
The beauty and her beasts

A treacherous love is it not?, She, The beauty to his beast. A beauty with a dark heart, A beauty who seeks to use the beast. A beast that despite all his knowledge and wisdom of the beauty's dark heart but was enchanted by her nonetheless, Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, A tale of a maddening love, A tale of three, A tale of war, A tale of deceit, one with all on the line. Who will be victorious?, Will there be a victor?, Will there be no victor?, There is more to their tale than what meets the eye, Very well then, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Richard_J_Bruce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Sven couldn't help his stare at the spiral lance that appeared to pierce the sky, the head of the blood castle, his mind wandered with dancing thoughts all through the journey back to his realm. They weighed heavy on his mind, the thoughts of the young witch he seemed to remember, 

(Well then she wasn't a witch) he chuckles. Her sudden reappearance and unknown motives brought with it a cascading decent of varying questions, questions he'd sooner rather than later have the answers to. He wondered so, on how to get his questions answered, especially the gnawing Intuition that the old hag couldn't be trusted, but first he'd have to ensure there weren't any tricks being played in his own backyard.

(I wonder what kind of tantrum that child is throwing) Sven ponders back to his 'disagreement' with his sister before his departure, 

(Eslaine was always the one who could control her, i wonder if things remain as such) he muses.


Elslaine is seated within her chamber at her reading desk at the veranda,

(Seriously must everything be red?!) She questions inwardly with exasperation, anymore of the colour and she'd stay seeing red... permanently!.

A wave of her hands drew the curtains close, her fingers danced in the sir as s choirs conductor would, lines of magic danced so along her finger tips, with adept technique she wove lines onto shapes and shapes into symbols, all held within a sphere, the runes danced along the orb with a rythmic movement, she brought her palms beneath it as if to cradle water, then raised it to expand, light engulfed the room.

Now withing Elslaine's sight, runes of magik empowered by her danced along the rooms walls, she let power fade from her sights and the room returned to it's usually ambience, RED, gods she'd come to hate the colour. Nevertheless, she had a job to do, the Western lords had rebelled, she had half a mind to believe her God mother had a hand in it, but the woman believed her brain washed and she'd like to keep it that way, afterall she had no allies,

"It's me and i against the world" she murmured, even as she observed herself within the mirror,

(I look so... different), Elslaine knew as a matter of fact she was born a beauty, born of a magnum opuses blood it would be so, but she was human, now, she didn't even seem like a being that was real, much like her God mother, she looked too...perfect, she didn't like it, infact she hated it, maybe deep down she still believed herself human, mortal, yet she wondered still,

(Is this how mom looked?), She couldn't quite remember, something she believed was a product of her God mother's doing, nevertheless, she had a job to do. Elslaine stilled her mind from wondering, her eyes focused on the mirror's reflect, indeed too perfect, it made her look like porcelain, glass, but it would get the job done, vampire king to be would hand her the keys to the capital of his own volition and she'd tear this kingdom assunder,

(I swear it!) Her amethyst eyes blazed.

"Reina de la magia...." Her eyes glowing with light as she spoke forth in the language of the witches "...madre de las brujas, te ruego que no aparezcas" as soon as she was done she felt the connection resist, Freya would have none of such, the Magnum Opus was preventing the ward Eslaine had erected from holding. The image in the mirror began to cloud before morphing into a visual of the queen mother as it settled. 

Freya sat smiling sweetly at her god daughter as she spoke,

"How has my absence been ok you dear child?" she questions in a sing sing voice, 

(something wasn't right) Elslaine's intuition blares,

"I'm grown now mother, best believe your daughter is well" Elslaine replies with a charming smile, "i do however find myself at a loss on how to proceed with the situation, surely there is some way such a situation can be used to our advantage" she concludes,

"Remember child this game you're playing is a dangerous one and is not one we can seek to win quickly, you remember don't you, you yourself stated you have the resolve to become his wife if need be, for now be the diligent brilliant girl you are, quell the rebellion, help him govern his realm, if possible win the queen reagents approval, keep your intentions close, and your blade even closer" Freya replies, "A kingdoms ruin lies in the hands of an incompetent king, be it by his works or conduct, be it by love or obsession, The Rasenbuegs have always been a torn in the side of the Rostovie's, afterall they are one of the only families who have blood ties to the royal line which in turn grants them eligibility to vie for the blood throne, If you can aid him in being rid of that torn, his heart will be yours for the taking" Freya concludes, "i must attend to work my child, may the heavens be with you" she blesses as the mirror clouds to nothingness, once again left to her sight within the mirror's reflect.

Elslaine was almost certain, it nagged at her spirit so, 

(She's absolutely involved in this), there where to ways she could play this, come true to Lucca once he was ensnared by her and use hik to oppose the queen mother, play her game till she reasoned something grander, no, 

(For now i know what i have to do, i have to find out about the circumstances surrounding my mother's death) Elslaine mulls. 

Elslaine sighs her mind thoroughly exhausted, her back found the comfort of her bed with an audible moan, her eyes fluttered open beholding the celling,

"Bloody hell, even the fu#king celling" she exclaims, her face scrunching in irritation.


Somewhere within the border's of DRAKARD, In a room devoid of light where the dark seemed to consume even space, eerily still, eerily quiet so, cobwebs stretched from every wall to corner, the still air held the weight of dust and sand.

 A woman of incomparable beauty stood before an old rustic mirror, donned in a draping black robe that shrouded both her form and face, the only thing of note being two sapphire orbs glowing bright against the engulfing dark, she raised the hood to reveal her face as she spoke a chant, a witch's language of magik,

"Que la reina madre responda" she calls, the mirror clouded before morphing to show the Queen mother herself,

"My child" she called,

"Mother" the young lady bows in response,

"Tell me, how are things at court?" She questions,

"As they where, the Zoan lord is still immensely distrustful of witches, coming to sight without a due reason or work has been difficult" the young lady replies,

"And the Princess?" Freya questions,

"Cordial at best" The girl replies her tone despodent,

"I see" Freya replies noticing the girls shift in emotion, "and the other plans?" She questions further,

"Swiftly motion" cones the reply,

"Excellent" Freya smiles, "keep doing as you have, i believe the opportunity for you to perform will soon present itself, and good work...Aya".