
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Mouthwatering aroma

/Ashina's POV/

"Ashinaaaaa get your butt from that bed before i help you do that." My dad shouts making me groan and put my face in the pillow in attempt to tune him out. It's not even morning yet and this man is already yelling, i faced the other side of my pillow and continue my sweet sleep.

"Dad, please.... Ten minutes more." I try to bargain with my father to give me more time to sleep because I slept late while watching a movie yesterday.

"Ashina Wolfe, I swear I'm going to come and pour water on you and drench you with it if you refuse to stand up right now." My father threatens me from outside and I know if I don't do as he says he'll probably go on with his threat because my father doesn't make empty threats, I remember the day he threatened to pour me water also and I swear that old man emptied the whole bucket of water on me.

"Aye,aye captain I'm up already, no need to stress yourself out more so as to avoid gray hairs from protruding from your head as soon as possible." I grumble while trying to stand up from my very comfortable bed.

"Young lady..... I heard that, and I'm still too young to have gray hairs, but thank you for watching out for me..." My father trails off and I can imagine the smile on his face right now.

"Why the fuck is this man disturbing me when it's just 7:30am ...….. a normal person should still be in the dream land by this time, it's not as if I'm the one coronating I'm just going for the fitness of my dress." I ramble because I don't understand why my father will wake me up this early.

"You're literally the one coronating......since it's the love of your life that's coronating today." Athena my wolf mutters and I rolled my eye at the Bitch Queen.

Fucking leave my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hello my favorite person in the world....don't you think it's too early for you to start fighting with me in my head, moreover you should be less bitchy today because in few hours you're going to be the Luna of white crescent pack." I inform her.

"I'd rather go rogue than be the Luna of this disgusting pack, and I can't even stand the sight of your foolish crush talk more of being mates to him. I'd be charged for a murder...….because I swear to I'm going to strangle that low life being." Athena threatens me, if there's something I've known about her over the years we've been together is that she doesn't make empty threats, and she hates Mason Kyle...….. the Alpha's son who is my crush.

"I still don't know why you detest him so much......Have you perhaps met each other in your previous lives as enemies?" I try coercing Athena into answering why she hates Mason, although She hates almost all the males in this pack so I'm not really bothered.

"Enough of this male talks, I'm feeling antsy and I think I'd love to go on a run." Athena confides in me and I feel very bad because she is not allowed to come outside often like the way she should....my pack thinks I'm wolfless but only my father and my best friend knows about Athena.

"Athena…..I'm so sorry, it's been long I let you out and I understand how you might be feeling, maybe at the coronation I'll sneak out and I'll let you run.Please be patient with me, I think that contributes to the bitchiness you've been feeling ….although you're naturally bitchy." I apologize to her.

"Not that I care...…..but I think you are suppose to go for your dress fitting with your best friend in less than thirty minutes unless you don't want to go again which I'll happily support you." Athena reminds me of my plan with Daciana.

"Shitttt..... how could you do this, you could've reminded me earlier instead of bantering with me." I scold Athena and stand up from my bed to go and take my bath... My father is probably expecting me and I haven't even even had my bath and I take centuries when doing that.

"Well, I just reminded you and you should be grateful because I could've have continued with the banter and I think I want to be around Adira now, someone who we have a mutual hate for your boy crush." Athena points out and I ignore her and change my nightie to my towel and head for my shower therapy session.

"Ashina Wolfe!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is delaying you, I'll leave without you I promise." My dad yells from outside.

"Dad, just give me twenty minutes more,I'll be done pleeaseeeeeee." I beg my dad because I wanted him to drop Daciana and I at the dress shop.

"Don't you think it's time for you to call Daciana and ask if she's done?" Athena asks me.

"Oh shit....that's true lemme quickly beep her." I answer her.

"Hey Dacy, good morning how was your night? I hope you're done with everything because in less than thirty minutes my dad and I will be coming to pick you up." I inform her

"Ash, I have been waiting for your call. I have been done since, I was just waiting for you to beep me so we can be on our way." Dacy chirp and she sounded so excited although that's the way she is, a crazy shopaholic.

"Dammmmnnn....where the hell is my Jeans? I'll just wear it on a graphic shirt and be on my way with my white canvas." I mutter because I can't even remember where I dropped it.

"Why did I get paired with a stupid human...….dear moon goddess have I offended you before that make you pair me with this dumb human?" Athena cry out and at this point I just roll my eyes at her.

"Dad I'm doneeeee.... Where are you...…hmmmm it smells so nice over here, what did you cook?" I inhale the delicious taste.

"The queen is finally dressed, since how many centuries ago? Oh well have your bacon and let's be on our way." My dad shakes his head at my lateness and I think the poor old man has gotten used to it by now.