
Finding Out


Esperanza Pov

'Joseph is the one pinning Roberto on the desk over there'

I did see a black wolf pinning down a light brown wolf on top of Joseph's desk. I marched straight towards them and tried keyword here is TRIED my best to get Joseph off of Roberto but when I tried to do that Joseph growled in warning but I didn't back away so he almost bit me

"Oh! Heck to the no, I know you weren't trying to freak'in do that to me!!" I said stepping back one to look at him dead eye

"(Whimper)" I stepped towards Joseph and tried again and finally managed to do it, HOORAY! With the help of Joseph of course

"Shift back!" I said they both looked at each other then back at me. I couldn't believe my eyes


Esperanza Pov

They WERE werewolves!!! Now they are naked with only boxers in human forms, What! I think I'm going to faint, Oh Lord! I see black dots in my vision

Roberto Pov

When mi nina hermosa (my beautiful girl) fainted. I looked how beautiful she was sleeping so peacefully there on the floor I want to pick her up and put her on the couch so that she can sleep better

"(Growl) leave her alone she's my main Alpha Roberto only mi-"

"(Growl)" I turned to see Joseph and was about to shred him into pieces

"Alpha, with all due respect I should warn you that we are NOT in our territory but in theirs. So I suggest that we don't begin to fight right when our alpha female is sleeping" I heard Carlos mindinking me

"True" I replied back

"So what is it going to be, Alpha Joseph?"

'Well I for one. I will take control over you and claim her as MINE!' My wolf Axel said trying to take control over me

'Axel, no! I want to wait until she allows me to claim her'

'That's not a question!'

'Urgh you're so impatient. For once let me handle it'

'Whatever you say, Fat-So!'

'(Growl)' I thoughts got interrupted by Joseph who was glaring at me

"(Growl)" I turned to see who that was and saw my part of the pack prepared to pounce at my mark

'Stop!' I mind them they looked at me and saw that I was serious

"(Sigh) alright Roberto we need to know if she is ma-"

"Joseph quit acting like a little kid and both of us know that she is both of our mates and that and that is final. Oye Joseph, por qué tienes que ser tan difícil de convencer?" (Hey Joseph, why do you have to be so hard to convince?)

"I don't know i just thought I was NOT going to share my name with anyone but have her all to myself"

"Can we stop fighting before we wake her up"

"Ok,what are we going to do then?"

"If we both want her with us?"

"We can combine our packs and if we do then we will be the second largest pack besides the moonlight star pack or we could fight now while she's asleep and then whoever wins, wins her and their pack" I was already liking the second one, but...

"But it will tear her heart in half and we both don't want that, right?"

"(Grunt/sigh) si" (yes) I said not liking what was going to happen next

"Ok well let's combine our packs together also let's let our packs know?"

"Yeah but to let you know that I still won't like you even if we both have the same mate together, oh! And also I don't want to see you kissing her in front of me, got all of that?"

"Agreed and that goes for you too Agreed?"

"Agreed. Hey-"

"What are you both wolf's talking about?" I turned to look at the couch and saw Esperanza awake already sitting up

Esperanza Pov

"We both decided that we are going to combine our packs together" Roberto said walking up to me

"Wait, pack? What's a pack?" I said confused

"Well a pack is like a family of werewolves and there are also ranks from top to the bottom. There are three, the top one is alpha, they're the strongest and they're in command of both the beta's and omega's. They have a whole lot of responsibility" Roberto paused making sure I was understanding. I nodded for him to continue

"Then the second is the beta's who are strong but not as strong as the alpha's. There the second in command when the alpha or the alpha female are not there they are in command until the alpha's arrive. Beta's do have responsibilities but not as much as the alpha's do"

"Ok so the alpha female has the same title as the alpha?" I asked



"And lastly the omega's there the weakest of the pack mainly very old people, mother's and their children" Joseph said sitting next to me

"So what are you guys and them too?" I said pointing to the other five standing by the door

"I'm an alpha. Carlos and Erick are my beta's"

"And for me I'm also an alpha while Angel, Christian and Paul are my beta's in my pack"

"Ok so what does it mean for me? Am I an Omega?"

"No! You are our alpha female!" Everyone yelled at the same time

"Ok geez I was just asking"

"Hey alphas, what are we naming the pack then?" Angel said

"Well it's Esperanza's choice now"

"Oh ok? What are y'all's packs names right now?"

[If you guys have better names let me know please I'm always open to suggestions]

"Mines the Blue Star Stone Pack" Roberto said

"I am the Star Pack" said Joseph

"Ok how about the Silver Star Stone Pack?"

"It's great for me Joseph?"

"Great! guys?"

"Super!" they said all smiling

"Ok do you have other questions Esperanza?"

"Yes four what's a mate?"

"Well a mate is like having a boyfriend but in the werewolf world we don't call it that we call it mate that your destined to be with your entire life"

"Ok next question is, where do I live? With my parents?"

