
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 -The Strong Rules

I got shocked by the King in front of me. Not just the king doesn't have any legs, but also he is blind.

But the aura he is emanating and the atmosphere he has sent to the surroundings is not to be underestimated.

The King also gave a shock expression looking at me and to my Royal Griffins that followed me, without even the slightest flinch, facing the king with their heads up high. He might be blind but the abilities that can feel the emotions and aura of the people around him is the most powerful skill he has.

Eudora immediately hugged her father while Sylvia kneeled just a few distance away from them. The people inside also kneeled, from guards to nobles that we're around.

"How dare you not kneeling in front of the King?" A knight with blonde hair and purple eyes, his body was muscular giving an impression of a captain. The environment went silent in his words.

I tilted my head looking at him, why should I kneel? Am I a resident in this world? Not that I am arrogant but I have my Royal servants as well behind me.

"Hahaha!" The King laughed loudly that grabbed the attention of the people around us. Then, he looked at the Captain and spoke in a dignified manner.

"Captain Ferand, if I were you, I won't start a fight against the man in front of us. Even if we all fight together in this room, most of us will die before the man of us will fall."

The Captain Ferand flinched hearing the King's word, he did not say anything and slowly stepped back to his recent position.

As expected, the king has evaluated my strength, his statement made a gasping and shocked sound around us. They all stared at me once again while my Royal Griffins started to emit their killing intent looking at the Captain.

The king made a coughing sound to ease the setting, then he faced me and talked in a respective tone.

"Young man. I have heard what you have accomplished. My daughter and the reports said that you have saved her before us, and also manage to destroy a Troll Fortress and killed a Troll champion with ease, with that, I thanked you for saving my second and youngest daughter Eudora Ashbridge, and also accept my thanks for destroying the Troll Fortress." The King slightly lowered his head facing me.

This King is generous than I have expected and Instead of I am kneeling to him, the people around us bowed their head towards me. Maybe it is part of their tradition?

In showing respect, I slightly bow my head and said. "It's my honor to accept the Kings gratitude."

The King nodded his head and noticed that her daughter is staring at me with a blush cheeks, he also noticed Sylvia and some women nobles gazed at me.

The King Grin for a moment and continued.

"As the King of Ashbridge Kingdom, I King Walkelinus, will grant you a reward or wish that I can manage to accomplish with the best of my abilities."

Should I ask your daughter? Nah, just kidding. I can win Eudora later, but I need land right now to let my creatures live and slowly build my own Kingdom. I faced the king without a hint of fear or awkwardness and said.

"If it's not too much, I would like to own a land that is in your territory but I prefer a little bit far. I have my own army, so it's very hard to live in this place while my 'pets' are outside of the castle halls."

The King nodded his head when I finished explaining and replied.

"I have no problem with that. A life for a land is it that enough thou?" The king questioned while glancing at his daughter beside him.

Oi! Are you giving your daughter to a random person? Are you really a good father? Well, it's to be expected because of the way Eudora stared at me with sparkling eyes but I might refuse her for now because I have my priorities and especially the women waiting in the Adventurers Guild.

"Yes, that is already fine for me."

"Okay, can you wait for two days? I need to sort and something first."

"It's fine, I decided to stay in this kingdom for three days as well."

After that, we talked a little while the King is still trying to hint me about his daughter. To be honest, I don't have any problems with it but I have Rose and Leafa to take care of at least for a moment because their emotions we're not yet stable.

If I will tell them that I am now the fiance of the Princess even thou I just returned, they might not able to relax because their status is too far apart.

It's better if I push them to Eudora as friends. But, right now I have my priorities first. Within two days, I will have my own land, this will be the start and progress as fast as I can because I know there are still beings stronger than me.

Saying my farewell to the King, Eudora, and Sylvia escorted me to the outside, they wanted to come with me but I told them that I have still something to do and promise to make it up too them. They nodded and understand what I was saying and simple smile and unexpectedly kissed my cheeks.

Both of them.

Riding my Royal Griffin, I went to the outer walls for a moment and checked my 'babies' they were happy seeing me. Most of them have tails and the way their tongues out while wagging their long tails with a smile on their faces is like having pets instead of monsters.

The guards and Adventurers were still stationed, guarding my creatures.

"Why aren't they leaving?"

I mumbled while looking at Hiro from the sky, do they need something from me?

Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to ignore them and proceed to the Adventurers Guild.

"I hope Leafa is fine now." I sighed and ascended towards the stairs while ignoring the gazes from the people around me.

I will introduce Rose and Leafa to my creatures as their Queens soon because Hellena said that a new function will be unlocked.

After that, I have to continue summoning, I want to increase my strength as fast as possible and my manpower as well.

Because in this world, The strong Rules while the weak can only follow.

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Eudora Ashbridge is an extremely beautiful young female of pale skin and a small frame. She is gifted with thin, white eyebrows and thick, superlative white eyelashes surrounding rounds eyes that encompass light irises. Her hair, which covers her forehead, leaving only several portions visible, is kept in a messy standard; moving to the center of her face. A pack of hair falls directly to her small nose, in between her eyes. She possesses a small neck and thin lips, as well as ears that are hidden under her white hair.

Sylvia Oriel is a tall girl with blue, shoulder-length hair and matching eyes. She has the basic appearance of a tomboy and has a bishounen face but men can't resist looking at her well-developed breast and perky butt.