
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 14 - Slowly

My chest got wet because of the cries coming from Leafa, I assumed she was a strong-willed but she was more a maiden than a thought.

Leafs was just shy to express her emotions in front of many people.

While patting Leafa's back and face still buried on my chest, I gazed at Rose and offered my other arms to her.

I might not be the Edward that they know but this man has an impact towards these beautiful ladies and not being a hypocrite, who would like to refuse?

Both of them occupied my arms while I gently caress their hair. So smooth... I sighed then talked.

"I won't leave again guys. Don't worry, but I have to tell you that I have an objective right now. I won't force you but it's up to both of you if you want to follow me or not." Speaking in a gentle tone, I continued to caress both gorgeous women in my arms.

"Also, the princess is still waiting for me outside, I have to meet the King and grab their 'reward' that they will grant to me."

"Don't worry, I already have decided if you will return, I will follow you no matter where Ryze..." Rose's voice still sounded a little awkward, she is still not used to call me by my new name, but her tone was still affectionate. Really... I can't resist a woman like her. I sighed in my mind and asked again.

"Will you allow me to court both of you again? Not as Edward, but as Ryze." My declaration made Leafa gaze at me while a little bit confusing, but Rose already understand what I am trying to express here.

"I should hurry, I have to meet the King first and return here as soon as possible. I love to spend more time with you girls..."

Both of them made a "Un" while nodding, I planted soft kisses on their forehead while leaving the room and let the girls take their time.

- - - - -

Descending from the second floor, Royal Griffin is sitting like a dog waiting for me while her tail swaying and tongue out, expressing a happy face. Where is your Royalty aura?

Sighing because of how the Royal Griffin acted adorably, I whistled and ordered her to follow me and proceed to the Castle.

Mounting on Royal Griffin, I went to where Princess Eudora and Sylvia and as I arrive, they were brushing and petting my creatures that made the Royal guards nervous, because if something might happen to the princess.

"I'm back," I called out to catch their attention.

"You're here! Let's hurry." Eudora said with an energetic tone.

I let them ride the other two Royal Griffins because it will take twenty minutes from here towards the castle, Yes, that is how big the Kingdom is.

The Adventurers and Soldiers while still facing my creatures in the alert. Hiro and his 'brides', we're also guarding there but I did not look at them and guided Eudora and Sylvia to safely mount the Griffins like a 'gentleman.'

Everyone is ready so proceeded towards the castle, while flying, looking at the expressions of both girls was a refreshing feeling. They acted like mature women in front of people but yet they are still like kids liked to have fun.

And as expected, Medieval like castles we're breathe taking, I can't describe to how beautiful it is. I wonder if I can have my own castle as well...

We caused an alarm to the castle residents but some guards already arrive and told them it was the Princess and Sylvia that we're riding the majestic creatures.

My Royal Griffin is a show-off as it landed on the castle grounds majestically while making a not so loud roar.

We entered inside and the gazes of the maids and female butlers are like arrows that wanted to pierce my body towards my soul and what shocked me is that Affection points started to flood the notifications that manage to make me feel a headache.

I also noticed while walking, Eudora is walking still in elegant form but the pouting expression spoiled it.

We arrive, facing a large door, inside is the hall to where the king will sit and judge or reward someone.

"My King! The Benefactor has arrived!" The guard made an announcement and the massive door is opened from the inside.

By the way, the Royal Griffins is with me, to show my majestic daughter to them and my status for having a wonderful creature.

A man was sitting on the throne, his looks are the same as Eudora but obviously more manly and handsome.

Eudora rushed towards the King while Sylvia followed her.

But what grabbed my attention is the King, has no legs...