

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs



' I have scaned the whole forest and know the location of Sylvia and right now I am on the way to meet her, well because in the novel we only get to see her dragon form she didn't even saw her human for even once, so you can say that I am excited to see her figure, hehe'. He said while laughing.

3rd POV

'We could see Arthur standing in the front of a cave hidden between mountains where Sylvia is hiding.

ARTHUR- "Well it's looks like it's time to meet my first MILF harem member". He said with a big smile of his face as he came inside the cave, he knew that Sylvia has been scaning the forest that's why even during the fight with bandits and now he was hiding his presence and others during the fight.

'After walking some time he was finally able to see Sylvia in her Asura form'.


'So this is how Her Asura form looks like.he could see a 30 to 40 meter dark colour human shape creature with two horns on it's head and a long tail and there was a big wound on her chest from where black blood was coming out'.

ARTHUR- "Well I have to say even your this form looks beautiful". He said while looking at Sylvia to which Sylvia opened her red eyes in shock while suddenly standing up to fight.


'She has been hiding in this cave for a long time and her wound is getting worse and worse even with her healing abilities the wound was not getting any better. She was dying slowly, but she doesn't want to die now she wanted to see her baby's face, she wanted to raise the baby which was growing in the egg. It was just like any other day she was sleeping in the cave, that's when she heared a voice she was completely shocked because even while sleeping she was scanning the whole place to be aware of any harm.

'And when she opened her eyes she was even more shocked that when she came to knew that the holder of that voice is a child, that's when she heared his voice again'.

ARTHUR- "So this is how you treat your guest's, huh". He said with a smile of his face.

SYLVIA- "Who are you kid and how did you get here without me knowing". She said while coming back in normal stance.

ARTHUR- "Well for your first question, 'I AM THE FUTURE LORD OF THIS WORLD' and for your second question, I just came here on foot while walking normally". He said normally while looking at Sylvia who has a shocked experession on her face.

'She was shocked when she heared what Arthur has said'.

SYLVIA- "You really have big dreams kid, but do you even know what it means". She said while try to see into his soul to find who he was but she was again shocked knowing that she can't see into his soul, this is the first time it has happened.

ARTHUR- "For your information it's not a dream and even if there is something that other's think is a dream and can't became reality but I have the power to make it reality".

'Once again Sylvia was shocked that how can a kid have such a mantelity at such a small age and even all this time she was still cannot see through him, it was like he was blocking her to see it but it was just impossible she was one of the most powerful people in the world and it was impossible for her to believe that a kid was blocking her to see through him. As she was busy in her thought's she heared Arthurs voice'.

ARTHUR- "Well don't you think that it's not good manners to see someone's soul without their permission, Sylvia". He said with a big smile while taking her name for the first time to which the former was even more surprised.

SYLVIA- " Y-You, h-how do you know my n-name, just who are y-you". She said shuttering while taking some steps back. This is the first time she was scared in her life even in a fight she could die she was not scared but right now she was scared, it was first time that she didn't know what to do, she couldn't think anything.

ARTHUR- "You don't have to be scared of me Sylvia I am not your enemy, I have came here to save you". He said while assuring her that he was not here to harm her.

SYLVIA- "How can I believe someone whom I don't even know". She said while still on guard but suddenly she was shocked to her core, all the time her eyes were on Arthur but suddenly she heared his voice from her behind. She don't know what happened just a while ago he was in front of her and the next moment he appeared behind her at a speed she can't even imagine, then she heared his voice.

ARTHUR- "If I wanted to kill you I could have without you knowing, as I said before I am here to save you not to kill you, so now do you believe me". He said as he again appeared in front of her.

SYLVIA- " A-Allright I believe you and it's not like I have any other choice right now". She said to which Arthur gave her a smile.

ARTHUR- "Good, let's first heal you". He said as he raised his hand and a green energy covered Sylvia's body to which she was startled at first but when she saw that her wounds were already healed like they never there she was once again surprised, she has been trying to heal her wounds but nothing was working and it was only getting worse but now this kid saved her. She was happy knowing that she can see her baby and raise her herself.

SYLVIA- "T-T-Thank you, th-thank you, really thank you". She said with tears in her eyes as she thanked him from her heart.

