a teasing smile while looking at Angela to which she blushed deeply.

'Helen who was hearing them also said in non-hearing voice with a hopefull look'.

HELEN- " T-T-Then can I b-be your se-second". She said thinking that Arthur won't hear her but to her surprise Arthur heared everything and had a big smile on his face to which she just blushed and turned her face to other side.

'While this was going on Alice and Jasmine were sleeping and the others were in the front side of the carriage and suddenly Ray and others sensed something and stoped the carriage'.

RAY- "Bandits, guys get ready to engage". Ray said to others to fight the bandits.


BANDIT 1- "Boss it looks like today is our lucky day, there are woman in that carriage, hehe". He said with a creepy smile of his face.

BOSS- "It really is our lucky day, hahahah". The boss said while laughing loudly.


'They all can see that in front of them there are total 20 bandits and all of out of them 10 have formed there mana core and others are also strong. Even if they try to escape Ray and Adam knew that bandits are going to came after them'.

ADAM- "Ray tell Arthur, Alice and Jasmine back while we try to hold them back, the bandits are really strong".

'Just as Ray was going to say them to escape the boss of bandits spoke'.

BOSS BANDIT- "listen clearly I will only give you one option, if you handover the ladies I can spare others life. There is no point in fighting when you know that you cnt win, hahaha". He said laughing while licking his lips.

RAY- " You bastard, how dare". Just as he was going to complete his word a soul shocking voice came.

ARTHUR- "SAY THAT AGAIN". He said while walking toward the front.

'Suddenly a gigantic pressure fell fall upon the bandits and they fell to their knees. All those who were present there were shocked they knew that Arthur was strong but they didn't knew that he was this strong'.


'I knew that he was strong but this is completely different feeling when he fought me he was not angry but right he is really angry, gulpp'. He thought while taking a mouth full salive.

'Not only he even Alice and Ray were also shocked because thay have always seen his happy look but this is the first time they are seeing such a angry look on his face'.


'Even in the novel when I read this chapter I was angry but the feeling when seeing it yourself is completely different, if I was angry while reading but right now I am 1000 times more angry.

'THESE MAGGOTS DARE TO TOUCH MOMMY I WON'T SPARE THEM'. Arthur has a bloodthirsty look on his face.


'Just what is happening, what is this pressure it's like we are crushing under a mountain'. Just as he was thinking they all heared that shoul shaking voice.

ARTHUR- "I asked, what did you say". Arthur asked him while coming in front on his father.

BOSS BANDIT- " J-J-Just wh-who are y-you". He couldn't even speak properly and the most shocking part for him was that all this pressure was coming from this kid, he was just going crazzy. Just how can a kid be this monstrous.As he was thinking he heared the kid's voice.

ARTHUR- "You know what just forget it".

He said as he looked at the bandits with madman look.

3rd POV

'Jast as the bandits heared Arthur's voice suddenly they saw that their location has changed'.


'Suddenly they appeared in a dark red place they don't know where they are and how they came here, when they turned their eyes they saw a gigantic black and white colour tree as that was beautiful but at the same time the most dangerous they have seen in their life. As they moved their eyes to saw the tree's height they froze completely, like their breathing stopped they were just froze at their places. The thing that they saw in the sky was a creature they have never seen before and never wanted to to see in life.

They could see a creature who know how long covering the whole sky like a blanket with deep purple and black mixture colour, two big wings, a long take and a monstrous with long horns making a crown on his head and many spikes over his body.

When they saw that thing they just wanna die, they don't want to see that creature any more. Whey were shaking like crazy and then suddenly the creature opened his dark purple eye's and the scene changed'.

3rd POV

'Ray and others were shocked because the bandits they thought were strong were now crawling while blood were coming out from every hole present on there body. And this all just from the pressure that Arthur emmited at them. And then they all see Arthur lifting his hand and snaping his finger's' and heared'.

ARTHUR- "DIE". He said while snaping his finger's.

'Suddenly Ray and others saw that like a Avalanche a big wave of ice captured the bandits around them, the ice had covered the ground around them completely and suddenly the body's of bandits were covered in fire but the ice was not melting and then like a thunder storm red lightning striked the bodies and all the ice shattered like a glass and the ground around them started shaking like crazy and they were completely shocked because this all happened just with snap which was done by Arthur'.

'Alice Came out of her thought and ran towards Arthur'.

ALIVE- "Arthur, a-are you alright". She asked in worried tone while hugging Arthur.

ARTHUR- "I am fine and I am the one who attacked them'. He said while assuring his mom.

