


'Ellie are you awake?'


'I forgot to tell your parents about you moving in with us but I can tell them tomorrow when you and Roberto her at school'

'That's OK I'll tell them'


'Hey princesa we are going to start liking each other and hopefully become friends again'

'You don't have to do it for me but do it for the pack because since both of you don't like each other they don't like each other either'

'Oh and before I forget your nickname we decided from the two of us your nickname is going to be Ana'

'Ok night'

'Night Ana!'


Esperanza Pov

"Why did you tell her? I thought I told you to keep it to yourself Saeed" Hazel said, giving death glares toward Saeed

...........Hang on let me start over Roció is Caroline's little sister. Alondra is Roberto's little sister. Okay now you know who's who, let's get back to the story........Right now I'm on my way to drop the twins off at their school AND I just figured out that Rocio is bullying my little sister. So Alondra is friends with Rocio who is bullying Hazel without Rocio knowing and Hazel doesn't want to tell Alondra anything about Rocio because she thinks that Alondra won't believe her. So Hazel was keeping this from me and our parents but it sounds like Saeed knew about this and he thought I knew.........okay so let's pause for a minute here so that way I can explain a little bit more deeper. I was walking out of my room when I saw Saeed passing through my room. I was asking Saeed a question about something not going to say what or he will be mad at me like the way Hazel is with him. He thought I was talking about the problem between the three girls so I acted surprised and that was when he knew he screwed it so there you guys have it............

"Don't get mad at him about Alondra and Roció let me explain to you what happened........" once I was done explaining I continued to talk

"But before I tell you my question Hazel I want to tell you both that mom and dad said yes you can come with me to the pack house with Dixie, Dali and Cici, So now that I got that out of the way, why didn't you tell me Hazel?"

"Yes!" They both said fist bumping in the air


"Fine. I knew you were going to react the same way if I told mom and dad. That's why I didn't tell you"

"Ok but you are my little sister and I don't want anyone hurting you or Saeed.........well maybe Saeed yes and definitely not-"


"(Hazel laughing)"

"Hey you can take care of yourself buddy, you're a guy for Pete's sake!" I said turning on Pitts drive


"Ok thanks E"

"Hey, who are those groups of girls over there, Hazel?"

"Rocio is on the right and Alondra on the left and the rest of the girls are either friends with them of obsessed with them" Hazel said

"Did Rocio pick on you the other day I dropped you and Saeed off?" I said concerned in my voice

"No Saeed was with me"

"Thanks Saeed. I wish you both were already at my school so that way I can take care of you both (sigh) oh! Well, where was Alondra?"

"Well she was getting breakfast from the breakfast line but the thing is it starts more during lunch because both Alondra and Saeed have lunch in the fifth period and I have the fourth period. So that's where she bullies me more also I have already tried to change my lunch to fifth but the teacher that helps me to do that says I can't just cause it's the middle of the year"

"You know that I can park this car and go talk to the principal?"

"Yeah I know but NO!! DON'T!!!"


"First Rocio's dad IS the principal of this school and he'll never believe you and the other part Hey Saeed, can you tell her please?"

"Yeah, um? Oh! so let's just say that you do go tell him and then she'll just bully her more than usual and I won't be able to stop her this time"

"Why because it would jeopardize your f**ing status here!?" I said starting to get pissed off when I hear a car horn honking at me I just gave her the middle finger and ignored the lady

"Are you ok, E?"

"Hell no! Why would I be ok if all you care about Saeed is your status" I yelled

"WAIT! hold up first of all don't yell at me and second of all I don't just care about my f***ing status at school. I care for my sister too. You won't know how many fights and people I had to beat up or I also got beaten up for just protecting her, OK? So don't tell me that I care for my status more than MY SISTER! My TWIN sister because I DO CARE for HER, you and our parents. I always get pissed off every time people talk bad about her ESPECIALLY my family! I thought you knew me better than this Esperanza but I guess not so BYE!!"

"Sa-" Saeed opened the door before I could say anything and slammed the door after him

"Wow I never heard him speak like that Esperanza?"