ARTHUR- "It's all right, so how about you show me your true form, not your dragon form your Asura/human form". He said to her to which this time she was not surprised, she already get to know that this person is someone above her league and she did as he said.


'He was really excited to see her humanly form but when he saw her his heart skipped a beat, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life, her figure was full of cuvers, a face which looks like God of beauty has made herself, her rose like red lips asking him to suck them, those big heavenly boobs and that big bouncy ass. She was the pure definition of MILF figure'.


'When I saw him my Asura form I could clearly see the look he was giving me, like he wants to devour me completely but for some reason I didn't hate if on the contrary I liked it that he like my figure and it brought happiness in my heart, because every other person who saw me they gave me a look full of lust but he gave me a look full of admiration like he was admiring every part of my body, even knowing that he was a kid but she still wanted him to keep looking at her with those eye's'.

SYLVIA- "S-So will y-you stop l-looking at me now". She said to him while pulling him from his thoughts.

ARTHUR- "Sorry, you are just too gorgeous". He said to her to which she blessed deeply.

SYLVIA- " T-Thanks, so now tell me who are you really". She said shuttering but with a smile on her face which didn't go unnoticed by Arthur.

ARTHUR - "Well why don't we should talk while sitting".He said as he created two chairs and a round table with a snap of his fingers to which Sylvia was again shocked.

SYLVIA- " W-W-What was that, h-how did you did that". She said shuttering with a shocked expression.

ARTHUR- "First sit down and calm your mind, you have endured at lot all this time, haven't you". He said to her while telling her to sit.

SYLVIA- "O-Ok, thanks". She said as she sat.

ARTHUR- "So do you want something to eat or drink".

SYLVIA- " N-No its". As she was going to complete her words he interrupted.

ARTHUR- "Just say it you don't have to be shy". He said to her to which Sylvia blushed and said.

SYLVIA- "A s-s-strawberry c-cake and a chocolate milksake". She said while blushing thinking that he might make fun of her thinking that someone of her age is asking for this but to her surprise it didn't happened.

ARTHUR- "What a coincidence, I also like them a lot, snap". He said and snapped his finger's and two strawberry cake and two chocolate milksake appeared out of thin air. Sylvia was again shocked but accepted that this person was not normal.

SYLVIA- "Thanks, so can you tell me now who are you,slurp". She said as she started drinking the chocolate shake with a happy look on her face to which Arthur also smiled.

ARTHUR- "Alright, but try not be to shocked". He said to which Sylvia took his worlds seriously and prepared herself while wiping her face which was covered by chocolate shake like a child to which Arthur just smiled.

SYLVIA- " You can say it, I am prepared ". She said with a confident look.

ARTHUR- "My name is Arthur Leywin and I am 'THE PROGENITOR OF BLOOD DRAGONS' a 'PURE DRAGON GOD' only one of myelf in this world". He said to which Sylvia was again shocked.

SYLVIA- "W-W-What are those I h-have never heared Or read about those b-blood dragons or that P-Pure dragon G-God and why can't I feel your dragon aura and what was that making things from nothing". She started asking questions like child who is curious about everything to which Arthur smiled.

ARTHUR- "It's just as I said I am the progenitor blood dragons with pure dragon God lineage and about why haven't you read or heared about them it's because I am the first of my kind the only blood dragon existing right now on this world and about why can't you feel my dragon aura well I am hiding my aura so that you don't get scared and about making things out of nothing it's one of my powers 'CREATION'. Any more question". He said as he looked at the shocked face of Sylvia.

SYLVIA- "Th-That Power of yours 'CREATION' is not that kind of a g-g-godly power and b-being a dragon only of your k-kind about which even in our dragon texts there is nothing written just, sigh forget I don't want to think anymore my mind is already full I don't think I can handle anymore shock, so please dont give anymore shock". She said while massaging her head to which Arthur just laughed.

ARTHUR- "Hahaha, All right I will try not to give but I can't promise". He said to her and also started eating the cake.

'As both of them were enjoying the cake suddenly the cave broke and a being similar to Sylvia's Previous form came out of smoke".

" Lady Sylvia you should stop your futile effort of hiding and should go back with me".

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