
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

HaremIsLife · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 - Ara~ Ara~ to Drama?

As I accepted Rose's advances, the guilt I felt vanished and decided to love this woman to the best that I can. She is a woman that you can even call as 'Rare' on the earth.

Beautiful, Loving, Smart, and understanding? What can you ask for? A perfect waifu material!

"I can't breathe anymore," Rose said and withdraw her hands from my neck, still staring at my eyes, looking seductively because of her breathe and pinkish cheeks.

"It's your fault, not mine. You acted like a beast." I said with a teasing smile while pinching her nose gently.

"Ara~ I didn't know that Edward is very manly now." An elf, no... Leafa walked towards us while her waist swayed and breasts bounced slightly. I gulped watching her and remembered that she has a crush on Edward in the past. She used to tease Edward but didn't make an advance because of the women around him and Edward didn't make any advances towards her.

'Such a waste.' I internally sighed and accidentally gazed at her beautiful assets.

Noticing my gaze, Leafa made a seductive smile that made my heart skipped and finally look away before a dragon will rise from its deep slumber.

"Ara~? Did you got attracted? Edward~?" Her voice sounded sexy and looked at Rose then asked. "Rose~? You don't mind right~?"

Rose sighed and smiled at her best friend, sister or even mother to be exact, Rose gave Leafa an approving look.

'Hey, Rose? We just reunited! Why are you giving a woman a chance to get near me?' I can only think of this inside my mind and don't want to offend Leafa even though she was only teasing me, or maybe she's serious...

As I stand in front of Rose, Leafa circles around me while gazing as if I'm a prey and stopped in front of me. She looked at me again from left to toe and unexpectedly touch my chest.

I looked at Rose to see her reaction and afraid that she might lash out but she just laughed silently while looking down with her hands on her forehead.

'Oh right, they were really close... and even hinted Edward in the past that he should take Leafa as well.'

"You have changed a lot, Edward." Leafa's hand gently leaned on my chest and move towards my abs and continued: "In a very very impressive and good change..."

"He is not Edward any more Leafa, he is now Ryze. Right, Dear~" Hearing Rose's loving voice, I can only smile looking at her when being touched by another woman. It's very awkward...

"Ara~ I think you have so much to explain to me, Rose." Leafa glanced at Rose for a moment and stared at my eyes that I can clearly see a smile expression from her stares.

My Playboy instincts suddenly activated. I'm not used to be teased by a woman but Leafa was also on another level with her very unique features the same as Rose.

I peered to Rose and asked, "Can I?" In a joking manner.

Rose gave me a thumbs up. Looking at Rose, her eyes moisten but not because of sadness. But because she was happy about this... Is this some kind of fetish or something? It might be understandable because they are very close but is this too much?

Sighing internally. I made my most handsome smile and held Leafa's soft hand, I gently bowed and kissed the top of her hand.

"You also became more beautiful, Leafa. Every man can't take their eyes off you." Then I touch her chin and lift her head gently so that I can stare at her green eyes and started to close our gap. She closed her eyes as if expecting something but instead, I decided to go for her cheeks and planted a light kiss.

Yes, Leafa is a woman that loves to tease but can't take a tease head-on. Rose can't take it anymore and started to laugh while removing a tear from her eyes because of joy.

To be honest. I was expecting a drama if I meet Rose again but instead, this was the event that I face right now. It also made me comfortable that it's like I already know them so much but not at the same time...

"Ara~ You got me there Ryze, right? You really did change." Affection points started to flood my notification and decided to ignore it for now.

Leafa then looked at both of us and asked.

"Did I bother you guys~? Do you need privacy? My room is available you know?~" Leafa said with a teasing smile.

Rose nodded her head and walk towards me then grab my hands. I nodded and Leafa guided us towards their room.

Before that, I made my Royal Griffin sit like a dog and wait for us. Giving head pats and left her with the other staff members.

Entering the room, it was large enough to even fit five people inside. Mostly furniture with pink and green colored design.

"Okay~ Should I leave both of you?" Leafa asked again with a hesitant tone. I also noticed something is wrong with Leafa, It's like she is holding inside her that wanted to burst out.

Rose gripped my hand and stared at me. I sighed and nodded as well, I know what she is trying to tell me...

"Why should I let my best friend leave my side? You were always there for me when this jerk left me." Rose pointed her thumb towards me. I can only smile wryly.

Leafa closed the door behind her and locked it. My heart suddenly started to palpitate. Did I expect something at this? I was expecting that I will only talk in private with the both of them.

With her waist swayed again towards me. Leafa suddenly jumps towards me and hug me very tight that her breasts might suffocate me to death, she started to whimper and cry like a child, while Rose also hugged her from behind.

This time I really thought. 'I should really need to know them better...'

We were having fun lately but then this happened. Women are sometimes complicated, especially when you are in another world.