"Yeah me either well I'll see what I can do to make him feel better also to make up for what I did, bye Hazel!"

"Bye Esperanza!" She got out of my car and I made sure she went inside the school. That was when I saw Rocio saying bye to what I believe are her friends? I'm not sure but anyways she went inside when Hazel went inside too.

'Oh! I really want to go inside and show her something about messing with the wrong family BUT I won't. I'll just leave her to Saeed. To help Hazel' I thought to my myself driving away slowly

'Oye princesa dónde estás?' (Hey princess, where are you?) Roberto mindlink me

'Well I'm at the twin's school barely getting out of the line, why?'

Because we're waiting for you at the school me and Joseph'

'OK see you both in a bit bye'

'Bye princesa'

I heard/noticed that I got a message from Jana but I ignored it because there was a cop right behind my car when I stopped at a traffic light. Once I got to the school I went to my regular car spot. I noticed someone's car was there and I knew who it was. I was glad that there was an empty spot next to it. I got out and saw Alex and Jana getting out of Alex's car

"Hey E!" I pretended that I was mad at them still

"Hey, I thought you were going to talk to us now?" Jana said coming in front of me

"Please forgive us let us explain por favor, (please,) Esperanza" Alex said walking in front of me also

"Ok. But you got five seconds"

"La razón porque-" (The reason why-) I hugged them both but they seem surprised by my action

"I really do forgive you guys. I know the reason why. Carlos told me" I gave them my playful smile. While backing away from them to give them space

"WHAT! How do-you don't-" Alex started speaking way too fast

"ALEX!" Jana said slap in the back of his head

"Ow! Sorry" Alex said giving a glare at Jana while rubbing the back of his head

"E answer my one question please?!" Jana said ignoring Alex's glare

"Do you know what we are?" Jana said pointing to herself and Alex

"Humans, duh! What could you be?!" I again played dumb with them

"Yeah that's exactly what I meant......(nervous laugh) ha ha" Jana said getting Alex by the arm and pulling him away from me

"I thought Roberto and Joseph already told her" Jana whispered to Alex

"Yeah didn't they say they were going to kidnap her too-"


"Y'all knew?" I looked at them a bit upset. Why am I saying a bit? It's a LOT!

"Wait! Were you faking it?" They both looked at me shocked

"Yes but that's not the point from what I heard you both know, am I correct?"

"Yes but don't get mad. That day when you caught me and Alex talking to who you thought was Joseph but in reality it was Carlos he told us that one of Joseph's guys was gonna kidnap you and he also told us IN BIG FAT WORDS. Not to say anything to you or else. So as much as we were at the restaurant we wanted to tell you so badly Esperanza but they were gonna kick me and Alex out of the pack if we did. If we didn't continue with the plan, sorry" Jana seemed sad and so did Alex

"Ok I forgive you guys again BUT promise me no more SECRETS from now on. We tell each other EVERYTHING no matter what deal?" I took out my pinky and they did the same

"Deal!" We talked more about random stuff

"Hey can we leave now like right now?" Jana said mad and pulled me and Alex by the arm

'Ellie, why are you walking away from us? Are you mad at us?'

'Yeah Princesa (princess) we're right behind you and your friends' I stopped walking and pulled my arm out of Jana's hold. She looked at me and gave me a look

"Stop walking away guys it's okay their-"

"Her mates." Joseph said, putting his arm around my waist. Which Roberto grab my hand

"Uh? There your mates? Well, how do you know if they're your mates and not some other guy like me, hmmm?"


""Guys chill and Alex I know there my mates because....-"

"Because you have their mark on both sides of your neck"

"Si, ¿Como lo supiste, Jana?" (Yes, How did you know that, Jana)

"Well first I can smell their scent on you since you got out of the car and I can see perfectly clearly their marks"

"Ok and Alex sorry but I don't li-"

"E, I know and I feel the same way to the both of you" he pointed too me and Jana

"I just wanted to see what your mates were going to do when I said that and I was right they do care about you"

"Ok then I'm Galdino but don't worry about me and their not like what happen to Jackie ok so don't worry about it"

"Alright "

"Hey who's this Jackie?"

