
The beauty and her beasts

A treacherous love is it not?, She, The beauty to his beast. A beauty with a dark heart, A beauty who seeks to use the beast. A beast that despite all his knowledge and wisdom of the beauty's dark heart but was enchanted by her nonetheless, Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, A tale of a maddening love, A tale of three, A tale of war, A tale of deceit, one with all on the line. Who will be victorious?, Will there be a victor?, Will there be no victor?, There is more to their tale than what meets the eye, Very well then, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Richard_J_Bruce · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Elslaine watched her sanguine celling with a dreary gaze, the filtered moon shine dancing with the rooms shadows end. Red. (Much like everything in this blasted castle) she mused, Red. it all seemed to remind her of him, she shrugged the covers of her body, her dainty body moving across her shadowed room, first a step then two, then three four and then the fifth, her feet find rhythm, her dance one of the few things in which through her mother still lived, a twirl and a glance, a flash of red, Red. she'd caught it, she didn't know how but she was sure, damn sure,

"Lucca" her lips mumbled, then the flash turned to a light, a gaze from a tower away, "Vampires" she mumbles dispiritedly, "Fucking Vampires" she swears again drawing her thick curtains close. She made to her bed, and at last found sleep.

A tower away two red orbs flickered into nothingness, and with closed eyes he recalled the scene, Lucca knew what he'd seen was not a lie, that there was her, the real her, the innocence she'd been trained to hide, god's knew hus ancestors must have been rolling in their slumber, for how could a king be so entranced, bewitched infact, if he felt this way now what would become of him in a week?, two?, perhaps a month, and still he'd chafe to see her go, No!, he'd maje sure there was no where left to go. And most importantly he'd protect her from the clutches of the frivolous dog, afterall who best knew his game than one who'd lost before?.

The morning light pierced the opened veil, Elslaine's eye's flicker open, a familiar shilouette,

"Opus" she mumbles, there Freya stood, basking in the morning sun by the windows mouth, in that moment she looked mystical, perhaps Angelic, but to her genuine smile Elslaine felt fear, for whatever reason she could not tell,

"You will remain, your road to your lies here, the realms of Blood lies closest to the Churches realms, it is a suitable excuse to have you remain as diplomat", Elaine's fear dulls, her brilliant mind quick to understand,

"He wants me to remain" she smiles, (Lucca).

"I've raised you well child, you fill me with pride with every look i take" Freya smiles,

"I learnt from the best" she replies,

"And there is more you are soon but yet to learn, do not disappoint me, i want word of your betrothal within seven months, do so and i will make you Magnum" Freya declares,

"by your will my liege" Elslaine replies with a bow,

"my sweet sweet girl" Freya hums as she runs her hands through Elslaine's silky hair, her knuckles brush past her cheek brushing further past her lips, the finger at her fore running down her neck,

"You're a splitting image of me, my child, my protege, the future, you will not fail because you cannot, afterall what man could deny us?" she smiles, "Nevertheless, as that is our strength, so is it our weakness, my daughter, beware of the Night king and his realm, do not let that rye eyed mutt get in the way if our plans" Freya concludes before exiting the room. Elslaine turns to her wardrobe, at it's center a dress, of course in red.

"Fucking Vampires" she curses.

Elslaine makes her way to the dining hall, seated at it's head is Lucca, his mother to his right, to his left is Freya, beside her Elslaine sits and opposite her is Sven, he cocks a brow then gives a wink,

"Fucking Vampires indeed" he mutters loud enough for all to here, Lucca's jaw clenches while Sven's eyes crinkle with mirth, "I really would prefer you in black" he muses woth eyes boring into hers,

"you'd do well to keep your paws of my daughter Night King, fail to do so and i will have your head",

"I'd like to see you try hag" Sven bites back his golden irises finding glow,

"Enough!" Sylvia bellows, she turns to Elslaine with a motherly smile, "you look lovely today darling" she says, ", Elaine despite her efforts blushes, the red contrasting beautiful against her pale skin. The eyes of Both Kings find her frame fevrrent desire, at the sight of this Freya gives a faint smirk,

"Elslaine" Lucca calls, "the Opus has made me aware of your interests in the arts, I'd love for you to accompany me to tonights exhibition", She smiles with obvious restraint before giving a reply,

"Your Majesty, forgive my impertinence but i do believe there us little time for such frivolities",

"A woman of focus, i like that" he grins, "Nevertheless, you will go with me" he concludes with glowing eyes, "And and please, call me Lucca".

"By your will, i thank you for your hospitality your ma...",

"Lucca" the man himself interrupts,

"Lucca" he sultry voice calls. Sven watches on seemingly in apathy, giving away his true feelings though is the unconscious frown etched unto his stoic face, his piercing gaze finally draws her out of the match of stares she'd been having with the lord of the realm of Blood, The Night king grins satisfied with their broken play, Lucca seethes at the interruption,

(Little matter, the dog will be gone by noon) he consoles,

"Elslaine, how about you become diplomat to my realm?, should you do this i'll concede to The Magnum's demands" he states turning his eyes to Freya. The latter frowns contemplating the proposal momentarily, in a bid to aid her son's endeavour Sylvia interjects,

"I do believe it's time the Opus and i give the children some time" she states, Freya pauses before shooting the former a smile in response,

"Very well, i do believe that there is much do discuss pertaining to the future of our two houses" she states, to that statement Lucca smiles looking to Sven as if to taunt him, to his suprise he finds the man in question unfazed, infact Sven held his every playful grin as his eyes bored into Elslaine's vexed be ones,

(What did i miss?!) the feeling of being unaware got him in a rather displeased mood, he hated the Night Realms king's ability to move the usual calm woman's emotions, and even more, he hated the look of absolute confidence the wolf wore despite the reality of their pending betrothal, whatever the case, he would not let him have her, afterall the wolf king had taken much from him, he would not let him take another.

(He knows something. Something about my mother) Elslaine ponders, (i need to know what!),

Sven lift's himself from his seat before making for the exit, Elslaine wastes no time in rising to follow,

"Pardon me your ma....Lucca, i've got some business with the Night king she concludes with a hardened face", and although displeased the look on the girls face assured Lucca to some extent that the two would be amicable, but far from flirtatious, at the very least Elslaine wouldn't,

(once i get thet mutt out, i'll finally be free to work my magic) he muses with eyes boring into the figured girls form.

(This time Sven, i'll win).