"I can answer this one Joseph.......Well you will be living with us at the park house starting tomorrow and your parents will know once we take you home in a couple of minutes"

"Are you sure that they will let you Joseph just because of what happens between us?"


"Hey I know why you did it and I'm not mad well just a bit but that doesn't matter. It's just that there could've been other ways then that but I am not talking about me let's talk about my parents, do they know that you're both that?"


"What, werewolves?" Roberto asked


"Yes they're from my pack Esperanza and there also werewolves-" Joseph said



"OK. Well my other question is why did you guys hide this from me?" I said looking straight at Joseph

"Because your parents said that we should hide this from you and we agreed with them" Joseph said looking at me sad

"Ok then, I'll ask them later I guess. My last question is for Angel"

"Yes, E?"

"Hey! You do not respond to Esperanza like that you-" Roberto said standing up and walking up to him

"Hey! stop right now or you will regret it" both me and Joseph yelled at him speed walking to stand between him and Angel

"Fine. Just because Esperanza said so" Roberto said

"But you will have to respect your female alpha or next time they will not stop me, understood?"

"Yes alpha" he said with a scared voice bowing his head towards him m

"Hey Angel you don't have to call me Alpha just E is fine okay?"

"Ok but-"

"No, but only my friends call me E and if any of the guys or anyone else have any problem with it then they can come to me so that way I can deal with it. My question is, are you really a guardian angel, werewolf and an angel?"

"Yes the moon goddess made me your guardian angel because she sees a very powerful creature coming your way in your lifetime but she nor I can't pinpoint when or who it is, sorry still trying to figure out that part and werewolf yes I am and the Angel part yes I am. I can see what will happen next, for example you're about to ask me why I didn't tell you this, am I correct?"

"Yes. Wow but-"

" The guardian angel part I didn't want to tell you because I thought you were never gonna believe me and stop being my friend so that's when I decided to not say anything to you"

"Oh! Well no one and nothing will make me stop being friends with my bestie, ok? So don't think for a second to that will ever happen because it won't" I said smiling at him and he did the same

"Ok thanks and the werewolf part is from Joseph, he told me and everyone else that we should not tell you anything until we know for sure if you are his mate or until your eighteen"

"Oh! And my birthday was a few weeks ago"


I think I'm good with the questions now but if I have more I'll let someone know"


"Esperanza I have a question for you?"

"What?" Both Joseph and Roberto said being protective

"What is it?"

"What is your wolf's name?"


"When did you know about her?"

"When you two idiots were fighting that was when she first talked to me. She was sad because she was seeing both of her mates fighting each other over her"

"Oh!" Both Roberto and Joseph looked down at the floor

"Excuse me alphas if you don't mind asking Esperanza another question, do you?"

"Depends on what you want, Paul?" Joseph and Roberto said in a protective voice they were both glaring at him, poor guy................NOT!

"W-well alpha Esperanza I was w-wondering how your wolf looked like t-that was all"

"Good question cause I don't know"

"Seriously Paul I was going to ask her that" Roberto said eyeing him suspiciously

"Can we see your Esperanza" Joseph said

"Yeah" I did exactly what Aria told me and WALA!! I did it!!! I am a wolf now!

"Wow!" Paul said but everyone else was too shocked to even say anything. I then changed back to my human form

"Eille" I Turn to see Joseph,

"Yes? I really miss hearing that nickname"

"I miss you too, my little Elille" Joseph said

"(Growl)" I turned around to see Roberto with a jealous face

"Hey can I call you Robbie for your nickname and don't be jealous I am still new with all of this, ok?" I said pouting to him

"(Growl) yes whatever you want princesa (princess)" he came closer to me and whispered for only me to hear

"Thank you!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek

"But don't pout like that, it makes you even more sexy and I want to...." He said

"Oh!" I pulled away before he could finish that sentence. Looking anywhere but his eyes. Which makes him chuckle

"(Growl)" (sigh, shaking my head) I can't do anything or the other will get jealous about it


"What? I can't help it he got the first kiss from you"

"I just gave him a kiss on the cheek and that was it?"

"Well I want something that he....." Joseph pointed to Roberto

"........ Does not have from you then I WILL be happy"

"When I figure that out I'll let you know, sounds good?"

"Si princesa" (Yes princess)

"Also are we going to talk to your parents so you can move to the pack house?"

"But before we go can we....."Joseph saw that we had five beta's staring at us


"OKAY!" They rushed out of the room

"Joseph, why did you do that?" I asked once they door closed and I stood up now facing both of them

"Because both me and Roberto want to mark you-"


"Mark you. Mark you as ours so no other werewolf would dare to touch you"

"Yeah that will make us happy to know that you are protected so no other mate less he wolf to even look at you" Roberto said standing up but still keeps his distance between me and him

"But you will also have to do it to us too so no she wolf dare to touch us knowing that we belong to you and you to us" Joseph said doing the same as Roberto while looking at me

"Will it hurt?"