"Well Jackie was-"

"Blah, blah, blah, blah.... I'm leaving then, Are you coming, Jana?"

"Yeah, bye E!"

"BYE!" I said

"BYE ALEX?!" I yelled at him which I saw him turned around and waved at me

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?" There was a group of students looking at me like I was crazy. Which they just walked away

"Ellie? Can you tell us now or you'll be late for class"

"Wow Princesa (Princess) I didn't know that you were so tough"

"I was tired of getting picked on at school"

"Okay. Why did Alex leave in such a hurry?" Joseph asked

" well first things first Jackie's real name is Jacqueline but we called me Jackie"



"Jackie was Alex's older sister from what I know is that she was driving with a couple of her friends to a club when they're in the middle of the road was a dead man so she thought. She got off and went to see if he was still alive or not. She crouched down and when she was about to remove his hair from his face to get a better look at him the man got up so fast and dragged her inside the forest before her friends got a chance to help her out but the thing that I don't understand is that Both Alex and his parents told me two different stories So someone it's not telling me the truth and what actually happened that day" I said puzzled/confused

"Well Ellie what are you going to do? Ask them again? Because if that is it then Alex's family made it perfectly clear that they don't want anyone to know the real truth of what happened to Jacqueline. So what is the point then?"

"The point?.......... Jackie was my best friend besides Alex and Jana. The four of us were INSEPARABLE. We went everywhere together and now that Jackie is gone it does not feel the same anymore. She was supposed to graduate the same year as you and Paul. That was why Alex and his family went. When principal Montgomery asked them to speak on her behalf there because of how many students and teachers she impacted including the principal himself. So that is the reason why me nor Jana don't say anything about her"

"Oh!" Joseph and Roberto said together

"Wait! Can I ask one more question about her?"

"What Roberto?"

"Did she have A's?"


"Because the other day at the office when I was putting some boxes at the back for Ms. Terry, some teachers were there talking about this girl named Jackie and how she was the perfect straight A student and now there's not really that many students like her nowadays. They wish they had more students like her everyday"

"Yes she did. I'm sure we're talking about the same Jackie"

"Okay. Let's go before we're late for class"

"OMG (Oh my god) I didn't notice everyone left already, bye Joseph" I gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Bye Eille" He tried to reach me but I moved away before he could"


"What?" They said

"I'm serious please start liking each other"

"We are! I was also going to say something else to him"

"Alright what?"

"Well first take care of OUR girlfriend me, you got that Bro?"

"Yeah I will. I won't letter out of my sight"


"Um? Our?"

"Yeah Ellie. Like I said I'm starting to like him not just because we're mates with you but I decided that it will be fair to have trust in Roberto again, ok?..." Joseph paused and Roberto nodded as in agreeing with him too

".......so both of you get going-" Joseph got interrupted by the warning bell signaling that we had about ten minutes to get to class

"Bye!" I started running towards the double doors with Roberto. I'm glad that I have office aid [I love doing that! Walking around the school delivering office notes to classes. You never get bored!] and I'm also glad that lower class men (ninth, tenth, and eleventh) can't do it but only seniors [Depending on what school you go to. Each school is different because I went to TWO different high schools and they both had different rules] and Roberto has it second which your saying how do I know this well because he walked in my second period class a couple months ago and gave an office note to the teacher and high he gave it to my classmate

"Bye princesa" he said while he kissed my check

"Bye see you next period" I turned around and walked in the front office where I saw a parent their waiting

"Alright I sorted the papers like you asked me Mrs. Dickerson" there's two secretaries Mrs. Dickerson and Mrs. Belinda

"Anything else?"

"No honey that's it you can leave to your next class thank you so much sweetie for everything you do" Mrs. Belinda said

"You're welcome, glad I can help" I said while grabbing my bag from the little desk that they have for each student for each period. I left and waited for Roberto by the cafeteria the school had two single couch's in front of the cafeteria next to the front office

"Hi princesa miss me?"

