
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 16 - Explanation and Higher Beings.

Standing outside of the door, I heard giggles inside of the room, a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth.

I knocked and the sound of the clicking doorknob can be heard, Rose opened the door and I stable hugged me.

She kissed my cheeks and guided me again towards the bed and pushed me gently beside Leafa.

I went silent for a moment, I don't know what this ladies we're talking about. Rose then glanced to Leafa and stare at me while her soft lips opened and spoke.

"We have decided to resign in the Guild and follow you. I hope you will allow us, Ryze..." Her voice getting low as if expecting me not to object them. Why should I not allow it?

I shook my head and pat the left side of the bed, motioning Rose to sit.

Grabbing Rose's slim waist and Leafa's chubby waist gently. I moved them towards my chest as they snuggle that their breathes tickled my chest, I caressed their silky smooth hair and spoke as gentle as I can manage.

"Why should I leave the both of you. In fact, I wanted to ask you guys to come with me when I leave this place and I felt relaxed that you got ahead of me. But, remember okay? I'm not the Edward that you love before, I know it might be confusing or complicated right now but I know both of you will know and understand. My name now is Ryze... And I want to start at the beginning and court you and love you both again. "

No man doesn't want to have beautiful women beside him, especially having 100 2D waifus. Both of then only nodded while still snuggling at my chest.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

In this world, magic and fantasy beasts exist, when humans are born, they will have a single ability or skill called a gift.

Some are lucky enough to have gifts that will help them rise or making them high ranking nobles, while some have unfortunate gifts like cleaning or worst, sexual gifts, man or female alike.

There are many races in this world. Starting from Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and more while some powerful ones are Angels, Demons, Fallen Angels, Galactics, etc.

The reason why stronger races haven't conquer this world because of the balance scales. They are not allowed to kill other races if they are Legend or below. If they might kill one, their current race will change into the race that they killed.

But in the lower world, there are some conflicts between races but not to the extent that they will go in an all-out war. Except for a particular race that is slowly building an army while hiding deep in the volcanoes...

A human descended from another world startled higher beings because some have the ability to observe what is happening to a single place

"Why is he growing so fast?!" A handsome man with a perfect build of his body and two large white wings smashed the table facing his subordinates.

They can only shake their head while some sighed... His growth was too fast that even the so-called 'genius' with special gifts can't manage in a single month. Not just that, the living beings beside that man is getting stronger and stronger.

"If we can't stop him right now... The worst things might happen in the future!" The man said in a little bit angry and loud voice.

"But my Lord, we can't do anything for now! The world Euphoria is still in a protection mode. No higher beings can enter within a year." A woman that is so beautiful faced the man and said in a very soothing tone captivate people just by listing to her.

The man released a tired sigh and announced.

"We have to strengthen our army. The future might not be peaceful again..." The meeting ended and people started to leave the room.

- - - - - - - - -

"Come, ladies, I have to introduce you to your new babies," I whispered in a teasing tone that made Leafa's eyes wide open and her body got cold.

"Ara~ You have babies?" Leafa's voice might sound gentle but I think I miss something...

Rose giggled beside us and explained that the babies I mentioned were my summons.

Before we left the room, Leafa lifts her head while her lips shaped in a pout and expected for a kiss.

I shook my head and smiled, kissing her soft lips and bite at the end with a little force to have a mark on it.

"That mark means you are mine now. Leafa..."

I also gave rose a kiss and all of us left the room. My majestic puppy. I mean, Royal Griffin is sitting at the guilds hall while staring at the stairs waiting for me to ascend. Giving the Royal Griffin a head pat and a treat.

The Royal Griffin looked at me then glance at Leafa and Rose as if checking them and suddenly bow towards them. The two Royal Griffins also followed suit. I smiled and told them what is happening because they looked stunned.

"They recognize you as my mates or queens. You can have both of them, to protect you."

I pushed both of them Gently towards the Royal Griffins. The head of the Royal Griffins slowly extended towards them, waiting for a head pat for Leafa and Rose.

"They are so beautiful!" Rose made a smile that captivated almost all the male onlookers around us.

"Ara~ I want this cute looking one. Darling~" Leafa looked at me and said in a loving tone that you might a hard time enduring and wanted to push her on a bed.

I guided them on the back of the Griffins and went outside the guild because some people started to look at Leafa and Rose with reddened cheeks and panting.

"You have to tell your family about following me, both of you."

"Un." Both of them nodded and enjoyed the flying scenery like how Eudora and Sylvia experienced lately.

Looking at my army of creatures, both of hem made a shock expression that increased my pride as a man.

Then, we landed towards my creatures, while certain man, walked towards us, with four women behind him...