
The beauty and her beasts

A treacherous love is it not?, She, The beauty to his beast. A beauty with a dark heart, A beauty who seeks to use the beast. A beast that despite all his knowledge and wisdom of the beauty's dark heart but was enchanted by her nonetheless, Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, A tale of a maddening love, A tale of three, A tale of war, A tale of deceit, one with all on the line. Who will be victorious?, Will there be a victor?, Will there be no victor?, There is more to their tale than what meets the eye, Very well then, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Richard_J_Bruce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Elslaine watched with weathered emotions at Freya's carriage made it's way away,

(She'd gotten in, now. she'd draw some blood) Elslaine grins in a controlled manner,

"Elslaine my dear" Lucca calls softly from behind her, his frame tilted enough for his toned voice to saunter into her ears,

"Your Majesty" she replies with a breathless tinge, a sultry smile dancing on her lips well aware of the kings heightened states, his presence draws nearer yet she offers naught but a word,

"I'll be on to my chambers Lucca" she teased, "a lady does need her beauty sleep" Elslaine smiles.

She makes her way away with slow deliberate steps, the high soles of her shoes connecting soundlessly against the tiled palace grounds, with her finally out of sight he releases his forced hold over his body, and in his pants is a titanius bulge, the woman would be the death of him Lucca mused, if only the poor king knew.

She'd begun her act, being Frank the King if the blood realms was going to be the easier if the two to subdue, the problem?, his mother, and even worse the King of the Night Realms, he knew to much about her, things Freya would never tell, never speak on, for that reason,

(Ultimately i'll have to play your game won't i?), "Sven" she calls with halted steps,

"Which is which?" he muses, "which is real?, the innocence of a naive lamb or the seductress of a seasoned courtesan?" he questions,

"What do you think?" she muses, a coy smile stretching across her lips,

"Don't force yourself into being something you're not" he replies, his face washed clean with stoic apathy, Elslaine rather than doubt her charm smiles instead, she saunters up to the beast of man of menacingly imposing height, his rye golden hued eyes watching her as a predator watches prey. Her chest inches from his, she's on her toes stretching but failing to reach his ear. Sven chuckles lightly at the sight, his left finds her waist pulling her up to him, their chest against the other eyes mirroring the others she speaks in a breathless whisper,

"What do you think?" she questions, Sven's apathetic visage cracks, all be it momentarily, she'd caught it, the sides of her eyes crinkle as an angelic smile blooms, right then Sven's heart stops, he restless fiercely against his wolf, the latter fighting against it's restating to claim the enchantress,

"Finally i win" she sneers with a hearty laugh,

(Now this is the girl i remember) Sven muses, (You we're always one hell of a tease), memories of a time long before flash by, a time before the event's that had changed the girls fate and stolen away her mother, a time when she was every bit of a verbal bully and a fire cracker to boot as he was, Freya had done something to her, Sven knew, the mere fact she was barely able to recall her memories before her mother's death was suspicious,

(It seems even the future Magnum Opus has conveniently forgotten a very pivotal fact about her own races) he contemplates still mesmerized by the beautiful girl, (Young or old, witches don't forget!).

Lucca sat comfortably on his office chair, as with any competent ruler the chair saw much more use them his throne, afterall being nigh immortal was no reason to laze and flounder like a useless bastard Lucca muses imaging to the shilouette of a certain werewolf king,

(come to think of it they're all much the same, combative, prideful and unnecessarily strong libidos, he'd castrate the bastard if he got anywhere near Elslaine) Lucca pondered with glowing eyes holding a maddened gaze, Lucca worked ceaselessly, he's execution as mechanical as it was immaculate, a glance to his wrist watch prompts him to shelf whatever is left of his work afterall, he had a plan to enact and first of that was throwing a stray dog out.

Lucca's measures strides are forced to a halt when a guard comes up to him with very startling news, he knew it was coming, he'd been foolish to hope Daemon's threat would abate it, instead he could very easily guess the demonic bastard was fueling it,


The highlords and ladies had staked their claims under the banners of Duke and highlord Rasenbueg, for this he'd raze those of their house, but first he had a meeting to call, with messages dispatched to the lord's and ladies of neutral or supportive stands he call meeting with the wolf and Elslaine, hopefully his continued relations with the wolf although strained could prove some use, (Clearly Daemon is trying to keep us busy), Sven and Elslaine arrive in tow, Lucca's eyes narrow, nevertheless he was king, and there was work infatuation could wait.

"Rebellion" he states,

"We heared" she frowns,

"Sir!" the familiar uniformed vampire barges in, "I have word that the Rasenbuegs and all other affiliated highlords have raised their armies, the generals are requesting to raise the imperial army and form a line of defence!" the Vampire concludes,

"Permitted" Lucca responds, "Relay my orders, they are to hold the line till further reinforcements arrive, the arm should be thirty thousand Vampires strong, have the contents of ware house four shipped to the frontlines, expect demons, hybrids, zoans and any other Godforsaken monstrosity Daemon has sent as aid"

"Please pardon my insolence my liege, but by ware house four you mean..." the man trails

"Yes, holy water, blessed metal and stake blades, i intend to cull this rebellion by genocide if i must, we have little time for foolish games!, Now go!",

"By your will!" the Vampire salutes, his fist cupped to his chest, he blurs away into the distance, Sven's raised eyebrows gradually soften,

(Well, it looks like i've been underestimating this leech, he's at least got some bite) he ponders pleasant suprised, thirty thousand vampire warriors, an ungodly amount, for a race of massively enhanced physical physiology, second only to the Zoanthropes, and of Magik prowess second only to the Magik races nature had balanced their power by mitigating their reproductive ability, so thirty thousand of such warriors were a nightmare of an army to face and frankly Lucca's modus operandi had left the Night king impressed.

"I should get back to my Realm, if Deamon truly has a hand in this he'll be looking to ignite feud in my Realms too" Sven states,

(Hell be damned) Lucca grins internally, "Understandable, i wish you God speed" Lucca steps towards his counterpart raising his hand for a shake, "Unfortunately i'll be unable to see you off, i request for your understanding"

"Request granted" Sven replies with a thinly veiled sneer, to his shock Lucca simply smirks in response, and giving the thoughts on both their minds, Sven frowns but takes Lucca's hand non-the-less,

"Won't you be a dear an escort me out?" Sven grins to Elslaine, she roles her eyes, her lips breaking into a slight smile,

"Please do" Lucca replies, to the shock of the other two, Sven glances at him with an inquisitive gaze, Lucca smile,

(It's fine to let the dog have a bone....for now),

Sven and Elslaine make their way out the castle side by side in silence, Upon arriving before his carriage Sven turns to speak, Elslaine beats him to it,

"Have a safe trip your Highness" She smiles,

"Is that all you have to say to me?" he questions with a raised brow,

"No, there's quite a bit you have to say to ME, nevertheless i'm of the intuitive belief we'll be meeting soon enough" she replies,

"Oh?, is this what your people call Witch sight?" he questions,

"No, it's what everyone calls a woman's intuition" She quips, "Safe travels your highness" she bids with a slight bow,

"Sven" he replies,


"Sven, call me Sven" he replies turning away into the carriage,

"Where too my liege" the coachman inquires,

"Home" he sighs in reply, Elslaine watches as the carriage rounds then shoots of into the distance woth blistering speed,

"Safe journey... Sven" she mumbles.