"Hell yes!"


"Ok. Wait for me, I'll be right back"

"Sure but wait! Get the note that has room 507 so that I could walk with you towards my class on the way there"

"Alright but who am I getting all the way out there?"

"I think it's a junior her name is Augusta R something i don't remember her last name very well that man there sitting in the couch chair inside the office is waiting for her"

"OK." I waited again and saw both Jana and Alex walking towards me



"Hola amiga (girl-friend) what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Roberto"

"Dónde está?" (Where is he?)

" Ahí" (There) I pointed to the front office

"Oh! Well we'll wait for you right, Alex?"

"Do I have to?" He looked at me and Jana like he just wanted to leave him behind

"Yes if I...." Jana pointed to herself "....have to deal-"


"Hey! N-oh! Hi Jana and Alex" Roberto came and joined us but Jana and Alex completely ignored him

"Oye, (Hey,) Y'all are not mad at me still? Please I'll do anything for your forgiveness"

"I'm wh-"

"Yo Roberto!" I looked around Alex and saw Carlos and Erick coming towards us


Hey guys!"

"Hi" we all said besides Jana who was just staring at Carlos and he was doing the same to her

"MINE!" They said and hugged each other

"You're not going anywhere"

"You too. No girls are getting you, you are mine like I am yours"


'Hey y'all getting attention from human' I minklinked both Carlos and Jana but everyone else still heard me through mindlink

'So? What are you gonna do about it?'


'Guys I can handle this both of you calm down' I looked to see both Roberto and Alex who were not calming down plus they were were not looking at me but at Carlos (sigh) I guess he doesn't remember what place I am and his but I will gladly show him

'Hey, if I were you I would change your tone towards me or else' I used a bit of my alpha voice that the guys (Joseph and Roberto) showed me how to use towards the lower ranks

'Why?' I guess he didn't head very well

'Well for one look and see who I have on my neck' I pointed to where Roberto bit me. Carlos looked closer and his eyes turned wide when he read the symbol where Roberto claimed

'Oh sorry alpha I forgot that you were the alpha female what can I do to repay your trust-'

'Much better but don't you dare do that again'

'Sorry alpha'

'I want you too.....' I looked at Jana and she looked at me and I nodded my head at her. Which she smiled at me knowing what I was going to say to him

'.....too......' I walked towards Jana and hugged her sideways

'To take good care of her, for me' I grabbed Jana's hands and put her hands on Carlos's hands and and stepped away from then both

'Wait what?' He wants to surprise

'Thank you alpha I will' he said when he was done being surprise he then pulled her closer to hug her tight

"Carlos let me go people are watching us and by people I mean hu-"Jana was silenced by Carlos' lips

"Carlos man, you got to let her go. I know all you want to do is that and I agree with you. That is what I want to do with mine everyday instead of coming to school ...." I then felt Roberto pull me towards him by my waist

"......but we do have to attend school-"

"Roberto Sorry but I don't think that's helping but if you help me get my friend out of Carlos's hold then I'll forgive you not sure about Jana-"

"She will too I promise you that' I looked up to see Roberto who was still side hugging me

"Thank you Princesa" he gave me a kiss on the check and let go of me to help Alex with the two love birds

"Okay deal...Carlos dude come on.....don't make me use my alpha voice..... Princesa, Erick help me out. Alex and me won't be able to do this alone"


"Okie dokie"

"Princesa, pull Jana out of Carlos's arms and the rest of you help me pull Carlos away... one... two... three" We pulled them apart from each other Earning ourselves a growl from both of them

'Who do you think you both growling too? Didn't I warn you both!' Roberto said in his alpha voice very seriously


(Waring bell)

"Good now Carlos go to class... Actually I'll follow you to class because I already know you, let's go Bye Princesa see you later"

"Yes bye!" I said with that both me and Alex practically dragged Jana to her next class and thankfully the three of us had the same exact class