
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Information about my little mate

/Zion's POV/

"My king please spare her and have mercy on her, we can have this conversation after the meeting my lord." Silas Wolfe said to me which was what brought me back to the current situation I am in.

I nodded my head at him and he took the cue to take his daughter out of the hall, I cleared my throat and got back to the situation at hand.

"Thank you, this spell is can only last for twenty years and we'll have a meeting every year to renew the protection spell, any other information will be passed into each an every one of you in your respective covens and packs." After saying this I nodded for Adeleide to come over and cast the protection spell on them, all powerful spells comes with a prize after being casted, I would have done it by myself but my witch side is not as strong as Adeleide's own. I wonder what the prize of this spell will be, I hope she doesn't sleep more than two days.

"No word concerning my little mate will be discussed or disclosed outside of this hall, the moment anyone of you open your mouth to discuss it, the person shall experience a very slow and painful death with his mouth being sealed together." I and Fenrir convey the command together making the building shake and the command effective.

"A spell of safety here I cast

A word of might to hold me fast

A shield before us and behind

To right and left,protection bind

To us May no harm or Illness whit come

By power of thee my magic is from

With the sacred light around us

As above-So below, Blessed be

Salt of earth guard this people

While we're here or while we roam

Keep us safe, and all within

For the good of all, this bond begins

By my will, with harm to none

By Earth power, This spell is done."

Adelaide recited the spell and she started coughing out blood, my Beta went to check and and immediately he had her back turned to his chest she covered her eyes.

"Now that the spell has been casted, this signifies the end of the meeting.Thank you once again the citizens of Mystic Falls, I appreciate your turn ups on such a very short notice. I wish you all a safe trip to your respective and humble abode and I hope the next time we'll gather here it will be for a joyous celebration not a sorrowful one like today." I said with a tone of finality which means everybody can take their leave as it's already morning and the day is getting bright.

"Adelaide is being taken away by the gammas to one of the guest houses and she will be surrounded by half of the gammas all the time." Alexander reports to me of my sister's situation and I thank him for doing the needful.

"Zion, concerning your mate now what are you going to do and how will you go about the situation, if I'm to be very honest with you, you can't take her away now because she's still very small and she haven't learnt anything about mating yet."Alexander confide in me and I exhale because I'm quite disturbed and disrupted right now.

"Alexander I don't know what to do to be honest, I don't think I can live without her, she already have me wrapped around her little fingers." I confide in Alexander, because he's not just a friend to me, he's my brother.

"Lycan king, I'm ready for the meeting if you are ready sir." Silas Wolfe says to me with his head down, i motion him over to come and sit let's have the discussion I'm dreading to have.

"With all due respect, you can't take my daughter Ashina away from me, she's my only child and moreover she's only three years old. She has not even been taught anything about mate and she's still very young to be taught that, and how are we even sure that she's your mate?" Silas Wolfe inquire with a bit of irritation in his voice.

"Are you insinuating that your king is wrong or mistaken? Or worse are you calling your king a liar?" I and Fenrir converge together stating the sentence with fury making our voices echo and the buildings tremble. Everyone present in the hall falls immediately on their knees because of Fenrir's presence which is very overbearing for them.

Alexander know he needs to do something before Fenrir will lose his temper, so he calls me forth and asks him to follow him outside to discuss privately about the matter.

"Zion don't be irrational, you can't take her away till she reaches the mating age, you know the rules." Alexander tries to persuade me.

"Apache, you will not talk to me like that. KBeta or not I'm still your king, I'm Fenrir not Zion your best friend." Alexander bare his neck immediately to Fenrir as a sign of respect and he gives me back the control.

"Alexander I don't know if I can leave her alone for fifteen years, I don't think Fenrir will agree and be on the same page with me." I explain to Alexander what I'm feeling.

"Zion we have to come up with a plan, I think you should give her the space and let her live a normal life without knowing she have a mate who is the king of the lycans but the condition will be that once she clocks the age of eighteen, she'll be given to you without long discussions or hesitation or else she'll be taken away forcefully." Alexander suggests, the plan is not really sitting well with me if I'm to be honest but I think that's the wisest and best plan we can come up with for now.

"Thank you so much, Alexander I don't know what I'd do without you by side to be honest, thank you for being a brother to me." I convey my gratitude to Alex and he smirks at me while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I know I'm the best friend you'll ever make." Alexander affirms making me nod my head at his stupidity. I'm about to go and face my future right now y'all should wish me good luck.

"Silas Wolfe, concerning my little mate, I've come to a decision that I'll not take her away as she's still very small and not yet of age, but when the time comes for me to come and retrieve my bride I'd retrieve her whether willingly or by force." I say to my little mate's father with a hint of threat making him know how far I'd go to retrieve my mate.

"Thank you so much Lycan King, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spend more time with my only child and by the time you'll come for your mate , she'd have been thought all the things she's supposed to know." Silas says with relieve in his voice.

"Make sure no harm comes your future queen, you're promising me that you will protect her with your life as she is the one destined to rule beside me." I inform Silas Wolfe and his Gamma, since they're are specifically trained as guardians to the royals.

"Command registered, I'll be with her in every step she goes and makesure she's my first priority my king." The Gamma proclaims and I'd take his word because I can always watch and get informations about my little mate.