"Yes but just for a little bit then it will be pure desire"

"Ok then yes do it then afterwards I'm doing it to both of you"

"Ok" Joseph said coming closer to me and so is Roberto but there eyes are black

"Wait! Why are both of y'alls eyes black?"

"Because I'm Roberto's wolf, Axel"

"And I'm Joseph's wolf, Gary"

"Oh Ok, hi !!"

"Hi beautiful"

Hello gorgeous"

................Couple Minutes Later.................

"Can we go to your parents now" Joseph said

"Yes but can we go please it's already late and I'm sure my parents are worried sick about me"


"Yes, let's go!"

................At The House.............

"There you are Esperanza where we're.......oh!"

"Sorry Mrs. Sánchez she was with us the whole time" Roberto said walking right inside

"¿Eres tú Esperanza?" (Is that you Esperanza?)

"Si papa soy yo" (Yes dad it's me) I walked inside to where he was and sat down on the couch next to the guys both of my parents were shocked to see Joseph back in my life

"Joseph why-"

"Jesus, Maria, your daughter knows about werewolves. Please do not give me that look, let me explain. The reason why she knows about US is because both me and Roberta here are her mates" Joseph said acting professional around my parents

"Well how do you know if it's MY daughter that is YOUR mate and not some other female werewolf?" My dad said getting protective

"Roberto, do you want to answer this time?"

"Sure. Well as you both know and see that we marked her and you both know that never mind I'll just explain so that way Esperanza knows. When a female werewolf that is marked by someone other than her real mate. she may die by the bite that is not by her mate or lose a lot of blood due to the loss of their mate"

"Ok then thank you alpha's but I have one more question before I tell you both to get out"


"As you guys both know that mating season is coming soon, do I expect a grandchild anytime soon?" When my mother said that both my father and my mates looked at her but then my mates looked at me with a huge smile on their faces

"¿Mamá porque?"


'Princesa? Why don't you answer her this time' I heard both my mates speaking to me through mindlink

"Esperanza? Both your father and I aren't getting any younger and you know-"

"Don't say it"

"Ok but you know what I was trying to say"

"Well ma........[Another way to say mom]"

"Well mom if you really want to know badly" I said looking at my parents then I might mates smiling

"I was thinking about when me and Roberto finish high school and college then I'll marry them OR maybe sooner than that, who knows"

"So you are saying that we might get a grandchild when you are done with college OR maybe before then?"

"Yes that's right yes" both my mom and my mates except for my dad jumped off the seats and dance

"Thank you!" they yelled

"Shhh! Maria you were going to wake up the twins" dad said

"Lo siento amor" (I'm sorry love) I was walking towards the stairs when I heard my dad call out to me

"Adonde vas Esperanza" (Where are you going Esperanza)

"A mi cuarto adonde más y por qué me estás preguntando?" (To my room, where else, why?)

"Bueno toma tus compañeros a la habitación de invitados para que puedan dormir ahí por la noche ya se está haciendo tarde afuera pero quiero tu habitación cerrada con llave así que lo sacaré cuando me vaya a la cama, Ok?"

(Take your mates to the guest room so that they can sleep there for tonight. It's already getting late outside but I want your room locked. So I'll lock it when I go to bed, ok?)


"Si señor" (Yes sir)

............... Esperanza Room.................

(Knock knock)

"Come In!" The door opened and in came a sleepy Hazel

"Sorry but dad woke me up and told me to come sleep with you tonight"

"Ok." I was walking to my side where I sleep and laid down while Hazel did the same on the opposite side

"I know about your mates and I know that you're giving me the what? Face dad told me but if your mates are gonna take you to the pack house then WE including Saeed want to go with you please if that's possible of course with your mate's?"

"Not sure but you both are still coming with me if they got a problem with that then they gotta go through me first" I smiled at her even though she can't see me

"But I will talk to both mom and dad and I'll see if I can convince them to let both of you come with me to the pack house, alright?"

"Ok good night Esperanza....WAIT!....Don't go to sleep yet!"

"Why? Why not?"

"Who's who?"


"Who's who meaning.......huh?........ooh! Sorry I am not myself right now still sleepy what I meant to say was Who is the other guy besides Joseph because the reason why I want to know is because I don't want to call him, E or Esperanza's mate"

"His name is Roberto"

"Ok thanks night!"

"Night Hazel"

'Ellie are you awake?'


'I forgot to tell your parents about you moving in with us but I can tell them tomorrow when you and Roberto her at school'

'That's OK I'll tell them'


'Hey princesa we are going to start liking each other and hopefully become friends again'

'You don't have to do it for me but do it for the pack because since both of you don't like each other they don't like each other either'

'Oh and before I forget your nickname we decided from the two of us your nickname is going to be Ana'

'Ok night'

'Night Ana!'