
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Starstrucked by her beauty

/Zion's POV/

The heavy sound of paws and splattering droplets of rain filled the air, while the sound used to be music to my ears, filling my heart with tranquility, and my soul with serenity, I found my eyes seeing red instead, the same rain that would calm me and wash my sorrows now felt like needles against my furry skin, the same rain that brought me peace, now bring me nothing but sorrow, vengeance was all it screams to my ears, after all it reminds me of the ugly sight of my parents death, the laughter that I could remember had drown in the rain. We were running in our beast form going to the pack where the murder will be discussed.

We got to the pack and the people were already gathered there for the meeting, so we changed up and before starting the meeting with the Alpha and the witches, I mentally prepared myself to face the citizens of Mystic Falls even if it's already a part of me to address the covens and packs. I've done it a countless time but I still have to prepare myself after just losing my parents. I made my way to the hall where the meeting is currently being held and I was welcomed my the Alpha of the pack, while my Gammas are taking their position and unlocking their guardian mode.

"To all citizens of Mystic Falls, I thank you for coming here on such a very short notice and I'm very sorry for the inconveniences you might have faced when finding your way to this pack where the meeting is taking place right now, this is the only place where we can hold the meeting and be sure that our enemies will least expect the meeting to hold so as not to disrupt or be aware of our plans to get back at them for taking away our leaders. You have traveled far and wide leaving the safety of your provinces to come to a meeting here at Onyx pack. We all know the dangers that lurks outside our gates and I believe that the enemy is strong but together we are stronger and we can overcome them.

I strongly believe the gammas outside will protect us from any danger if worse comes to worse, so with this being said I hope everybody relaxes their muscles and contributes to the discussion and plan devision." I said all in one breath, back to my usual self and being robotic as I can be because my father told me not to show my emotions when addressing people so they can feel the intimidation and give you their full attention.

"Alexander Lucian, please come outside and present the remnant of the Kings and Queen's tea." I told my Beta and he brought out the bottle where we turned the remnant of the tea in.

"After thoroughly investigating, I realize

That the attackers are not opportunistic, they've been planning this for years and examining this tea in the past twenty four hours, we discerned a strange smell from the tea, i had the ancient witches and lycans looked at it and smelled it and we were able to come up with only one plant that is capable of killing the king and queen." I stated in one breath while swirling the bottle in my hand.

"How can you be sure that there's a plant that's capable and of killing the king and queen, how powerful could that plant be that it could take the lives of two of the most powerful leaders to walk on earth?" Someone asked the question and I really like this question because I never had an idea until five hours ago that a plant could kill our leaders also.

"Aconitine.That's the name the plant, it's an extinct plant that is was brewed in the tea. Whoever found out this plant have been monitoring and making a thorough search, we found out that the maids that served the tea convulsed and died as soon as our leaders took in their last breath." Everyone started chattering and I try tuning in all the conversations but I can't even hear and comprehend what they're saying.

"Adelaide, the new high priestess found out that there's a way we can protect ourselves from this deadly Aconitine, she'll cast a protection spell that will prevent any measure of aconitine that may be used on us in the future." I suggested and all the citizens of Mystic Falls started clapping.

The door opened and everyone turned to look at the intruder because apparently all the invited Alphas and witches are present here already and my gammas know better than to go through or intrude when I'm holding a meeting.

A little girl not more than three years old walked into the hall and started looking around not knowing the danger she just walked in and put herself in, everyone turned their faces to me because of the law which says any intruder without an invitation whether young or old that disrupts the king's meeting shall be killed instantly.

"My king, please pardon my three year old daughter she's very ignorant and must have got up because of the storm and lightning which makes her very scared, please have mercy on me king, or you can take my life in exchange for hers." Silas Wolfe the Alpha of the Onyx pack went down on his knees and started begging me to spare his only child's life.

All eyes are fixated on me waiting for my next move but the only person I see in the room is the little girl whose eyes is very enchanting and alluring.

"Mate." Everybody froze when they heard me say a word that'll forever change the little girl's life, I was starstrucked by the beauty in front of me. A very tiny fragile beauty with a skin as white as snow and the rarest and the most beautiful eyes I have ever come across in my whole 332 years of existence.