ALICE- " But still, what was that". She asked with a confused look.

ARTHUR- "I was just angry". He said with a smile.At first Alice was shocked but when she his smile she became normal thinking that her son was never a normal child.

'Then Ray and others also came towards them'.

ADAM- " Damn Arthur that was badass, I don't even know what to say". He said with an amazed look.

RAY- "I am also in shock Adam but you will get used to it like I get, haha". He said as he also hugged Arthur and Alice. And he suddenly heared Helen's voice.

HELEN- " A-Arthur you h-have element affinity with fo-four elements". She asked in a complete shocked look. Even a person with two element affinity is hard to find but Arthur has 4,it was just too unbelievable.

'At first Adam and his others didn't pay attention to it they were too it but when they heared Helen they were also shocked'.

ARTHUR- "You are wrong Helen I don't have affinity with only four elements, I have affinity with all the elements". He said with a smile while looking at Helens face.

ADAM- "W-W-Whatttt". He shouted and then fainted. When he get to kown that Arthur is a 5year old kid who is stronger the most adults that was shocking but now this is completely out of the world. There has never been a person who had affinity with all the elements.

RAY- "HAAH, he passed out". He said while looking at Adam.

JASMINE- "You are incredible Arthur, can you teach me". She said as she came near him and asked with puppy eyes to which Arthur patted her head.

ARTHUR- " Of course, but some time later". He said while patteing her to which Jasmine blushed but enjoyed his touch.

ANGELA- "Arthur you remember what I said in the carriage, dont forget me in the future". She said with a seductive smile on her face to which Arthur also gave her smile.

ARTHUR- "Of course I remember and I think you also remember what I said to you, right". He said with a teasing smile to which Angela blushed deepely and became silent.

ALICE- " What are they talking about Helen". She asked with a confushed look to which Helen also blushed remembering about that time.

HELEN- "I-It's nothing, I think we should leave now". She said while avoiding the conversation.

ALICE- " Oh, you are right we should leave before some other troube come". She said while looking towards Ray.

RAY- "Yeah and it's going to be night soon I think we should rest in the forest tonight". He said while gathering others attention.

ADAM- " Yeah you are right Ray, let's find a safe place to rest".

3rd POV

'It was night and around the Fire we could see Ray and others talking happily. Not knowing that when they will wake up tomorrow morning they won't find Arthur with them".


'I don't want to leave like this but I have no other choice, if I tell mom that I have to leave them and they have to go without me, she won't let me go and even if she agrees she will try to go with me saying that 'YOU CAN'T GO ALONE' and I can't let that happen. That's why I am leaving now when every one is sleeping and I am also going to leave a note, so that when they wake up they will know why I left and not started finding me like crazy. I can also convince them by using one of my powes but I won't do that atleast not on my loved ones'.

'With that Arthur leaved at night to save Sylvia'.


3rd POV

'When Alice woke up and couldn't find Arthur at first she thought that he has gone to do training but even after searching for him in the forest and not finding him she waked up Ray and others to find him.

RAY- "Don't worry Alice, Arthur is a strong Kid he will be fine. We will find him". He said while assuring his crying wife.

ALICE- " B-But Ray". Just as she was going to say Jasmine came with a paper.

JASMINE- "Alice I found this near your bed, I think Arthur left this". She said while giving it to Alice and they all started reading it.


(Mom, Dad when you woke up and dont find me it will be because I have to leave you all for some time to save someone. That person need my help and only I can find and help that person, so you don't have to worry about me because previous day I have showed you all a small glimpse of how much strong I am. I know mom you are crying while reading this but don't cry it's not good for your health and for the baby's health)

'When Ray and Alice get to know that Arthur had knew about the baby for a while they were shocked but they again started reading the letter'.

(Just know that mom I will come back to you but it will take some time, so dont worry about me and keep healthy. And sorry Jasmine for not teaching you and take care and also Angela, Helen to both of you also and try not to forget our talk in the carriage.)

'When Angela and Helen read it they were embarassed but also happy that he care for them and Jasmine also has a smile on her face with teary eyes'.

(At last once again sorry to all of you for not telling you before leaving. With this said stay safe till we meet again.


'When they finshed reading it for a while Alice cried but after some time stopped knowing that Arthur really have to otherwise he will not go without telling her'.

RAY- "Don't worry Alice he will be safe and come back to us". He said while hugging Alice.

ALICE- "You are right Ray he will come back to me". She said while wiping her tears and standing up.

'After that they all left for Sapin without Arthur'.

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